Request: Billy Discovers the joys of rick-rolling.

Decided to do more for this request. Yay me! This is like a prequel for the last chapter. Next stop, Billy harassing more people!

It was really all Spencer's fault, if you were looking to point fingers. At least that's how Billy saw it. After all! When your best bro ditches you for school while you're gettin' your munch on and conveniently forgets to lock down his computer... Well what ELSE would you expect a ghost to do?

Silly cat videos, and old articles about himself that he'd read enough times to have them memorized could only hold Billy's attention for so long. So it goes without question that the dead pop-star would browse random things and, as luck would have it, find his way to a silly little thing he'd never heard of before.

Blinking slowly as the video played Billy was confused why this famous song, if you could call it that since clearly it wasn't made by BJC himself, was THIS famous. Determined to find an answer, he browsed the comments... then he browsed the wiki's and before Spencer had even managed to walk through the front door of the Cobra mansion, Billy knew what he had to do.

"I'm home!" Spencer called out not sure if his parents would be in or not. After the long day of School he'd just had, he really was looking forward to simply vegging out with Billy in front of the TV for a few hours. Unfortunately for Spence, Billy had other plans for him.

The sound of loud and live guitar playing alerted Spencer to his ghost-bro's location and he gave a relieved smile knowing his folks and Jessica must not be home right now or else Billy wouldn't be jamming this loudly. The tune of the music didn't exactly seep through until Spencer had already arrived at the recording studio, but it was already too late by that point, as he opened the door and was blasted with the most annoying thing he'd heard all day.

"We're no strangers to love~!" Billy sang loudly causing Spencer's grin to fall. Slowly at first then quickly turning into an irritated frown.

"Really, Billy? Really?" Spencer practically growled completely unamused as the song came to a close.

Billy gave a loud snort and half covered his face with one hand while pointing at Spencer obnoxiously with the other. "You shoulda see the look on your face! Hah! Oh right!" Billy flew up next to Spencer, leaning in close to whisper in his ear. "You just lost the game."

Billy sure was lucky he was so fast as he just managed to slip through the floor before Spencer could punch him. Oh yes. So worth it. He was totally doing that again soon.