Disclaimer: I don't own Vocaloid in any way, shape of form.

"I will always remember the day you saved me."


I will always remember the day you saved me.

It started when my older brother died in a car accident. His Harley was crushed by a truck that ignored a stop sign. He never made it to the hospital.

Sure, everyone was "sad."

"He was so young."

"It was too soon."

"He still had a future ahead of him."

"I'm so sorry for your loss."

But within a couple of weeks, at a time that was "acceptable", everyone revealed their true feelings. Such hideous people.

"Good riddance."

"He was such a bother."

"He had no future anyways."

"Delinquents like him never go anywhere in life anyways."

Yeah he smoked and sometimes did weed. He rode around on a Harley and constantly cut class. He was unnaturally handy with a knife and he dyed his hair a really weird green color.

But he was my older brother. He was the person that I could trust most in the world. He was the person that would help me no matter what. My brother, with his strong hands and kind but mischievous eyes, I loved him. So much. Too much.

Without him by my side, I felt unbearably empty. Everything turned to grey and in my heart, there was this giant hole and I didn't know how to fill it back up.

But everyone was so happy for me. My troublesome older brother was no longer in the picture. Now there was no one to stain my family name. My house was no longer home to a "future criminal." Because to them, that's all my brother ever was: a delinquent. But to me, he was such much more. To me, he was life itself.

But what I thought wasn't acceptable. And so, I too was "happy". Because I was a coward. A despicable coward that was too afraid to openly miss her brother.

My guilt started to strangle me. I stopped sleeping. Life, or what was left of it, began to spin too fast. All I could think about was how much I wanted to talk to Gumo, to be with him, for him to hold me tight and never let me go.

But I was "ok". I was always "ok". Because anything less than that was unacceptable.

A few months later, some teacher, a writing teacher, gave me all of his past pieces, the stuff he wrote about in class. Giving me a solemn look, she claimed they'd be better in my hands than in a trashcan.

I couldn't resist. You have to understand. I simply couldn't resist. I had to read them. All I wanted was some piece of him to hold on to.

So in an empty classroom on the fifth floor, I read them all. And goddamn it all, they were all about me. That stupid idiot wrote only about me. No wonder his teacher looked at me so oddly. They were all about me. His adorable little Gumi. How smart, how precious, how adorable. He could have easily passed off as a pervert. He wrote about all of our childhood memories, the secrets we shared, even the first time we –

Such an idiot. To think he would actually write down all of that on paper. Why his teacher kept quiet about it, I'll never know.

But at the time…it was too much. It was my love thrown in my face. They were my sins spilled in ink. How beautiful. How hideous. I cried. I cried and I cried. How pathetic I must have looked, wailing among the papers my dead older brother had written.

And then you walked in. You – who had known ever since you saw us through an open window. You – who's almost kept this secret for as long as I have. You – who's never once confronted me on all of the wrong choices I've made. It was you that walked in on me, sniffling in a mix of papers written by someone that loved me too much.

Oh, that moment could have gone in so many different ways. You could have turned around and walked away. You could have laughed at my patheticness. You could have called out on my sins. You could have condemned me for loving the one person that should have been off limits.

But you didn't.

Instead, you walked over. Standing over me with unreadable eyes, your silence was unbearable. Falling to your knees, you simply looked at me. And just like that, you hugged me. You pulled me in tight and you whispered:

"It's ok if it's sinful. It's alright to miss him. But I think, more than anything else, he'd be happier if you smiled."

And like the pathetic person I was, I cried. Held tight in your arms, I cried and I cried. I cried for all of the emotions I had kept locked up inside. I cried for my brother that had died too soon. I cried for our love that should have never been. I cried because you had accepted me.

And for an eternity, you held me in your arms. You rubbed my hair and sang gentle songs. You held me until I couldn't cry anymore. And an eternity later, you wiped up my tears and walked me home.

That evening, locked up in my bathroom, you helped my dye my hair. The same odd color that my brother wore.

Standing in front the mirror, you called me beautiful. And as you held my hand tight, I couldn't help but smile.

Because in the single moment, I had it all. You. My brother. And that odd thing called the future.

I don't even know where this story came from. I was writing for Tainted and then *this*. I think it's time to call it a night.


P.S. I imagine the other person being Len. Call it a personal preference.