Hi there.

I know that a lot of you were expecting an update a long time ago, but, well, life happens...

With everything that's going on now, I'd really like to start updating my stories more. The problem right now is that I no longer have any ideas for this story. I know that a lot of people enjoy it and I'd hate to leave it unfinished forever.

If anyone has some ideas on how I could move forward with this story, I'd be happy to discuss it further. I'd really, REALLY appreciate some suggestions. You would get full credit, of course.

The main issue here is that I don't want to randomly introduce a modern day Sesshomaru, Shippou or Koga into the story, and/or how Kagome suddenly becomes rich and famous and the F4 realize their mistakes and start treating her life a princess. I think that's too stereotypical. I want to keep building up her relationship with the F4 and Tsukushi naturally.

I had some ideas for an arc after the Hawaii incident - it would transpire during the same time as the Sakurako arc - but it's still very general.

I'm very proud of this story. I adore it to pieces and I'd hate to leave it abandoned for much longer.

If anyone has any ideas or would like to discuss it further, please feel free to PM me. :) I'm not sure how to continue this Hawaii arc whatsoever...

Thank you! Stay safe and be well.
