Disclaimer: I do not own the song Relapse and/or Divided by Friday. I also do not own Glee.

Song taken from Relapse - Divided by Friday.

First time I saw her we were 18, at a party. It was boring, really; with Puck telling me about his latest sexcapade ( I mean how stupid these girls that fall for Puck's "smooth moves" they were clearly dropped one too many times on their head as a baby, like wtff?) I glanced around the house all the while pretending to listen to him. Like a magnet, my eyes were instantly drawn to the pretty, no, stunning-breathtaking-gorgeous blonde laughing with her friends. I caught her eye and she smiled at me.

I felt my heart beat faster and I knew in that moment, I would always be a victim of her smile.

The second time I saw Quinn (finally, a name for a stunning-breathtaking-gorgeous face. Thank you Mercedes and your big mouth,) I was on my way home lost in thought about which university to attend that I did not notice someone sitting on the bench with their legs stretched in front of them (like what the fuck. Who sits like that in public?) causing me to trip and bump against someone before falling face first on the HARD, AS IN HARD AS FUCK asphalt.

I felt someone trying to help me off the ground (like nah bitch, let the earth swallow me and my dignity whole! OH MY GOD, WHAT DID I DO WRONG TODAY LORD!) Mustering all the courage and pride I have left, I gather the strength to pick myself up. I glared at the stranger sitting on the bench while dusting myself off. I winced as some fucking stranger touched the new abrasion on my face. That's when I looked at the "fucking stranger" as I eloquently put it, my breath getting caught in my throat.

I smiled a dopey grin. For someone who has no dignity left, I sure felt happy—elated even. She introduced herself as Quinn Fabray ( and of course I fucking knew her, she's only the fucking future mother of my fucking children) and I can only introduce myself as S-s-s-santana (god brain, really? The girl of my dreams and I spoke like Nagini from Harry Potter) Maybe she took pity on me and my scraped face because she laughed she—oh my god that laugh—while dragging me to the direction of her house to fix my face.

"Quinn, you fixed my face and with that, is there a possibility that you can please fix my heart because I know deep down that I'm only half of what I should be. Will you please go on a date with me? I literally fell for you just 2 hours ago."

She laughed again, her hazel eyes danced with joy and sparkled with mirth and I promised in that moment to always make her happy.

Before the day ended I got a date with the love of my life.

The third time I saw Quinn Fabray (-Lopez. Just kidding hehe,) she was wearing a pink sundress with denim jacket and knee high boots, her blonde hair perfectly framing her goddess-like face. I beamed at her, ready to take her out for our first date. We spent the night laughing and talking about our childhood, our fears and dreams, our passions and dislikes (fuck this shit this girl is perfect. FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS HOW IMPORTANT TV SERIES ARE, and fuck, I can marry this girl right now.)

The night ended and I drove her back home. She smiled at me and I feel myself falling deeper whenever she smiles.

The fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth (date) time I saw Quinn passed by with a blur. (I just want to tell the Time Lord to calm their tits and slow time because the fuck bruh the time I spend with the love of my life is ALWAYS NOT ENOUGH.)

The tenth time I saw Quinn, she looked at me as if we were the only ones in the world (like no one else and nothing else mattered. Damn right, I suppose.) Without wasting another second, she kissed me. Without hesitation and without any doubts, and it's oh so wonderful and magnificent and just, shit. I felt breathless (my heart goes boom badum boom boom badum boom boom) It felt like everything is all right in the world, that the missing piece I've been looking for my whole life is complete ( kissing Quinn feels better than when Grey's Anatomy is on TV, and THAT my friend is saying a lot.)

Before the night ended, Lucy Quinn Fabray is officially my girlfriend. (that's right mothafuckas, go find your own girl)

The 100th? 200th? (I don't keep track anymore, well shit) time I saw Quinn; we were on our way to Yale University. Together. Quinn wanting to be a Neurosurgeon and I wanting to be a Pediatric surgeon. After arriving and unpacking our things ( thank god we bought an apartment!) we bought takeout from a nearby Chinese restaurant and just watched movies. We talked about my insecurities and fears of her leaving me. (I even cried! For the Love of Cosima and Delphine, I cried! In front of my fucking future wife! JUST LIKE, NO. UGH) I sobbed and cried into her arms. Just us, and her holding me tight with snot running down my nose, whispering sweet nothings into my ear (and just my face was a mess, I was a mess.)

Before sleep overtook me, Quinn wiped away my tears (and fears) and kissed me. Lovingly she said,

"I'm never gonna leave you, always gonna keep you right here next to me."

I see her smile, and I knew—I fucking knew that one day, I'm gonna marry this girl and we'll spend the rest of our lives with each other.

I can't remember how many times we spent together, we've been together for almost 5 years and I know in fact that those are the BEST 5 YEARS OF MY LIFE ( and possibly my existence.) It wasn't always rainbow and sunshine but we always work it out. It's like fate, really. We always find ourselves coming back to each other.

I love it, I love her.

I can't remember the 2000th, the 50000th, maybe even the 5859485947698th time I saw Quinn. (because let's face it, how can you keep track of the times you meet the love of your life when you can't bear to not see her for a day. Plus you live together. Who are we shitting?)

But I can tell you the last time I saw Quinn Fabray.

It was a Friday night; we were walking along the streets of New York, just talking and laughing about anything and everything. Like nothing has changed during the five years we've been together. Maybe we're a little grown up and a little more in love. I took her hand and squeezed it, she smiled ( that sweet smile that got me hook from the first time I saw it) and squeezed back. The city lights reflected in her hazel eyes, making her more beautiful; and making me fall harder in love. (fuckshit, she really is the one)

We made love that night. I memorized every part of her (every scar, every freckle, everything that makes it real—makes her real) and embedding it deep inside my mind.

I woke up feeling dread at the pit of my stomach. I looked around the room for Quinn, noticing something wrong. I stood up and felt panic coursing through my veins. I searched every room, realizing what's wrong; all of her things are gone. Packed and gone together with her, and my (now shattered?) heart.

Only thing left is a note on top of the counter written with a hasty handwriting (so fucking unlike Quinn) saying:

I love you but I don't think I can be the one.

A/N: I'm sorry but this is my first fanfic and well shit, I'm an art student. I draw on paper not right on them so forgive me but I'll go crazy if I didn't get this story out.