This is just a small draft of the Power Rangers, which will feature a few characters from in Space and Lightspeed rescue.
I don't own the power rangers but I do own Captain Theron.
The story takes place during the time after Terra venture had landed on the planet of Mirinoi and the defeat of Trakeena, as well as the events of sheathing the Quasar Sabers and Kendrix's resurrection.
So have a read and share your thoughts.
Chapter one
November 9th, 2000.
In the days after Trakeena's defeat and the celebration that followed the regeneration of Maya's village, many things had started to settle down for the villagers and the Colonists of Terra Venture.
Pretty soon their new life was just the beginning. Many more preparations had to be done in the order to construct a city in Mirinoi and all were just getting a good head start; Leo Corbett got appointed Second Lieutenant in the Terra venture Military reserve and after taking the job, he started dating Kendrix Morgan, who went on to become Doctor K. Morgan and she continued being a science officer for the new Mirinoi Science Academy.
His brother Mike received a commendation for his contribution and then became Captain of the Security reserve which was built in a remote area in Mirinoi, whilst their friend Kai Chen became a chief architect and commanding officer in the construction of the new Terra venture city and Damon continued his work as a mechanic. Maya went on to become a spokes person for her people.
Six months into living on Mirinoi, Karone had adjusted to her new surroundings through her time on Mirinoi.
Adapting was something Karone had done her whole life, she adjusted quickly to her new life that she made her own place in the newly constructed houses of their new town, which continued to expand with the help and support from the Natives of Mirinoi as they welcomed Terra Venture's citizens with open arms.
Starting a new bond and a solid bridge between the two great worlds, each leader in the Space station and on the planet itself had each signed a treaty in which to usher in a new Era of prosperity for their people an all others.
Enjoying her stay in Mirinoi, she had resided in the village with her new friend Maya along with a few others who stayed in tents at first before it became quite a simple life in what looks to be like paradise. She learnt about the culture of Maya's people and how their way of Life was so simple that it was intriguing to her. It was comforting living in a new world such as Mirinoi and its beauty was more unique than Earth itself.
She visited each of her friends within their new established apartments as often as she could as they each had long term duties to build the new City calling it the city of Terra.
After at least another month long, one day she received a visit from someone unexpected.
When opening the door of her new house, she found out that it was Captain Robert Theron of the Galactic Defence force group which was supported by the United Nations Special forces on Earth, who was standing, in full dress uniform at her door.
"Captain Robert Theron, its such a surprise to see you here."
"I'm sure it is. and the pleasure is all mine Miss Phoebus." said Robert Theron, extending his hand to Karone who reached up and took his hand in hers, shaking it in greetings.
"So would you like to come inside? I can make a cup of tea for you" asked Karone, stepping aside to let Theron in.
"Yes of course, I'd like to say for a drink thank you." He spoke, entering Karone's house whilst she closed the door.
Karone led him to the living room where Robert sat down on a chair in front of a coffee table and next to another chair, whilst she went to the kitchen to set the coffee machine on she spoke to Robert.
"May I ask what brings you to my house on Mirinoi?"
Sitting forward on his chair, Robert thought it out in his mind and then he spoke.
"I have come here to pay you a visit, and to see how you were getting on during your solitude on this new planet. I last heard three weeks ago that a psychological evaluation from your psychiatric technician has declared that you have passed all tests in your final month.
It was made clear by the experts that you were now fit to re enter society.
Its been a while since I last heard from you but I have heard some good news.
I also have learnt of the news from the daily reports you had sent online; that you had risked your own life to save one of my officers, and the space station Terra Venture. I just needed to know for myself if this was true and to hear how you became that way."
"Yes that is true Captain, but before that I was just abroad seeing the universe with a new set of eyes as I hope to make amends for the damage I've caused as Astronema, mainly the damage I caused to your world. But I have been keeping to my probation during my travels, even stayed in contact with my psychiatric technician who evaluated me through the computer." she said whilst the machine made the tea.
Soon after the tea was made, she took the two cups out and poured the tea before adding some milk into the cups. Whilst she brought the cups over to the counter, she told Robert Theron her story of how she decided to head off into space to find her way.
She spoke starting her story; From planet to planet she travelled crossing the oceans of stars, without a particular destination in mind.
Karone said that a week after her psychological evaluation, she went to the planet Gwenette and it was there when she had overheard some voices from the distance. Hiding behind some plants, Karone saw the Galaxy Rangers.
She heard some of them asking about the new Pink Quasar Saber.
Karone also saw and heard Deviot's deception over the Rangers.
Finding that this was something she could do, an eagerness to help filled her heart.
So she made a plan that if she could get the Quasar Saber and bring it to safe hands. But she couldn't do it as Karone Phoebus, so she went in as her alter ego. Without anyone being aware that she was ever there, Karone commandeered a ship and made her leave for the planet Onyx.
"So that's when you decided to use the method of infiltration to gain access to save my officer's life. You've completed his mission and retrieved this Quasar Saber as she had stated." Robert said, taking a sip from his teacup he drew a small grin whilst he looked intrigued with her story.
"Yes, eventually I managed to get the Saber to the rangers, but after a turn of events in saving your lieutenant, I went on to become a pink galaxy ranger. Listen to me Theron, if you're still looking for an excuse to have me arrested again for breaking probation on earth You can't find one. I assure you I've passed the tests and I am a new person to this day." Karone said, setting her cup on the table before she sat down on the chair next to Robert Theron.
"Miss Karone Phoebus, I appreciate your assurance and more I am grateful for your work on Mirinoi. This has nothing to do with the past, punishments or how I feel. The truth is I have merely put it to rest after your probation was over and you were declared a free modeled citizen.
I didn't come here to punish you further but the thing is I am in need of your help to track down your friend Leo Corbett and the other Galaxy rangers." Robert spoke, looking at Karone.
"What do you mean Captain, has something happened?" asked Karone.
Robert leaned forward, turning his head to her before he spoke. "I've just received word from my Intel sources in KO-35 that Trakeena has returned.
Having survived somehow, Trakeena is making her way down to earth. My superiors on earth now acquire their assistance as soon as possible."
"Are you sure that she's still alive?" asked Karone, leaning forward.
"Yes. However she's injured from the last battle, so she'll be heading to earth to gather a life force energy of some sort. I wouldn't be here to see you if this was any urgent as it sounds, but this is a dire situation. So I suggest that we get in contact with the others, I'll have their ships waiting in the command centre to transport them to Earth." said Robert.
"Of course Captain, I'll check in with Leo and fill him in on what you have told me." said Karone, taking a sip from her cup before she stood up as did Robert. He reached out and picked up the cups before he accompanied her to the kitchen to set up the communicator.
Once in the kitchen, Theron took the cups and placed them in the sink whilst, Karone opened a box which had the communicator inside, she activated and made a call to Leo Corbett.
Mirinoi Military Base.
At the grounds of the new Terra Venture Military reserve Base, the new Lieutenant Leo Corbett was overseeing the basic training of the new set of recruits with observation and careful supervision.
He use to stand in sessions where he gave some training advice to some of the new recruits to help them become better soldiers so they can survive on separate missions and assignments in combat as well as advice in careers which helps them fit into society well.
He started seeing Kendrix, who was beginning to realise that she loved him as much as he loved her.
Whilst the two former rangers had dated together for at least seven months at the time, she spent the rest of the times at the new Science Academy where she was doing some major research and development on some new plants within Mirinoi's southern forests and western areas.
But now she was busy with her new assignments in studying new various plants and knowledge from the galaxy book with her fellow colleagues from the Terra venture Science Centre.
On the day that Karone received a visit from Captain Theron, Leo and a sergeant at his side, were watching his new group of troops moving across the new obstacle course when an officer approached him with a folder.
"Lieutenant Corbett, I apologise for the interruption during the exercise programme, but you have a call from a miss Karone Phoebus. She says you have been given a new assignment from a Captain of the GSA Army reserve, and its urgent that you look at this and take the call."
Leo turned his head to look at the officer in in concern before he lowered his head down. Looking down at the folder he took the folder before he opened it to read the orders.
"Sergeant I leave you in charge of supervising the exercise. I need to take call immediately."
"Sir?" asked the Sergeant looking at his suprerior who spoke out.
"Its priority one Sergeant, straight from the top office and I have to answer." said Leo before he turned and headed off with the officer to the comm. centre to answer the communication call from Karone. A short while later when he got to the comm. centre he came to the monitors and spoke through the speaker phone.
"Karone, its Leo."
"Hello, Leo. its good to see you again." Karone responded.
"Its very nice to see you too, Karone. But I trust this is not a social call, I was told that this was a priority one." said Leo.
"I'm Afraid you are right, Leo. We have a situation which concern's earth." Karone paused for a moment before she gave Leo the news and she spoke. "Trakeena has returned from the dead."
"Trakeena has come back?" Leo said with his eyebrows raised.
Karone nodded before she responded. "Yes, I've just found out from Captain Robert Theron himself, he just got the news from his sources. She's injured and she'll be going to earth to gather human life force to become all powerful again, We need to gather the other four rangers and head back to earth where we can defeat her once and for all."
"Alright Karone, I'll call Kai and Maya and let them in on the situation, I'll also get them to send a message to Damon and Kendrix before they leave for earth. Once its done I'll head to the sacred stone and retrieve my sword before I head to earth." said Leo.
"Ok and Leo, the Captain has left the galaxy ships in the hanger for them to commandeer at their own time. Be sure to tell Kai and Maya that, and have Kai leave that note to inform Kendrix and Damon. I'll be waiting at another transport with the pilots until the others arrive."
"Ok Karone, thank you. and I'll see ya soon." Leo said, before he turned the comm off.
He turned to head off towards his barracks to pick up his address book from his lock and send a message to the others. After a while of writing a message for his friends, he sent it off to his friends before gathering his belongings and heading off to the sacred stone to retrieve his quasar sabre from the stone slab where the others were.
When he stepped out of the barracks, he immediately went off into the jungle as the day was ending and the rains started to fall.
A Couple of days later.
During that time after Leo had headed towards earth on his galaxy ship, Kai and Maya received the message and followed Leo to Earth on their Galaxy ships at warp-speed.
Meanwhile at the Mirinoi Science Academy, Kendrix had become so into the research on the Galaxy book that there was so much that she and her colleagues could learn and more to create new sources of power to keep a bright light on and to build ray shields for protection of the whole planet against any unwanted invasions.
After a long time of hard work in her scientific research she took a break for at least a day.
The next day, She was about to get back to work when she found that her computer received a message. Kendrix accessed her files on the inbox.
Clicking on the message, Kendrix found that it was from Kai:
"My good friend Kendrix Morgan, by the time you read this message,
Leo, Maya and I will be gone to space heading to earth for a special mission.
The reason for it is that we've got a situation, I've just learnt from Military Intel. that Trakeena has returned and she has headed to earth to plot her revenge against us by destroying earth, but she's injured and she needs human life force to become powerful again.
You need to pick up Damon and then head into space towards Earth.
A military captain has brought the Galaxy ships to the compound at the command centre.
Karone has arranged a transport ship at the compound for me to escort you and Damon to earth encase you need the extra help so we can beat Trakeena once and for all.
Please come immediately after you read this message.
Best wishes Kai.
After reading the message, Kendrix moved away from the computer.
Standing up from her seat, she turned and headed out the doors to find Damon.
Heading out of the Science academy at the early morning with the rains still coming down on her, Kendrix immediately headed on to the stone where her sword was still embedded before she turned and headed to the compound where the ships were parked.
After running a long way towards the stone slab where the quasar sabres laid, Kendrix had reached it just in time to see her friend Damon present at the stone holding the sabres.
Seeing that he's here for the same reason as she was, she approached him.
Once standing with her, the two drew their swords together.
They turned around, heading off to the compound to get to the ships.
The Compound.
Whilst the day was still dull from the cloud cover on Mirinoi, Karone was standing by the open hatch of the ship. She was waiting for any sign of the four rangers whilst the pilot and co-pilots were sitting at their pilot seats, each of them were waiting inside the control room of the ship.
It was a short while when they received a call from Karone, who shouted for them to start up the engines.
"Kai and Maya have gone to Earth ahead of us but other two rangers are here.
Let's get this ship ready to fly troopers." Moving into action, the pilots turned on the control's system, activating all engines as Karone boarded the ship and the rangers boarded their ships in ranger form and buckled up before the ship was ready to take off.
Karone took her seat at the pilot's room, acting as the Navigator to their destination.
Before long the ships were in the air and had headed into orbit, setting course to Earth where the other three rangers were waiting for help on Earth. Whilst they were on their way to earth, Captain Theron was watching from the control room for a moment before he turned around and went off through the automatic doorway.
Well that's Chapter one done. The Idea came to my head after seeing Trakeena's revenge episodes on Lightspeed rescue. so please have a read into it and see what you think.
Be sure to look out for Chapter two as it will have some new surprises in store for you. so read and review. Thanks so much.