Hello again,

So, whilst the general consensus wanted Twin Hearts re-written, a lot of people wanted it to be uploaded under a new, fresh posting. You can now find chapter 1 posted today, 25/04/20, under the name Twin Hearts. I have edited the titles of the previous versions to make it clear which the new version is.

I will leave My Lifeblood up for a few weeks and then delete once people have had a chance to see the update note. The old TH will be left uploaded until I feel that it is no longer necessary as a point of reference.

Please check out the new story! It has a brand new cover image (that I adore if I am honest. Natalie looks stunning as always!), and the first chapter is to do with the birth of the twins. The story code is 13564276 if you would prefer to put that in your search bar rather than clicking on my profile.

Anyway, let me know what you think and I shall get back to you with new chapters when I have got my head around what I need to edit/alter!

Have a lovely day and stay safe, Michaela.