Here's a simple prologue to what I envision for this story... And if you're an Edward lover, this isn't for ya.

Warning, rated M for language, sexual content, certain themes and overall gist.

Disclaimers: My name isn't Stephanie Meyers.

Chapter 1: Assessment

"When he left..." She began, licking her pink frosted, thin lips. She paused, her thin eyebrows knitting slowly together. "He..."

The middle aged man eyed his patient Isabella Swan with a vigilant stare. She came to notice his crystal clear eyes gleaming with interest in her fickle, little romantic tale. It made her cheeks tint in different shades of pink as his lips slowly curved into a lazy smile, probably created to melt girls' hearts all over the world.

"Yes." He spoke in his slightly husky tone. "When Edward Cullen left...?"

Isabella looked at the cherry-wood floors, nervously chewing on her bottom lip and uncrossing her legs. She scratched her head full of curled brunette hair and a quick sigh escaped her lips.

"When he left... he and them took a part of me." She stated looking into her therapist's eyes, seeking solace.

The man roamed his fingers through his short, dark brown hair. He clicked his pen into action, scribbling notes of a pad of paper, clipped to a clipboard. He slowly nodded. "What part of you was that?"

He leaned back casually in his rocking chair, examining the neat cuffs of his white and long sleeved, button down shirt. He was patient and caring towards her.

She didn't seem to have answer to his question, choosing to sigh heavily instead. "How does one say... my soul?" - "Without the need for attention and having you choose to prescribe me medication?" The pale peached-toned brunette laughed wistfully, shaking her head.

A chuckle trilled from her therapist's throat, "Isabella..." She winced slightly at the way her name danced off his tongue like a foreign language. His blue eyes pierced her own for a brief second, before he leaned forward. "Are you telling me that the Cullens took your body?"

A shrug played off of his broad shoulders. "I should just add sex addict to the list..." He trailed off, about to pick up his pen. "Sexual relations with all Cullen members..." He whispered, loud enough for her to hear.

Blasphemy. "What in the world are you talking about?!" She stammered. "Of course, they didn't take my body... in that way! I'm right here, aren't I?"

The brunette suddenly felt annoyed and ticked off with the way he gawked at her. She watched as he playfully bit his bottom lip, cheesing a bright smile that showed off his perfect, pearly-whites. "I know that my profession is in therapy... But I am quite a philosopher, Isabella."

The look on her face and the arch of her eyebrows made him go into further detail with a smug grin plastered in the features of his high structured, stubbled face. He patted his chest with one of his calloused hands. "This is your soul." He motioned to various parts of his body. "A soul is not an immaterial essence. It is you being alive. It's your body. It's your major being." He articulated, grinning at the now stoic features of her facial regions.

"You're sitting here in front of me, aren't you?" The therapist questioned.

She nodded once.

"You're in fact breathing and not some immortal being, correct?" He asked, clasping his hands together at the next nod he received.

"Then it's settled. The Cullens left and you're simply in shock and denial. Puppy love." - "That's what you felt for them. Nothing but a meager emotion due you being dazzled by their features and lifestyle."

He held up a hand when she opened her mouth, perplexing to protest, but he continued his assessment. "Edward Cullen was nothing but a mere boy. A little boy who didn't realize the woman in you, Isabella."

That shut her up. Tears welled up in her eyes as he went on, with that same lazy smile his lips formed. "What I advise for you to do is find a man. Not a boy old enough to be your brother, or a man old enough to be your father. Someone who is going to bring the woman out of you. The true Isabella Swan."

He picked up his clipboard resting on his lap and diligently scrubbed down more notes, ignoring the tears that began to fall down her pink cheeks. "I look forward to seeing you again. Shall we say, three days from now? My office, mid afternoon?"

The brunette nodded once, grabbing her backpack and shoving it onto her shoulder. "Th-Thanks, Dr. Hayden..." She slowly and lowly thanked him, smiling wryly.

Dr. Hayden simply smiled. "Not a problem." He gave her a wink. "I think I'll be seeing you real soon."

A/N: Idk. It maybe started off a bit rocky?

You know what to do, though.
