A/N : There it is guys. I'll post some one-shot about Christmas and maybe other holidays if you like it. By the way, my first language isn't English (it's French) so please be indulgent if the sentence structure doesn't make sence or something. Love you all! xx

« Dear Santa,

I know I may be a little old for all of this since I'm now eight years-old, but I need something important for Christmas. Not for me, but for my dad. Kids at school keep saying that you're not real Santa, but I believe in you and I'm sure you can help me.

As you must know since they say you're everywhere and see everything, my dad isn't a very happy person. Weeks ago, my aunt Christina explain me that he had lost the love of his life a couple of year before he adopts me. I don't really understand how he could have lost her. I knew we can lost toys since it happens to me all the time, but I didn't know it was possible to lost people. My uncle Caleb even show me some picture of her. I understand why they are all sad they lost her. She is so beautiful.

All I want for Christmas is my dad to be happy. If you can do it Santa, please find this girl and bring her back to my dad. I know you're busy and my letter is a little late since Christmas is in three days, but I hope you take some times to help me.

Hope you'll find her,

Beatrice Eaton.»

"What am I supposed to do man?" Tobias exclaims after reading the letter to his best friend, Zeke. His eight years-old daughter gave him her letter to Santa Claus last night. He expected her to ask for a new doll or a storybook. Everything except this. He knew Christina and Caleb had both talk to his little Beatrice about Tris. This year marked the tenth anniversary of her death and Tobias was still not over her. He didn't know even his daughter had noticed it. That's why, after a restless night, he came to his best friend house on this early Saturday.

"Well, looks like she have a bit of Stiff in her." Zeke laughs to himself. "Seriously, just tell her the truth."

"Yeah, sure. I will tell to Bea, my eight years-old daughter, the story of the death of Tris." He answer sarcastically. "No, I will not do that."

"You're not forced to tell her everything. Just, I don't know, make it more childish. Talk about heaven, angel and stuff like this."

"Okay. Well, thanks man. I guess." Tobias sighs. "I better go before this little one is hungry." Before he left this morning, he make sure Beatrice had something to do. So, he asked to Caleb and Cara to watch her and help her decorate the Christmas tree. "See you."

"Yeah, see you. Oh and, hey! Tell Bea Shauna and I will be there for the Christmas morning. Can't wait to see her tree!"

At midnight, the night of Christmas, the little Beatrice sits under the tree excited as ever. There was just her and her dad. "Daddy! Daddy! Did Santa came to give me my gift?"

"Listen Bea." Tobias says with a quiet voice. "I talked to Santa Claus when he came to bring your gift. He told me that you asked him to find back a girl I have lost a long time ago."

"Are you mad at me?"

"No baby. Just come here. I have to tell you a story." He opens his arms and let the little girl sits on him. "Ten years from now, the city wasn't as it is now. We were all split in different group called faction. When you had choose your group, you stayed with them forever. You'll learned more about all of this sometimes in school. I met that girl Caleb and Christina talked to you about in this time. Her name was Tris. Beatrice Prior."

"Am I named after her?"

"Yes honey. She was the most selfless, brave, intelligent and beautiful girl I had the chance to meet in my whole life. Not long after we met, a big war start in the city. We fight to stay alive. She lose all of her family in a certain way in this war. A lot of friends too. Then, after we kill the villains that were trying to control the city, we make our way outside the fence.

"Then, as we were trying to save the city again, she sacrificed herself to save everyone. She came to heaven to make sure our life in the city wasn't a living hell. Now, she's an angel, the most beautiful angel in the sky and she look down for both of us."

"Is that why you're sad sometimes? Because she's an angel?"

"Not because she's an angel, but because she left me and never get to know you."

"Well, daddy, if she looks down on us, she knows who I am."

"You're right honey. You're really intelligent for a little girl." Tobias says smiling at the innocence of his little girl. "That's why Santa couldn't find her and bring her here as you ask. But he says he's sorry and give you two gifts instead of one." He then watch the little Beatrice unwrapped her new doll and storybook.

For breakfast in the morning, everyone was gathered in the living room. Christina and Zeke, as the godparents of Bea, were giving her some presents. Cara and Shauna were bringing the food from the kitchen. Even Evelyn was there, in the kitchen making brioche. Caleb came closer to Tobias who was sitting on the couch looking at this beautiful picture.

"I heard from Zeke that you tell her about Beatrice."

"Yeah. I needed to somehow." Tobias sighs. "But, seriously, next time, ask me before you or that smart-mouthed of Christina telling her something like that." As he says that, Christina raise her head up.

"Oh, Four, I know you love me anyway."

"Never have and never will."

"I know you're lying!"

"Shut up Candor." He says as Christina raises her hand which were forming a heart-shaped form causing everyone to laugh.

« A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
War is over, if you want it
War is over now »

- Happy Xmas, John Lennon