Author's notes: This story is almost like a parody of high school love movies, but is almost kind of serious. Please review and tell me if there are any issues with grammar, spelling, or formatting! I hope you enjoy.

"It is hard to believe I would fall for someone as hard as I did for you," he said.

"I'm not that special, am I?" Amy asked the dark figure.

"Oh, you are more than special, my dear," he replied, putting his hand in hers. Their fingers interlocked.

Amy looked down at her hand and then into the figure's deep eyes. He leaned toward her, his lips nearing her own, but she turned away, unlocking her hand from his.

"No, we can't be together. I couldn't be with someone like you, no matter how different you are from what you appear," she cried out to him.

The figure pulled her into his arms.

"We can be together; the only thing that is holding us back is…"

Amy's alarm clock blared through her room. The languid hedgehog was never considered a morning person. She sluggishly turned over in her covers and slapped the top of her alarm clock to silence it. For a few moments, she laid still, trying to catch some more sleep before her first day of her senior year.

"My first day of my senior year?" Amy flung upward out of her bed causing her blankets and stuffed animals to fall to the floor. "I can't be later to the first day of my senior year!"

Amy rushed out of bed, nearly tripping as she ran to her bedroom door. She opened the door and made her way to the washroom to shower for the biggest day of her teenage life.

Amy took a quick shower, put on the clothes she had picked yesterday, and applied her signature mascara and other makeup. A honking car sounded outside of her window. She looked down and saw that it was Blaze ready to car pool to their first day as seniors. Amy grabbed her backpack and purse and ran down her stairs, heading out the front door.

"Oh my gosh, Amy, aren't you so excited?!" Blaze asked her good friend as she entered the red convertible.

Amy squealed and shook her arms near her face. "I can't believe we are seniors!" she cheered.

"Hold on, Amy," Blaze stopped, "we aren't seniors until we get to school for our first day!"

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Blaze put the teenage dream car into drive and headed to Mobius High School. Today was going to be a monumental day for Amy Rose for sure.

Blaze and Amy pulled into the student parking lot of Mobius High. Amy looked around and saw all of her friends back from their summer vacations, and some with their summer loves. She saw Knuckles walking hand-in-hand with Tikal, the foreign exchange student from last year. She saw Tails and Cream, both freshmen this year, hugging and laughing in the courtyard. She saw Scourge making out with Fiona Fox in the middle of the stairs, as usual.

Amy sighed heavily. It seemed like everyone had found someone to call their own, everyone but her. Blaze pulled into her parking spot and looked over to Amy, but was shocked when she had a frown.

"Are you still upset that you can't find a boyfriend?" Blaze bluntly asked her pink friend.

Amy was taken aback by her friend's gravitas, but she knew her words were true.

"I just want to find someone to love me like I love me," Amy whined.

"Well that Sonic boy seems to have quite the fondness to you," Blaze suggested to her.

Amy pointed her finger to her stuck out tongue. "Don't make me gag! That blue blur is just a show-off jock."

"I don't know," said Blaze, "I always thought he was kind of hot. He is the star member of our school's track team."

"Sonic? Hot? You must have forgotten to put in your contacts," the two laughed as they exited the car.

Blaze was about to deliver a rebuttal when a motorcycle engine was heard running through the parking lot. The two girls looked around for the source of the noise and saw a black hedgehog riding a motorcycle heading right toward them. Blaze pulled Amy out of the road as the motorcycle skidded into the parking space adjacent to Blaze's spot. The black hedgehog removed his helmet and the bikers black quills fall into place in almost what seemed like slow motion.

Blaze shook her fist at the biker boy. "Hey, you punk! You almost ran over us! What is your deal, huh?"

The black hedgehog only responded with grunt and a dirty look. He flicked the kickstand down with his red, white, and black shoes with gold trim. He flipped up the collar on his black leather jacket, put his hands into his coat pockets, and walked off toward the school's main entrance.

"What a punk kid!" said Blaze, "Can you believe that guy?"

Blaze looked to Amy, but Amy's eyes blankly staring at the bad biker boy. Blaze moved her hand up and down in front of Amy's face. When she showed no signs of response to the stimuli, Blaze clapped her hands loudly next to Amy's ears. Amy jolted into existence and shook her head around.

"Amy? What happened to you just then?" Blaze asked, concerned about her friend's well-being.

"I don't really know," Amy responded, "There was something about that guy, something familiar about him."

The school bell rang warning students that they had five minutes to get to their first hour.

"C'mon, Amy, we should get to class or we will be late. You don't want to be late on your first day as a senior, right?" Blaze pulled Amy forward, the two heading to the front entrance to the school.