HIYA! it's me again... So the idea of this story is from FateTheArcher's The Engagement, they have put the story for adoption and I adopted it^_^ This is actually the first Fanfic I've written but I had to wait for FateTheArcher's permission to continue the story. FateTheArcher also gave me the idea of jumping the time line, so there will be your share of Nozoeril and the rest of U's. Eri maybe a bit OOC here and so will Nozomi, but that would only be when they are alone so be aware of the fluffy. Again read at your own risk and respect the shipping... Or shippings

I don not own Love Live nor the first few sentence of the story.

The Engagement Ch. 1


The blonde girl blushes brightly standing out much more in contrast to the white dress she currently wearing.


(End of FateTheArcher's Words)

What's going on here? Why is Ericchi here? Nozomi thought confusedly as she continues to stare at a blushing Eri for answers.

"Ahem" her Mother cough to get everyone's attention "Nozomi as I was saying YOUR FATHER" Nozomi swears she can see her mother mentally strangling her father "seem to have forgotten to mention that you are a girl nor did he bother to ask Ayase-san for his child's gender."

Nozomi's eyes went wide as she process the information "Wait, are you saying that Ericchi is…"

"Yes" Her mother said "Eri-chan is the person you're engaged to" Nozomi stares at Eri as her cheeks slowly turns a deep shade of pink

"hahaha…. Hi Nozomi…." Eri awkwardly smiles and shyly waves at Nozomi.

"B.. B… But that can't be Erichi and I are….." Nozomi stutters as she tries to form coherent words

"Yes we're all aware of the situation Nozomi-chan" her father said as he rubs his forehead trying to think of a solution that will not have him killed by his beloved wife. "For now since you and Eli-chan seem to know each other, would you mind taking her and Arisa-chan to your room while we…. Discuss your engagement."

"Erichika, Arisa-chan go on ahead and follow Nozomi-chan" Eri's mother said, somehow both of Eri's parents are taking the news of engagement quite well, but of course Eri knew better. She could sense that her mother is about ready to beat her father to death for the foolish engagement. Her father was quietly sweat-dropping well aware of the killing intent directed at him.

"Yes Mother" Eri replied as she stood holding Arisa's hand and they waited for Nozomi to take the lead.

Nozomi looked at her mother for approval; when she saw it she stood up and walked to her room with Eri and Arisa behind her.

Nozomi's room is quite spacious; her bed is at the left corner of the room, with light purple pillow and matching sheet. The closet is just at the foot of her bed, a window across the door, and a study table on the right of it, with a book shelf. In the middle of the room is a small coffee table with a square carpet below it.

Nozomi walked strait to her bed and sat at the edge she waited patiently for Eri and Arisa to enter. When they did they sat around the coffee table. The room was quiet and no one dared to talk, though Nozomi wanted to discuss the whole thing to Eri she wasn't so sure if it was appropriate to discuss around Arisa.

"Arisa you haven't introduce yourself to Nozomi you know" Eri said as she encourage Arisa to introduce herself Nozomi.

"H... Hello Nozomi-Onee-san my name is Ayase Arisa" Arisa said as she blush.

Wahhh she's so cute like a mini Ericchi Nozomi thought "I'm toujou Nozomi, it's nice to meet you Arisa-chan" she smiles sweetly at Arisa

"Aaahhh Nozomi-Onee-san is really pretty, Onee-san lucky to marry Nozomi-Onee-san" Arisa bluntly announce unaware of the current predicament.

"A… Arisa!" Eris said as she blushes madly with the mention of her marriage with Nozomi. She Glanced at Nozomia and she sees that the said girl is blush as much as she is. "Mou… don't just say things like that…."

"Eh… Doesn't Onee-san think Nozomi-Onee-san is pretty?" Arisa Asked innocently unknowingly pushing Eri to an embarrassing situation.

"I…I... Well… you…. See…" Eri stutters as she struggle to answer Arisa's innocent question. She heard a giggle come from her side and she sees Nozomi laughing at her. "Mou… Nozomi it's not funny you know" She pouts.

Nozomi continued to giggle, then took a deep breathed until she knew she could speak properly "I'm sorry Ericchi it's just that's the second time today that I've ever seen you struggle for words, Ericchi is just so cute~"

"Mou….. I wish you wouldn't tease me so much" Eri complains though the small smile on her face contradicted her protest. Eri and Nozomi stared at each other with the small smile on their faces both of had the same thought I'm glad that it's you.

Nozomi walked home and she sighed for the 5th time after being interrogated about her mystery fiancé by the members of U's she was finally saved by Umi who decided that practice would be over for the day. Nozomi cursed herself for forgetting to take off her engagement ring. We kept it a secret for two years now they know….She sighed yet again well at least they don't know who my fiancé is, I need to talk to Ericchin about this

"Nozomi!" came from a distance, once Nozomi look up she caught sight of the very person she was just thinking of, her fiancé.

Eri ran up to Nozomi and gently embraced the girl "I've been waiting for you, How was practice?"

"Ericchi what are you doing here? I thought you have a business arrangement with Otou-san? And practice was fine I guess" Nozomi questioned as she returned the embrace.

"Hmm… I finished my work early so I could accompany you home. You sound like you're not happy to see me." Eri pouts as she shows her childish side to Nozomi.

"It's not like that Ericchi I was just wondering, mou… Ericchi can be such a child sometimes~~" Nozomi said slightly giggling at Eri's antics.

"I can't help it I always feel comfortable around Nozomi and I just let my guard down" Eri admit as she intertwine hers and Nozomi's hand and lead them to Nozomi's apartment. They silently walked together with smiles on their faces.

"By the way, what happened during practice" Eli questioned as they walk

-Nishikino House-

"Ahem! Okay! Let's begin this meeting!" Nico said as she gathers the attention of everyone in the living room.

"Why did we have to do this at my house" Maki complains as she twirls a strand of her hair on her finger. "This would look weird in front of my parents"

"T….T…..THIS IS BIG NEWS!" Hanayo screams "AN IDOLS SECRET ROMANCE CAN BE SCANDALOUS!" Hanayo begun to hyperventilate at the thought of news and scandals about Nozomi and her secret boyfriend.

"Kayo-chi it's okay calm down nya" as rin attempted to calm her childhood friend she turns to maki who offeres water to Hanayo. "Maki-chan don't you care who Nozomi-chan's boyfriend is nya?" Rin question as she stares expectantly at Maki who just look away. Truth be told Maki is really concern, Nozomi has been a great friend and there was no way she would let some jerk date Nozomi.

"That's right Nozomi-chan has always taken care of us!" Honoka shouts "We need to find out who this guy is and make sure that he is good enough for Nozomi-chan!"

"E…. Everyone please calm down... We should just stay out of this" Umi blush madly as she tries to rid her mind of the image of Nozomi doing romantic activities with a boy. "T… T... These kinds of things are embarrassing!"

"ahhh Umi-chan!" Kotori tries to calm her childhood friend

"Maybe we should just ask Nozomi-chan or Eri-chan she probably knows something, they are bestfriends" Maki suggest and everyone just stared at her as if she grew a third head. "What?"

"Ahem… that won't work" Umi said as she finally calmed down from her previews episode. "Nozomi refused to tell us anything during practice, so it'll be pointless to ask her again and if we ask Eri she might tell Nozomi what we're up to." What Umi said made sense to everyone and the risk of telling Eri is too high, not to mention the possibility of being "punish" by Nozomi. Everyone shivers at the thought of Nozomi's "Washi-Washi"

"So, now what are we going to do?" Kotori ask disappointed. The room went quiet as everyone thinks of a plan that can help them find out who Nozomi's boyfriend is.

"We don't have a choice" Nico said in a rather serious tone as the room seem to dim "You don't mean!?" Honoka questions surprise at Nico's implication. "Yes I mean. That" Nico said in a serious tone, everyone gasps, but nods afterwards knowing Nico's idea would be the only option they had.

"I have bad feeling about this" Umi mumbles to herself.

Ch. 1 END

There! so again how is it? give me some input about the story. Again let me know of any grammar mistakes and I'll try to fix them.

Oh and I suggest you read FateTheArcher Original story and read the side notes as well, because I will be following them. Updates may slow down since it's the end of the semester. Thanks for reading everyone!