Dear Dakin,

A lot of time has passed since last being in contact with you, a lot has changed. We're both in university now; separated. I'm not a big fan of university myself though I must say it is rather similar to a stately home; one thing my parents are particularly fond of.

University can be quite social, I however feel the opposite. I feel lonely, lost. I am alone in my room in the evenings, when out of lectures and not at work. I was invited out with a group one night but that turned out to be a prank. It's almost as if I am the social outcast of university at this point. It may be that I haven't quite settled in yet, being mid – way through the year I feel that it is a bit late for settling in, that should have happened at the beginning of the year.

The people, they're all different, it just seems as though I don't quite fit in and there's no one like you. I have yet to meet someone who I developed such an endearing love for at first sight, like you. I was thinking back the other day, back to the days of sixth form. When I thought this may be just a phase, that's what the literature said anyway. I have learnt now, that this is not a phase, it is true. I can't help but still have feelings for you but I have acknowledged that I must move on. You were never interested anyway.

The course itself, exhausting. However one of the more positive things about university. I find joy in my course, it interests me, we're learning new things, new perspectives. Things we we're never taught at sixth form and I have to say despite always being one of Hector's boys, Irwin's approach has become quite useful. Hector's too, thinking about it, being able to remember the quotes, sometimes I will use them in my work. Those quotes, all the literature has helped me reflect on the learning, write in a way I never have before. It seems the combination of the teaching styles is what works best

I hope that you're enjoying university, meeting plenty of girls. I hope that the course is what you thought, what you wanted. I hope you're happy with where you are right now. I hope for you to be happy and successful in the future. I also hope that one day we will see each other again. I have now learnt that if you love someone you want the best for them. Dakin, I want the best for you.
