Author's note:'s been a while. Hopefully, I didn't disappoint with this chapter after a 2 year hiatus from the Hotel Transylvania fandom. I hope to continue here for a while alongside my newest story for the Inside Out fandom called "Cup Crusaders" (Feel free to take a look whenever you have the time).

Also, thank you all for the support on all of my works (not just this one) so far. 24 Follows for "Sick Days" is mind-blowing to me; At the time I first published this one, I didn't think it'd become one of my most popular ones. Again, I thank you...the reader, for your support throughout and I hope you continue to do so. :)

That's it for now and remember to sit back, relax, and enjoy the reading!

Transylvania 4X4

We now find the crew speeding along on the road within the creepy forest on the outskirts of the hotel. Normally, this portion of the ride would be extremely bumpy and uncomfortable because of the various changes in terrain and with the fact of no asphalt in the forest. However, it was pretty much smooth sailing because of the vehicle's durable suspension and shock absorbers working their magic. Inside the truck's cab, Dracula and Johnny were continuing to read the respective news headline while Dr. Victor Igor was at the helm of the vehicle and navigating it throughout the forest. He didn't need any of the two to give him directions because he knew where this particular place was and mainly because being distracted while driving is never a good thing…EVER.

Anyway, the medic car just exited the spooky forest and is now rumbling down a dirt road heading towards the town of Transylvania. The good news was that this time, there weren't any sheep on the road that'd cause the party to veer off and tumble down a detour the last time they drove down this road. While driving down the road, the characters noticed a couple of things that were out of place for the given environment around them. Once they realized this, they knew that something was not right, and they had a great idea of what the cause of it was.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the village where the situation at hand was. When the local villagers saw the monstrous pickup, they stopped their commotion and allowed it to pull into the center of the town. Once it was in park and the engine was turned off, everybody got out and the minute the villagers saw the outfits our characters were in, that's when things got a bit awkward. Some of them just stared at them, some others laughed out loud and some were even snapping photos on their phones! Dracula was not amused by this at all, since he knew that he'd be a laughing stock if anyone saw him in this outfit in any form.

"Yes, I know…we look ridiculous, don't we?" Dracula asked with a face of both embarrassment and disgust.

"No time for questions about our outfits!" Victor Igor exclaimed.

Afterwards, he pulled out a picture of Mavis and showed the crowd while asking whether or not anyone has seen the vampiress. Since only a few of them had actually seen Mavis before the chaos happened, none of them responded to his inquiry while some stated that they've never seen her before.

"Huh…" Johnny said to Victor Igor upon seeing this. "Thought for sure someone would've seen her."

Someone then spoke up, partly startling the party. "Wasn't she wearing a black shirt and also looked quite pale?"

"Exactly!" Johnny exclaimed.

"Care to come forward sir?" Victor Igor said while pointing to the character raising his hand.

The identifier made his way through the crowd and eventually, he made his way to the front. He was a male in his early 20's and was also wearing a white Yankees jersey, pretty interesting considering that New York was a hop across the pond from Transylvania in general. After being startled at first by the fact that he was going to be talking to a bunch of monsters, he collected himself and shared the info with the Hotel Transylvania party.

"Yeah, uhh…" He began. "She came through here out of nowhere and one of our own decided to come out and ask if she was ok."

"Go on." Victor Igor said.

"After that and all of a sudden, she sneezed." The guy said. "Normally, it's no big deal, but all of a sudden, our town hall just vanished like that."

"Right…." Dracula replied with no surprise.

"What happened after that, aside from everyone screaming and running around in circles I assume?" Victor Igor asked upon hearing that.

"She just looked surprised and the minute we started panicking, she used some kind of magic to turn into a bat and flew off from here."

Everyone in the party was surprised, considering that they'd expected to find Mavis here. But now, they're gonna have to drive all around town until they can corner her. And that's actually easier said than done considering she has the same powers and tricks of Dracula.

"Thanks for the info man." Wayne said.

The guy just nodded his head in reply.

"Did you happen to know which way she flew off too though?" Johnny asked.

"She flew that way, toward the south." The guy said while pointing.

"Great!" Both Johnny and Dracula replied.

"Well, what are we waiting for then, let's go!" Griffin said while motioning toward Victor Igor's medic car.

"Wait, hold on a second!" The guy said, causing the Hotel Transylvania party to stop in their tracks. "What about our town hall here!?"

"Right…about that." Victor Igor realized. He then turned toward the Hotel Transylvania and gave them the keys to the medic car.

"Here, go warm up the truck." He said. "This is gonna take a while."

"How long exactly to be precise?" Dracula asked. "We have to head out there and find my daughter!"

"Hopefully not as long as it took the narrator here to continue this." Victor Igor replied.

"Alrighty…I guess." Dracula replied while turning toward the rest of the party while motioning them to the truck.

After that, Victor Igor began to explain the whole story of the situation to the villagers and BOY it took a while…

1.5 Hours later-

"…And that's why many stuff, including your town hall, disappeared." He finished.

The townspeople couldn't believe what they've just heard, considering it was way out of the ordinary and also quite a surreal case of the flu by their standards.

"Wow." The guy in the Yankees jersey said. "That's actually quite weird when I think about it."

"Tell me about it." Victor Igor replied. "Luckily though, this should fix everything once we give it to her."

He then produced the medical syringe that he showed the Hotel Transylvania party earlier, being careful with it in the process since it's out in the open now.

"If that can undo our town hall disappearing, then that's great!" The guy replied.

"It will; it's specific for flu cases pertaining to various mon- "


He turned around toward his medic car and saw that Dracula reached over the driver's seat to Blair the truck horn, clearly a sign of his impatience right now.

"Hate to break it, but we gotta run now." Victor Igor said while putting the syringe back into storage.

"Alright." The Guy said in reply. "Remember, she went south of here!"

Victor Igor bid his farewell and proceeded to rush back to the vehicle. He got back in and the Hotel Transylvania party rumbled down the road southbound.

Meanwhile, in a tree a little bit away from here toward the south, we find Mavis hiding out on one of the branches. Due to the incredible hearing that vampires possess, she was able to eavesdrop on the entire conversation from all the way over there. She knew that now; the others are out for her in order to give her the shot. She figured that in order to avoid detection, she's gonna have to fly discretely and also use a variety of disguises while on the ground. Why all this just to avoid a simple shot? We all know the whole wooden stake in the heart thing and also the common fear of getting such a treatment.

"This is gonna be interesting." Mavis thought to herself while rubbing her arm on her nose. She then took a moment to figure out how to throw the party off course, until she found something that caught her eye.

"This could work, I guess." She concluded.

After that, she transformed into a bat and took off into the frigid skies once more; this time heading to the east.

What could Mavis' plan consist of? On another note, what could the plan be for the Hotel Transylvania party to catch Mavis and give her the shot. It's gonna be interesting to know how it comes down. Ultimately though, will Mavis be cured, and will everything be restored?

Tune in for the next chapter to find out!

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