It was the first day of classes at MCPA. Riven a new junior to the school caught up with his friend, Timmy at the front of the school.

"Yo Timister what's up?" Riven said approaching the orange headed boy. "Nothing much, just about finished on updating my PDA." Timmy said. "So how has your first day at MCPA been?" Timmy asked "Well I don't know, especially if the first day doesn't start until 30 minutes from now." Riven said looking at his watch. "Right, sorry about telling you the wrong time." Timmy said getting a little nervous at the way Riven was looking at him now.

"I just wanted you to know where everything was before school started so you wont get lost." He finished. "Does it look like I would get lost?" Riven said looking at the school. "No but still… let me show you around." Timmy said guiding Riven inside.

They walked around the school, Timmy showing Riven the way they stopped at the Cafeteria, Auditorium, and Lab Rooms.

They stopped when the heard a loud beat pounding through the hallway, curious to know who was at school this early, they followed it to one of the dance rooms and looked though the glass window of the door.

What Riven saw mesmerized him; it was a girl dancing. Her hair was let down to her waist, long, dark blue. The way she moved hypnotized him. "Who is she?" Riven asked Timmy. "That's Musa…" Timmy said more but Riven tuned out after he heard her name. He watch her do a variation of turns and tricks. "…She possibly the best dancer here." Timmy finished. "She just might be." Riven said still looking at her.

Musa was in the zone. She focused on herself in the mirror, watching the way her body moved to the music. She was the star dancer and singer at school. She was the Prima Ballerina and the Hip-Hop Queen. She had a voice like no other and the drive to get her to the top. "You know she sings too." Timmy said to the slightly distracted Riven. "Really is she any good?" Riven asked not believing someone could be so talented.

"Yeah maybe one day you'll get her to sing for you." Timmy joked. "Yeah maybe I will." Riven said very distracted by Musa.

"Ok man, stop gawking at her you'll fog up the window." Brandon said walking up to Timmy and Riven. "Hey Bandon what's up." Timmy said casually as the music pounded in the background.

"Nothing much, so what are you guys doing except watching Musa." Brandon not having to even look in the dance studio to know it was Musa. Only Musa was crazy enough to wake up and be in a dance studio an hour before school started. That and the fact that Riven hadn't even bother to turn around; Musa had that effect on lots guys

"Just showing Riven around." Timmy said. "So why are you here?" he asked.

"Early cheerleading practice." Brandon said coolly. "You're on the cheerleading team?" Riven said finally looking away from Musa and to Brandon confused and concerned. He hadn't gone to school with his friends for almost a year and now he was hearing that Brandon was a cheerleader.

"I never said I was on the team… I just like to watch." Brandon said smirking Riven smirked back at Brandon. This was the Brandon he had known, Brandon the slight perv not Brandon the cheerleader. "So you're gonna have to tell me use the lucky girl you're crushing on." Riven said to his brunette friend.

Before Brandon could reply the music that was pounding so very hard throughout the hall had stopped. It took awhile for the guys to figure out what had happed. Riven who was leaning on the door stumbled back a bit when Musa opened it and walked out of the dance studio.

"Hey Muse." Brandon said to her giving her a brotherly hug. "Hey Brandon. Why are you here so early?" She asked looking up at him. Brandon just smiled sheepishly. "Cheerleading practice?" She said looking at Timmy, he just nodded. Musa chuckled.

"Timmy." Musa said hugging the young genius. "Why are you here so early?" She asked as she let go of Timmy. "Oh just showing my friend around." Timmy said motioning to Riven who was looking down. "Hey, I'm Musa." She said stepping in front of Riven.

"Riven." He said not bothering to look up at her. He would be too embarrassed if she found out he'd been watching her.

When he realized she wasn't going anywhere he looked up. He was met with the most beautiful azure eyes he had ever seen. He felt his heart stop and then race frantically. Musa felt her stomach do a thousand flips when he looked up and met her gaze. His gaze was strong and almost overpowering the way his violet eyes seemed to just look through Musa.

Saving herself from any more embarrassment as she felt her face heat up in a blush, Musa smiled and said "It was nice meeting you but I gotta go, bye you guys." She excused herself as she walked to the stairs to go to her next class.

"So you like her." Brandon said grinning mischievously as soon as he was sure Musa was out of earshot. "What, who said I did?" Riven asked defensively. "Oh come on anyone with eyes could see you do." Timmy said "You spent the last 5 minutes staring at her form a window.

"I do not like her, besides you're the one who made me stop here; you're the one who was giving me the tour." Riven said through his teeth giving Brandon and Timmy death glares. "Fine if you say so." Brandon said as they walked away to cheerleading practice.