Super Smash Bros. Z

Kurama no Kyubi: Sorry for the slow updates with this story, guys, but in-between working on some of my other stories and the writer's blocks, I haven't gotten much time to work on this story. Now then, this here's the final prologue chapter, meaning that the tournament will start in the next chapter.

Danmaku-OverLord: Man, Poor Naruto. Seriously, I Kinda Want To See Bern Do What She Said To Sasuke And His Brother...Also Do You Know Any Horror RPG Games?


Kurama no Kyubi: I'm not really that into the Horror Genre. The Higurashi/Umineko series is the only Horror series which I've ever been interested in (that I can think of out the top of my head).

Guest: Is there romantic interest for Naruto? Because if it is Hinata, Sakura or any of the overrated girls, then this story is going to be in a lot of trouble.

Kurama no Kyubi: How can characters not even in the story (aside from Trophies) be love interests for Naruto? Besides, in crossover stories like this, I prefer to pair up characters from different series.

Thunder Dragon: Nice chapter and a good story so far but I bet Jiraiya is flipping out on were Naruto is. Also can I make few requests?

Kurama no Kyubi: Due to the length of this review, I've decided to split it up. Also, yes, Jiraiya is probably freaking out right about now.

Thunder Dragon: Request Number 1. I want to see Bern make due on her threat against Sasuke and Itachi as Sasuke is one of my most hated characters in all of Fiction as he is an arrogant asshole. Sasuke betrayed the place he called his home, spat on his brother's sacrifice, became a terrorist when he joined the Akatsuki and tried to kill the Four Gokage and planned to destroy the tailed beasts as well as the Shinobi Villages and try to rule the Elemental lands as a tyrant. So a good comeuppance is definitely needed, when word gets out about why it happened you can work it to give Naruto more motivation for his dream of being Hokage and turn the Village Hidden in the Leaves into what Hashirama original envisioned it to be, a place were no clan is segregated and every one in the village are truly seen as family.

Kurama no Kyubi: Sasuke didn't really try to kill the Gokage (he was only gunning for Danzo, it's just that the other Kage just kept coming in his way), but I see what you mean. As for Bern making due on her threat, we'll see.

Thunder Dragon: Request Number 2. You said that you are at a loss for a love interest for Naruto and you maybe thinking of a harem for the guy. So let me help you out by giving here a list of women for candidates for Naruto's love life. 1. Samus Aran, 2. Bayonneta, 3. Zelda. 4, Palutena. 5. Hinata. And 6. Samui. each of these women are strong in their own right, are beautiful, can kick butt, and can keep are blonde knucklehead in line and out of trouble when he is going to do something stupid and each of their personalities would fit for are favorite blond ninja also the Smash Fighters can even help Naruto become a better fighter. Samus could show Naruto how to make better weapons as well as better take care of his tools and give Naruto the same Chozo training that Samus went through. Bayonneta could help Naruto work in better tandem with the Ninetails and start the friendship that the two have in the Fourth Ninja War. Palutena can give Naruto a shortcut to awaken Asura's Chakra(not the Asura from Asura's wrath but you can make that an Omake if you wamt). Zelda can teach Naruto how to use new magic's and the abilities you gave Naruto in your Legend of Zelda crossover. Hinata as Naruto and Hinata's love is just touching. And finally Samui as she is gorgeous.

Kurama no Kyubi: First off, Hinata and Samui aren't in the story (Hinata gets a Trophy, though), I also don't like the idea of there being too much of an age-gap, so Samus (I think she's in her twenties), Bayonetta (definitely too old), and Palutena (Being thousands of years is okay, but only as long as she fits within the age-gap in looks) are out. As for Zelda; I honestly don't know what to do with her yet, but as of right now I'm most likely going to have her be with Link. Also, even if they were in Naruto's harem, they still wouldn't help him train, being that they're competitors in the tournament.

"Smash." Normal speech

'Smash.' Normal thought

"Smash." Biju, Creator speech

'Smash.' Biju, Creator thought

Rika: Kurama doesn't own anything, sir.

Prologue 5: Furude Rika

"Whoa. This one looks just like me." Naruto said in bewilderment as he held a trophy of himself in the Kage Bunshin stance in his hand. Currently, he was standing at the out-doors Trophy Shop in the First Level of Smash City. Aside from the one he was holding in his hand, there were a huge variety of other trophies on the counter, and even more so on the shelves on the wall in the back.

"Do you really have one for every participant?" The blond asked as he looked at the clerk.

"Three to four, actually. Depending on how many Final Smashes they have. And it's not just the participants either, but also Assist Trophies, and other characters and objects from their Worlds. Some Worlds are even represented solely through trophies." The clerk, who was none other than Mirajane Strauss, explained.

"Really?" Naruto asked as he looked back down at the trophies on the counter "Wow…"

"Whoa~!" Naruto turned to the person standing next to him "They've even got a Gekota trophy?" She was ogling like a child over a single frog trophy.

She had shoulder-length brown hair with a hairpin on the right side, and matching brown eyes. For clothes, she wore a white short-sleeved shirt with a popped collar underneath a sleeve-less light brown summer sweater, a grey skirt, and, while Naruto couldn't see it from where he was standing, she wore light brown shorts under her skirt. On the left side of her sweater, she also had what appeared to be a symbol of some kind, though Naruto had no idea what.

"Can I really have it?" The girl asked, staring starry-eyed at the frog trophy.

"But of course. If you got the money, that is." Mira said with a smile.

"All right, then." The girl said as she brought out her purse, and Naruto's eyes widened. The girl's purse was in the shape of the frog's head. The girl then paid the necessary amount before turning around as she held the trophy up above her head while staring sparkly-eyed at it like a child.

"Aren't you a bit old for something like that?" Naruto asked.

"Uh… Wha…?!" The girl then turned her body towards Naruto as she quickly hid the trophy behind her back while staring off to the side "N-no… I-I'm just buying this for a friend is all! Heh-heh… heh…"

"Oh, I think it's cute that you still like childish things at your age." Mira said with a smile, her eyes closed.

"R-really?!" The girl asked as she turned towards the silver-haired woman, hoping that she'd finally found someone else like her.

"You do know that she's mocking you, right?" Naruto said.

"What was that?!" The girl suddenly yelled, and Naruto could only barely react in time to avoid the bolt of electricity that shot at him.

Naruto then ran off as several other bolts of electricity shot after him as he yelled "What was that for, you crazy lady?!"

"What did you call me?! Hey, get back here, you brat!" The girl yelled as electricity sparked around her.

"Oh, my. I hope that's not gonna result in a bad hair-day." Mira said casually.

With Naruto

Naruto walked through the streets, having narrowly avoided getting the shock of his life. As he looked down at the trophy still in his hands, he remembered that he had forgotten to pay for it. He looked back towards where he had come from for a bit. He really didn't want to run into that girl again, so he just turned back around again and continued walking. Ah, well, he could just pay for it the next time he ran into Mira.

He put the trophy away as he walked before hearing a voice.

"Excuse me, sir. I seem to have gotten lost and can't find my teammates, sir. Can you help me, sir?" The blond looked around, and upon realizing that there were no one else who the voice could've been directed at, he looked down at the slightly shorter girl who had spoken.

She had long blue hair, innocent purple eyes, and she wore a green silk dress. Naruto didn't exactly know why, but she kinda reminded him of a cat. Though, speaking of cats, while he could see no malice or mischievousness on her face, she had the same face as Bernkastel, which instantly put him on guard.

"Wh-what the…? Bernkastel?" He asked and the girl looked at him puzzled with her head tilted before she smiled brightly.

"Mii~ I don't know who this "Bernkastel" is, but I'm looking for my teammates, since I got lost and now I can't find them, sir." The girl said in a completely innocent voice. It almost made Naruto want to take her home with him.

"You're lost? Well, I guess this is a big city. Sure, the name's Uzumaki Naruto. Dattebayo!" Naruto said with his trademark foxy grin.

"Thank you, sir. I'm Furude Rika, sir." Rika said as she grinned back in an attempt to imitate him.

Soon after

"So, where did you see your teammates last?" Naruto asked as the two of them walked.

"It was just after we had come down from entering into the tournament, sir." Rika said.

"So you were on Level 5? But how did you get separated in the first place?" Naruto asked.

"Oh, that was entirely my fault, sir. I saw a green Koneko (kitty), and decided to follow her, sir." Rika said.

"I… see." Naruto said with a dumbfounded expression on his face while thinking 'A green cat? Could it be Carol?' As a mental image of said cat, sheepishly scratching the back of her head while saying "Nya" appeared in his mind.

"I was running after the Koneko, and before I knew it, I was all the way down here in Level 1, sir." Rika explained before adding "And that's when I saw you, and figured you'd help me, sir."

"Wait. You don't even know me, so how did you know I'd help you?" Naruto asked in bewilderment.

"Heh heh. I just had to look at you, and I immediately knew you'd help me, sir." Rika said as she smiled brightly and added "Nipah!"

Naruto looked at her in puzzlement. There was definitely something strange about the girl, all right.

With Link

"Hey, Link! How's it goin'?" Link sighed in exasperation at the familiar voice of the person who had run up to him as he walked through the streets of Level 3.

She had long blond hair in a pair of braided ponytails that went down from the sides of her head and were lying down in front of her shoulders, and she also had blue eyes and point ears. Her clothing consisted of a hooded green robe that was tied beneath her neck and went down to her thighs over a white short-sleeved shirt. And she also wore a brown skirt over black shorts, brown boots that went up to her knees, and brown gloves. Around her neck, she had a golden compass, and finally, she had a pair of crossbows, one attached to each of her boots. This girl was Linkle and she was apparently from a World very similar to Link's own. In fact, the Hyrule Field Stage that he and Marth had sparred on the other day was apparently from her World.

But, that aside, ever since arriving in the World of Smash, she's barely left him alone at all, kind of like an overly attached yandere girlfriend (without the super-crazy murderous part).

"So, anyway, where are you going?" Linkle asked.

"I'm going to train with my team." Link lied. He was actually on his way back to their room.

"Really? Can I come with?" Linkle asked excitedly.

"Find your own team to train with." Link said.

"Oh, I've already got a team." Linkle said.

"Then you can just leave me alone and go train with them." Link said.

"We've actually just finished up training for today." Linkle said, and Link hung his head with another sigh.

"Then why come train with my team?" Link asked as he stopped walking and looked at the girl, who almost looked like she could be his twin sister.

"Well, since we're both Legendary Heroes, I just wanted to see how we fared against each other, you know?" Linkle said.

Link stood there thinking for a while until he finally spoke "Okay. We can have a match if you want. However, afterwards, I would like it if you left me alone." He then resumed walking.

"YAY!" Linkle shouted excitedly before she ran after him.

With a certain girl

A certain girl was walking down the streets of Level 2. She was known as the Railgun and was the 3rd strongest Level 5 Esper of Academy City, a city of science. Despite that, someone calling herself a "Witch" had suddenly appeared before her and her friend, Kuroko before bringing them into this strange World.

The girl, Misaka Mikoto, had originally gotten caught up on the idea of being faced with new opponents, which is why she had agreed to join the tournament. Though, she never actually thought that she would be taken to another World like this.

She let out an exasperated sigh as she walked. At least she'd been able to find a pair of teammates relatively quickly, even though one of them was a bit eccentric. Ah well, at least she wasn't as bad as Kuroko (mainly because she wasn't a pervert).

"This city really is big, huh? It's gonna be impossible to find just two people here." Mikoto looked towards the voice to see that blond idiot she had run into earlier at the trophy shop.

"You know, it'd probably be easier if I knew what your teammates looked like." Naruto said as he looked down at Rika.

"Mii~ One of them's a Samurai, and the other's a doggie, sir." Rika responded in an innocent tone.

'A Samurai and a dog?! What's with that team?' Naruto thought, flabbergasted as he imagined the cute Rika together with a heavily armored Samurai and a dog.

"Th-the Samurai is the team leader, right?" Naruto asked.

"No, the doggie is, sir." Rika stated, and with that, all of Naruto's preconseptions on common sense were shattered.

"Found you!" Naruto and Rika turned towards the voice to see a girl standing there. Naruto recognized her instantly. After all, it hadn't been that long since he ran into her.

"Ah, Biri-Biri!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Argh! What is it with idiots like you always calling me "Biri-Biri"?! The name's Misaka Mikoto!" Mikoto yelled as, in her anger, she sent out electrical currents every-which way.

Once she had calmed down a little, Mikoto pointed at Naruto as she said "Anyway, in return for those insults earlier, you owe me a battle!"

"Wha…? You mean right now?" Naruto asked.

"Of course I mean right now, you idiot!" Mikoto yelled.

"Sorry, but I'm a little busy right now. Maybe some other time." Naruto said.

"Huh? Busy?" Mikoto asked. Apparently, that had brought her to her senses.

"Yeah, this girl here has gotten separated from her teammates, so I was just helping her find them again." Naruto explained.

"Oh, I see." Mikoto apparently hadn't noticed the blue-haired girl before now, but then "AH!"

"Huh? What is it now?" Naruto asked, though Mikoto didn't seem to hear him.

"Y-you're that Witch! Bernkastel!" She yelled as she pointed at Rika, recognizing her face.

"Mii~?" Rika cutely tilted her head to the side in confusion. And Naruto then went on to explain that Rika was not Bernkastel.

"Oh, I see. So they only happen to look alike?" Mikoto asked before leaning down so that she was on eye-level with the blunette and she bowed her head while saying "I'm sorry for my outburst earlier."

"It's all right, sir." Rika said with a smile before adding "Nipah!"

'S-so cute!' Mikoto thought as her eyes and mouth turned into those of a cat's and she even appeared to get whiskers.

After that, both Naruto and Mikoto were helping out Rika find her teammates.

Final Valley

Link and Linkle were standing in the Final Valley Stage, facing each other. It was a rather small Stage with most of it being taken up by a waterfall, and on either side of the waterfall was a large statue. There were also three platforms at the top of the waterfall, one large one in the middle and one smaller one on either side of it. Fall down between the platforms, and if you can't get back up with a recovery, then you're doomed.

The two were currently standing on opposite sides of the middle platform. Link had his sword in his left hand and shield in his right while Linkle had her hands on her crossbows, ready to draw them at a moment's notice.

(Insert music – Naruto: Beautiful Green Wild Beast)

Then, without any kind of warning or signal, Link charged forward, and as he approached his opponent, he quickly swung his sword horizontally to the left. Linkle jumped into the air to avoid it before aiming both of her crossbows at her fellow blond and firing repeatedly. Link blocked many of the arrows with his shield before he jumped back. And as Linkle landed back down on the ground, she dashed forward and appeared underneath Link before firing at him with one of her crossbows before turning away from him as she got into a crouching position and fired her crossbows behind herself, and then she turned around and fired the crossbows ahead of herself before firing them all around herself and she followed up by jumping towards Link while spinning around in mid-air, and as she landed, she began firing repeatedly while slowly moving the crossbows away from each other. She then followed up by jumping sideways into the air as she continued firing while spinning around, and as she landed she finished off with one last shot from each crossbows. Instead of arrows however, they were large bombs, forcing Link – who had been hit by many of the arrows, bringing his Damage Percentage to 42% – was forced to jump over to the rightmost platform, both to escape the bombs themselves, but also to escape the blast radius.

Linkle then jumped after him, and while she was in the air, her crossbows suddenly vanished as some kind of wing ornament appeared on her boots. She then flipped in the air before coming down with her heel towards Link.

However, Link blocked her attack with his shield before swinging his sword at her. She then summersaulted backwards before landing on the middle platform as Link jumped after her before swinging his sword at her several times. However, with the increased speed provided by the Pegasus Boots, Linkle maneuvered out of the way of the sword's path thanks to some fancy footwork.

Link put his sword and shield away before pulling out a bow and arrow and he fired the arrow at Linkle, who dodged to the side before getting out her crossbows and she aimed both crossbows at Link before firing wildly.

Link took out his shield to block it before pulling out a bomb, and he threw it at Linkle. The girl stopped firing as she looked up towards the bomb coming towards her, and she then jumped out of the way before switching out for her Pegasus Boots, and she charged towards Link at such a great speed that dust was kicked up behind her.

As she approached him, she kicked up, aiming for Link's face with the sole of her boot. Link just dodged it by moving his head to the side as he felt a great wind pressure pass by his head.

The two then smirked at each other as the battle continued.

(Music End)

Naruto, Mikoto, and Rika

Naruto, Mikoto, and Rika were walking through Level 3 of Smash City as they kept their eyes open for Rika's teammates; a Samurai and a dog.

"There they are, sirs!" Rika exclaimed as she pointed towards her teammates who stood a bit away, probably looking for her.

"That's your teammates?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, sir." Rika replied.

"Then why don't you go over to them?" Mikoto said.

Rika then began running before she came to a stop and straightened herself, causing Naruto and Mikoto to look at her confused, and when Rika turned around, she had the same empty look in her eyes as Bernkastel, almost as if she was possessed, and when she spoke, her voice sounded just like Bernkastel's.

"Naruto, Mikoto, you have to watch yourselves. There are forces at work here that you don't understand." She then smiled before turning around again as she ran towards her teammates.

There was definitely something strange about that girl.

"Now then…!" Naruto felt an ominous aura, and turned around to find Mikoto staring at him with sparks flying around her.

"It's time for our battle." She said.

"Wait, now?"

"Of course now! Now, I hope you're ready! Hey! Where do you think you're going?! Get back here!"

Chapter preview

Heathcliff "Smashers from all manners of different Worlds! Welcome to the 6th Super Smash Brothers Tournament! I am Heathcliff, Second Representative of the Overseers."

Naruto "Next time on Super Smash Bros. Z: The tournament begins!"

Heathcliff "I hereby declare the start of the Super Smash Bros. Z Tournament!"

Kurama no Kyubi: Sorry it took so long, I had a huge writer's block while writing. On a different note, I've realized that putting character information at the end of the chapters like I said I would a while ago might be a bit much, so what I'm going to do instead is that I'll be uploading a "chapter" after every 5 chapters which will just be information on characters.