The woman ran the well wrapped bundle clutched close to her chest with one hand and the skirt of chiton hiked up to her knees in the other as she prayed to her son's father for his safety, something that was quickly slipping through her fingers as the warriors of King Theseus of Athens gained on her. She glanced around hoping for a hiding spot, someplace she could rest until the men moved on. As she looked to her left she saw the soft orange hews of a fire just through the trees. Quickly she changed directions so that she was running toward what might be help.

As the woman burst into the small clearing that housed the fire she had seen from the woods she slowed and gasped. The gamble she had taken just took a dangerous turn. Quickly the woman knelt before the two figures seated before the fire. A man with a pale complexion, onyx eyes, and ink black hair sat back from the flames his chiton fell to his knees and matched his hair for darkness and seemed to flow from under his iron cuirass to meet the iron bracers strapped on his forearms and the greaves that covered the lacings of his black sandals, completing the image was a terrifying helm on one knee and a powerful broadsword strapped to his left side.

The man's companion was vastly different. The woman had a look of timeless youth appearing as a young maiden. Her chiton was simple flowing in gentle waves to her ankles and a soft brown color that went well with her warm brown eyes and soft, curling, black hair. She sat closest to the fire tending it with care and seemed to exude a calming sense of peace as much as the man sent waves of fear into the clearing. Her face for all its youth held a vestige of the wisdom and love of the eldest village matron.

"Rise, Sostrate, daughter of Sophia, child of Sparta." The goddess Hestia's voice called softly to the woman before her brother and herself. "You have nothing to fear, for you or your child, by my hearth. Come, child, tell us your story." As Sostrate approached the fire, her bundle held even more tightly and protectively against her breast. The man rose and gestured her to his low stool before the fire his face an expressionless mask.

"Thank you, Lady Hestia, Lord Hades. You requested my story, it is this. Theseus of Athens has invaded my home. After killing the best of our men his warriors moved onto our elders, women, and children. I was lucky. My son was being presented in the temple to our Lord Ares today. Just after his naming he received the blessing of Sparta and that was when the soldiers arrived at the temple gates. The guards fought while the priests helped me to escape. I ran but as I did one man caught sight of me and so he and his friends gave chase, I was trying to evade them when I saw your fire. I came in hopes of finding someone willing to help." Sostrate explained to the two Olympians before her.

"And our brother did nothing to help?" Hades voice was a cold as his eyes had been when Sostrate had first stumbled into the clearing.

"Nay, it is his blessing on my little Perseus that has kept the both of us safe from monsters and we are too far from the sea for him to do much more without angering Lord Zeus further. Do not blame Poseidon for this, Perseus and I would be dead dozens of times over were it not for the help he has given us."

"Calm brother, it is not Poseidon's fault, and you know that. Amphitrite is jealous, as is Triton, of any who might end her relationship with her husband and our brother does his best to maintain a happy home in Atlantis which is more than can be said of Zeus." Hestia placed a gentle hand on Hades arm as she smiled warmly, but sadly at them both.

"You are right as always Hestia. I often forget how much Poseidon has to pay to make up for his mistakes and that allowing any focus to be given to his children for extended periods causes more strife then simply forcing himself to be the a horrible father which we know is not in my brothers character."

"Thank you brother." A new voice joined the conversation and Sostrate smiled with joy at the sight of the man who her son already resembled so much. His wayward black hair accented his ever changing sea green eyes and sharp yet gentle features. "I am so sorry I cannot be of more help Sostrate." Poseidon said as he knelt before the woman he loved with all his heart and gently caressed her cheek and then their son's head. "I wish I could bring you both to live with me in Atlantis, for my son to be a true prince of the seas, as is his blood right. He is my most powerful child ever, and shall remain so. You see all of me Sostrate, the side to be feared and the side to be loved, my true power and loyalty, my love and my anger. Perseus is my true son and will only grow more powerful than ever because of my nephew's blessing. I wish I could stay longer but I must leave. Amphitrite and Triton fear Perseus, Sostrate, I cannot have any more contact with either of you after this, it would only put you and our son in extreme danger, as it is you must always be careful of the sea now. Its queen and prince will be out for your blood, they know they cannot kill Perseus directly but they will unleash all of the water's monsters in hopes that they will get lucky." Poseidon's eyes were clouded with grief and misery, upset that he had brought all this on his love and son. His brow remained furrowed until Sostrate smiled gently and raised a hand to stroke his cheek.

"Do not worry, Poseidon, we will be careful. Know that I will always love you and that Perseus will always know of your deep love for him. Go do not put yourself in trouble's way for us, we will be fine." Her gentle voice brought tears to the big man's eyes which were soft and filled with love.

"I will always love both of you. Be safe Sostrate. Perseus, son of Poseidon and Sostrate, I hereby name you not only the heir of Sparta, but also the Prince of the Seas, may the fates and gods be ever merciful in the destiny of your life." Poseidon declared before dissolving into a soft mist and leaving Sostrate with his siblings once again.

Hades looked down at the woman who had captured his brother's heart and his young nephew before coming to a decision. He had two siblings he could always count on in his life, his older sister Hestia and his younger brother Poseidon. They had done much for him in the face of Zeus's paranoia and anger. Now was his chance to do something for his brother, a chance to show his thanks for all Poseidon had done for him.

"Lady Sostrate." Hades cool voice broke through the silence that had descended on the clearing with Poseidon's departure. "I have an offer for you. I would ask that you listen and choose carefully and thoughtfully. Despite what my youngest brother would have everyone believe Poseidon and I get along quite well much of the time, he has done much for me over the years, now I would like to give him something in return, as a measure of thanks for all he's done for me." Sostrate listened carefully as the Lord of the Underworld explained his relationship with his brother and smiled happily as she heard how close he was to the Lord of the Seas. "As you know Persephone and I cannot have children, this strains our marriage especially since none of our nieces and nephews wish to come visit our home. I would like for you and Perseus to come live with us, you as our sister for the time left the fates have given you and young Perseus as our nephew for as long as the fates will give us. Please consider my offer, it would include all the protection and luxury my position can afford along with a chance for young Perseus to truly learn about both his birth rights."

After Hades finished Sostrate smiled warmly at him. "It would be an honor to be welcomed into your family, Lord Hades. I will accept your offer." Just as she said that an arrow soared into the clearing piercing her in the back and through a lung. Sostrate gave a loud cry and tumbled forward startling young Perseus who Hestia immediately scooped up as Hades lifted the young mother into his arms only to see the life leave her eyes with her last breath and her soul slipped slowly out of her body and bowed before him.

"Please look after my son, my Lord." Sostrate's spirit asked the man who could now command her every move.

"I will, rest peacefully in Elysium, for you have died a hero today." Hades said dismissing her before turning to Hestia. "Come with me to introduce Persephone to her nephew?"

"Of course, brother, but why not adopt him. You and Persephone will have the child you always wanted and he will have a loving family."

"But what of Poseidon, I could not steal his son from him." Hades said hesitantly as he thought the idea over smiling at the thought of raising a son.

"I will tell Poseidon, but you must make sure he always knows who his biological parents are and that they both love him deeply, if you and Persephone can do that and love him like he is your own I see Poseidon having no problems with you both becoming an extra set of parents for this young boy." Hestia assured her brother as she handed him the small bundle.

"You are right sister, I will go talk to Persephone. If she agrees then we will adopt him before the fates." Hades said before he dissolved into the shadows of the fire leaving his sister smiling softly before her fire.

AN: I am sure many of you are wondering why the name of Percy's mother is not Sally. Sadly with the story currently set in Ancient Greece, and a history buffs passion for being as accurate as possible I could not countenance an anachronistic name, a name out of time. The name I choose is Ancient Greek meaning safe army. I felt this fit the character of Rick's Sally best as she is a one woman army with the goal of keeping Percy safe from all harm. Please review and enjoy, Hansi.