When JJ and Emily got home, they saw Garcia sitting on the couch, but didn't see Derek or Taylor.

"Hey, where's Derek and Taylor?" They asked Garcia.

"Oh, hey there my cupcake fighters. They're having a talk in Taylor's room." Garcia explained.

"A talk? About what?" JJ and Emily asked confused.

"Sit down, I'll explain it to you two." Garcia aid.

Emily and JJ sat down very confused.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" JJ asked looking towards the opened door of Taylor's room and wondering what those two were talking about.

"We were playing hide and seek, but I was counting so Derek and Taylor had to hide. They went to hide in Taylor's room, but when Derek closed the door, she started going into flashbacks and begging Derek not to hurt her." Garcia's voice broke and she began crying.

"Poor girl. Derek is talking to her now, I suppose he's talking about what happened to him with Carl Bufford." Garcia continued.

Emily and JJ had tears in their eyes that they were trying to hide.

Meanwhile in Taylor's room...

"Taylor, I will never ever hurt you, and I promise you that if anyone tries to hurt you again, I will personally hunt them down, okay? I know what happened to you was terrible, but you have to trust the team, we will never hurt you. You're trust issue's are keeping you from living your life, don't let them take the rest of your life away." Derek said.

"How do you know how I feel?" Taylor asked s she looked at the ground.

"Because when I was just a little boy, my coach did the same thing to me. It's okay to be scared, but don't let the fear control your life. I used to be just like you, scared of everyone, not trusting anybody, but it got to a point where I was trying to hide from society. Don't do that, it'll eat you up inside." Derek said.

"How am I supposed to not let that happen?" She asked.

"Don't live for the past. I know it sounds hard, but you've got JJ and Emily, and you've got me and the team. JJ and Emily love you so much, I can guarantee you that. You just have to let them in and be happy. You're dad is dead, and your dad's best friend is in jail, they can't and won't hurt you anymore, alright?" Derek asked.

Taylor nodded and smiled at Derek before giving him a hug.

Derek smiled and hugged her back.

He then had an idea and picked her up like a sack of potatoes on his shoulder, making her let out a squeal.

Derek laughed and carried her on his shoulder to the living room.

Garcia, JJ and Emily turned at the same time to see a smiling Derek carrying a laughing and hysterical Taylor on his shoulder.

They all smiled at the sight.

"Uncle Derek! Put me down! Mom! Mama! Help me!" Taylor said between laughs.

"Nope, they can't help you." Derek said.

Just then the doorbell rang.

JJ got up and went to the door. She checked the peephole and smiled at who was on the other side.

"Hey guys, come on in." JJ said as she opened the door, letting the rest of the team in.

"Hey, someone here called us for some pizza and coke." Rossi said smiling.

Emily and JJ looked at Garcia.

Garcia smiled sheepishly.

"What? I thought those two could use the fun." She said pointing at Derek and Taylor who were still fooling around with each other.

JJ and Emily just shook their heads smiling.

They were glad that they had such a supportive team and now, such a loving daughter.

The End.

A/N: So what did you think? Let me know what you thought of this story. I hope you liked it. Until next time!