Farewell and Adieu to you Ghostly Ladies
Chapter 1: Setting Sail and 'All I Wanna Do'
Well, ladies and gents, I'm diving back into the DannyxEmber pairing. I've had this idea for quite a while now but I've never gotten around to writing it. I'm posting this chapter to test the waters, so to speak. I may be a while before I return to this because I'm still working on another story. I do not own Danny Phantom or 'All I wanna Do' by Sheryl Crow. R&R and Enjoy!
(Ember singing)
(Danny singing)
(Danny and Ember singing)
***Clockwork's Realm***
As Clockwork gazed at his wall of monitors, displaying all events from the past, present, and future, his was focused on one monitor in particular. Unlike the others that displayed a clear image, the events on this monitor were fading in and out of focus. Next to Clockwork stood his apprentice, Danny Phantom, trying to figure out how he can assist the Master of Time with this particular problem.
"So this event in time is the one you are concerned about?" Danny asked.
"More like this is a problem the Observers are concerned about and they demand that I fix it immediately." Clockwork chuckled.
"Thank God I'm not the only one that has to deal with shit from some authority figures over me." he replied.
"I let them retain their sense of control. It makes them feel special." Clockwork said. "Now, back to the problem. There is a disturbance in this particular timeline that I am unable to fix or alter. Something is preventing me from resolving this event."
"Do you know what may have caused this?" Danny asked, stunned to hear that Clockwork was unable to resolve a time related issue. He was surprised when Clockwork flashed a mischievous grin.
"Of course I do, my apprentice."
"Would you mind enlightening me so that I can help fix it?" Danny said, slightly irritated by the Master of Time's refusal to give Danny this critical piece of information.
"All in due time, Daniel. All in due time"
Before Danny could reply, two Observers entered the realm, looking particularly angry with Clockwork.
"Clockwork, why are you chatting with the halfa when you should be resolving this time anomaly?"
"I was simply..." Clockwork began before he was cut off.
"Enough with your excuses! We are tired of your indirect influence on the time stream, always delaying the permanent correction until the last second. We demand that you fix this problem now!"
Danny was about to rebuke the Observers before he felt Clockwork rest his hand on his shoulder. Oddly enough, the Master of Time seemed unfazed by the berating he had just received. In fact, he seemed to expect it and was ready to show them the error of their ways.
"You are absolutely right." he replied, much to Danny's and the Observer's shock. "It seems that I have been rather lax in my duties these last world threatening incidents. Maybe it is time that I personally handle the situation."
"Clockwork! Why are you giving in to them so easily?" Danny asked, trying to understand why he would bow to their demands so easily.
"Its alright, Danny. I should have done something like this centuries ago."
Finding their voices, the first Observer smugly replied, "Glad to see that you have finally understand our goals, Clockwork. Now that we are on the same page, how about we stop this problem before it begins?"
Clockwork bowed to the Observers, much to Danny's dismay before turning to him. "Care to assist me in this problem, my apprentice?"
Nodding his head, Clockwork teleported the group to Amity's park.
"Why did you teleport us here?" Danny asked.
"Wait and see." he replied.
Out of nowhere, a giant pirate ship appeared in the sky and began firing its cannons on the town.
"Damn it. Youngblood is at it again." Danny sighed. "Mind if I deal with this before we continue with your situation?"
Clockwork nodded and allowed the halfa to fly up to the ship. Landing on the deck, he saw a dozen ghostly pirates glaring at him, swords raised and pistols drawn.
"If it isn't the landlubber, Phantom. What brings you on my vessel?" Youngblood called from the wheel.
"Don't you think you are a little short to be steering the ship?" Danny retorted, trying to suppress his laughter.
"Look who's talking, dipshit. You just landed on this ship all by yourself and you are completely surrounded by my crew." the ghostly boy replied, staring daggers at Danny.
"So you can talk like a sailor. But can you walk like a sailor?" her replied before he began blasting at the crew. He had managed to take out three of the ghosts before the remainder began to fight back. Quickly picking up a sword from one of his fallen enemies, he began to counter his enemies attack. He managed to slice the head off one pirate before impaling another.
"Its no use, Phantom. You can chop my men into tiny pieces but they will eventually be back in the fight, ready for more." Youngblood called. Looking around, Danny was dismayed to see that the tiny pirate was right. The three he had taken out initially were slowly getting back to their feet. The headless pirate managed to find his head and put in back on.
"Looks like you can't take the heat." the kid teased.
"Guess I need to cool off." Danny replied before he began to freeze the crew. Once he had frozen all twelve pirates, he turned and gave Youngblood a cocky grin. "Is that all you got, captain?"
"As a matter of fact, I still have my secret weapon." he replied, grinning wickedly. "Hey, Ember! Come deal with Phantom!"
Danny was a little taken aback by this new revelation. Ember had teamed up with Youngblood again. Knowing that she was still ticked at the last couple of battles they had, he was a little worried this might not be as simple as he had thought. Then again, he was a little happy that he would be seeing the ghostly rocker again. Not that he would tell anyone, especially not Sam, but he had a crush on her. Were it not for her desire to take over the world with her music, she seemed like an awesome girl to hang out with. Danny was suddenly brought back to reality when he heard Youngblood calling up to the crow's nest in an irritated manner.
"Ember! You promised to help be beat the ghost boy, not play on your guitar the entire time."
That was when Danny finally heard Ember's voice floating down towards him. Without the mind control power enhancing it, she really did have a beautiful voice.
All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
Until the sun comes up over
Santa Monica Boulevard
Floating up to the crow's nest, he saw Ember, dressed in her pirate outfit from the last time she teamed up with Youngblood, strumming her guitar and singing 'All I Wanna Do'. She seemed so at ease and without a care in the world. Deciding not to ruin the moment, he quietly sat on the railing of the crow's nest and let her continue playing.
I like a good beer buzz, early in the morning
Billy likes to peal the labels from his bottles of bud
He shreds them on the bar then he lights up every match
In an over-sized pack letting each one burn
Down to his thick fingers before blowing and
Cursing them out, he's watching
The bottles of bud as they spin on the floor
Remembering back to their first encounter and thinking he would give her that duet that she originally declined, Danny waited patiently for the chorus to return.
And a happy couple enters the bar
Dangerously, close to one another
The bartender looks up from his want ads
Before Ember could dive into the chorus, she was shocked to hear someone else interrupt her and continue for her. Looking up, she saw Phantom, sitting on the railing and singing.
But all I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
Until the sun comes up over
Santa Monica Boulevard
Ember was shocked at his voice. She never thought that Phantom, her enemy, could have such an amazing voice. She surprised herself even more by the fact that instead of ending the song then and there, she continued to play. Danny looked down at her before giving her a mischievous grin and a wink. She simply smirked and shook her head before going back into the song.
Otherwise the bar is ours, the day and the night
And the car wash, too, the matches and the
Buds, and the clean and dirty cars,
The sun and the moon
But all I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling the party has just begun
All I wanna do is have some fun
I won't tell you that you're the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
Until the sun comes up over
Santa Monica Boulevard
Until the sun comes up over
Santa Monica Boulevard
As she strummed the final chords, she couldn't help but grin at Phantom.
"And you said you didn't like duets the first time we met." Danny teased.
"Consider yourself lucky, Phantom. If you didn't have a good voice this may have turned out completely different." she replied.
"I'll take that as a compliment." Danny said, standing up and taking a bow.
"You are such a dipstick."
"I thought I was your babypop?" Danny replied before realizing what he said. His face instantly turned red and he put his hand over his mouth. He was surprised that Ember was also blushing and giggling. Did he just flirt with Ember? Before he could answer his question, he narrowly avoided and incoming musical fist.
"I'll let that slide since you are so cute, babypop. Now lets see if you have improved any since last time." Ember replied before flying at him.
Danny was speechless. Not only had he flirted with Ember but she had flirted with him as well. Bursting with newfound energy, Danny was eager to return fire and end this so he could talk to Ember again.
***Back With Clockwork and the Observers***
Clockwork softly chuckled as he watched his apprentice battle Ember. Everything seemed to be coming together nicely. His thoughts were interrupted by one of the observers.
"Clockwork! We are wasting time here when we should be dealing with the time anomaly."
"You are certainly right. Why don't I fix this up so we can move on to your problem." Clockwork said before floating up to the battle between Danny and Ember. The two seemed evenly matched, neither one willing to give up. Letting out a long sigh, he glanced at his staff and prepared himself for the events that were about to take place.
"Daniel, take my staff. It may be able to assist you with you battle with Miss McLain." he said before tossing his staff to Danny." Surprised that Clockwork would allow him to use his most powerful time tool, Danny gingerly caught the staff. "How am I supposed to use this thing?" he called before he was forced to dodge another attack from Ember.
"Trust me, Daniel. Everything will work out in the end" he replied. Looking at the Master of Time, Danny was shocked to see a hint of sadness and regret on the ghost's face. Nodding, Danny began blocking with the staff as Ember began to swing her guitar like an axe at him. This continued for until Ember struck the head of the staff with her guitar. Suddenly, a gigantic portal opened above them and began to suck Danny, Ember, Youngblood, and his ship into it.
"Phantom! What's going on?" Ember said, fighting a losing battle against the pull of the portal.
"I don't know! We opened some kind of portal when you hit the staff." he replied.
The portal proved too great for them as they and the ship were sucked up before the portal closed.
"Clockwork!" the Observers yelled. "What the hell was that?"
"That was me directly influencing the events you wished me to fix." Clockwork stated.
"You knew? You knew that if you directly interfered with these events that it would create the time anomaly?" they asked.
"Then why did you do it?"
"To prove to you that direct action on the time line can have major consequences. You constantly pester me to try and fix these problems when they can simply be fixed through small and indirect methods from me."
The observants grudgingly accepted his logic before returning to the matter at hand. "So how do we get Phantom, Miss McLain, and the boy back to out time? And where exactly were they taken for that matter?"
"Unfortunately I cannot bring them back. The malfunction of my staff makes them immune to my abilities. But there is a way to return them to the present. As for where they are, they have been transported to the Caribbean, off the coast of Cuba, in the year 1718."