Bohemians: If you went to college, what was your major?

Mark: Double major business management and cinemagraphic video production.

Roger: Struck out after high school to start up the band.

Mimi: I dropped.

Maureen: Performing arts. Specifically dramatic studies and directing/ theatrical production.

Joanne: Legal studies and criminal justice with a minor in paralegal studies.

Angel: I dropped out of high school junior year, hon. I wanted to strike out on my own for a bit and clear my head.

Collins: Theoretical Philosophy


Mimi: Why did you leave rehab?

Mimi: The food was beyond gross, I was done with people trying to control me, and I didn't want to go anyway.


Roger: What made you come back from Santa Fe?

Roger: I got a voice mail from my mom asking me to please come home. Seriously. She sounded really upset and then decided that flooding my voicemail was a good way to deal.


Mark: What did Lexi say when you quit?

Mark: Let's just say a lot of words that don't belong in a T-rated fic. Then after I left she left me a voicemail apologizing and begging me to come back.


Maureen: How many people have you dated exactly?

Maureen: Nine, including Joanne, but there's a difference between 'dating' and 'openly flirting with strangers'.


Everyone: Who is your celebrity crush?

Mark: Scarlett Johansson

Roger: Jayne Wisener

Mimi: Tom Felton.

Maureen: Hayley Atwell

Joanne: Amanda Seyfried

Angel: Chris Hemsworth

Collins: James Franco

Benny: If we're being honest, Marilyn Monroe.


Everyone: Who is your OTP?

Mark: Dramione. Draco/Hermione from Harry Potter.

Roger: Johanthony (Johanna and Anthony- Sweeney Todd)

Mimi: Swear you won't tell anyone. Swear. I secretly ship Mark and Maureen. Hard.

Maureen: PookieBear- me and Joanne

Joanne: Klaine (Kurt and Blaine—Glee)

Angel: Carl and Ellie from UP

Collins: John Watson and Sherlock Holmes. In the modern BBC version with Benedict Cumberbatch.

Benny: Clint BartonXNatasha Romanoff from Avengers (Clintasha)