For all you great reviewers:

Thank you so much for taking your time and giving me your kind comments. This is beyond my wildest expectations ! I started this story, purely for my own amusement. I never expected so many review's and favorites ! For this, I'd like to thank you all and give you chapters, super quick. There's maybe a week left till my break ends and I promise you, I'll give you at least 5 chapters till then. Before I started writing stories, I only read them. I always did read the disclaimers at the top of the page that begged for reviews, and I just didn't understand. What's the big deal ? But now I know how much these reviews mean to authors. Now, I try to give out reviews of my own.

Therefore, I'm starting a little contest. The lucky person to be either #150th or #200th reviewer, will receive reviews for 2 weeks on any story that they wish. Also, I'll write a one-shot about the pair of their choice(ex: Lily/James, Hermione/Sirius ...). Don't you worry. I know who gave me reviews or the number of review. Its not a trick and I don't mean to gain any profit from this. Its purely for my own amusement. So humor me.

Now, on to the story.

Azalea's POV

(Currently freaking out.)

"What the hell ! What just happened ? One minute he's there, the next he's not ! The books safely tucked with Delphine, so he couldn't have touched that. There's no spell to bring back the dead and he knows that. Unless ..." Azalea muttered frantically.

She knew that there wasn't a spell to bring back the dead, but there was a chant that she knew of. Death had inscribed it within the Peverell family grimoire when he finally claimed Ignotus Peverell. It had been long lost to the family and only Peverell family members or direct descendants could open up the grimoire. She doubted anybody would be that smart to look into a long dead family lines grimoire. Plus, she doubted there was anybody but James and Harry Potter left that could open up the ancient grimoire. Azalea knew she was forgetting something. Forgetting an incident, forgetting about some people.

She bit her lips and pounded her head hardly against her office wall. Bizarrely, it helped her to think.

"Keep it down Azalea ! What are you doing ?" yelled Steven, the man who's office was next to her.

"Mind your own business Steven !" Azalea shouted back.

She finally stopped pounding her head against the wall, mainly because she was in no mood to deal with Steven who was bloody annoying. Muttering to herself, Azalea grabbed the folder labeled "Peverell". She flipped through pages. The last of them who died was Ian Peverell, Ignotus' son. He died centuries ago, so it couldn't be a Peverell that revived James. She put the folder back and leaned against her comfortable chair. She thought about the Potter's. James was the last one that had died. She wracked her brain to remember the one before James.

Azalea grabbed the folder labeled "Potter" and practically tore through the pages, until she reached the last one. It was empty. The place where James was supposed to be. But James was, by some miracle, alive. So the folder had magically erased his name. The page before it was ... Andrew Charlus Potter. There was a picture of a man that looked extremely like James himself, except that he had sky blue eyes. This was weird. Azalea was sure that she was missing somebody now. She went to the page before that and found a "Lilith Sandy Potter". There was a picture of a woman with raven black hair that reached to her waist. She had incredible emerald green eyes that were full of mischief. This woman, Azalea remembered all too well.

Lilith Potter kept dying at the wrong times. Once, she died because of a golf ball to her head when she was 10. The next she died because of a drunk muggle driving insanely, that was when she was 12. Lilith, or rather Lils, as called by her friends and family, was one mischievous girl. Next time, she died because of a duel between two angry wizards in Diagon Alley. One of the wizards threw a stray killing curse and the next moment, Lilith was dead. She was 16 that time. The fourth time was when Lilith was 20. She'd been having some air in her balcony, when one of Grindelwald's disguised minions that was flying on his broomstick, grabbed her by the hem of her dress and threw her down. Fifth was when she died because of Pneumonia when she was 23.

The sixth time was when one of Grindelwald's minions lured one of her house-elves out and Imperiused it. The house-elf pulled Lilith out of the Manor and there, the minion portkeyed her to Grindelwald's hideout. She was assaulted by Grindelwald himself dozens of times. There was that time when she got pregnant with his baby. Finally, Azalea had taken pity on the poor girl. Azalea knew that Grindelwald wanted a beautiful Pureblood lady. He wanted a Pureblood lady because he needed an heir. Lilith Potter had nearly given him one when Azalea, with the permission of Delphine, had killed Lilith herself. She'd went down their and Imperiused a minion to throw a knife at Lilith's heart. It worked like a charm and Lilith was dead within seconds.

In a rage, Grindelwald killed 50 minions and spelled Lilith's bloodied up body to her parents. It just so happened that her parents, Crystal and Miles Potter, were very influential people within the Wizarding World. They had encouraged Dumbledore to declare a duel to Grindelwald. Grindelwald fell for it and died by Dumbledore's hand. It was mainly because of the Potter's that the world was free of Grindelwald today.

Speaking of parents, Azalea finally remembered who she was forgetting. James' parents ! Dorea and Charlus Potter had never died. They'd been on vacation at Spain. Dorea, in a show of being cautious, had spelled mannequins that looked like themselves into living like they did. So when Voldemort attacked, he 'killed' the mannequins. So then, Dorea and Charlus went into hiding so that the stupid Dark Lord wouldn't find out that they were still alive and well. Of course, being bored didn't settle well with Dorea and Charlus. They searched ancient books and happened upon the Peverell family grimoire. They found a spell that brought back the dead and upon being informed of their only sons death, they immediately performed the ritual.

Of course it would be that ! Why didn't she think about it sooner ? Though, Azalea hoped that this ritual didn't get into the wrong hands. Delphine would wring her neck because she didn't stop this from happening sooner. Azalea would rather be banished from where she was, rather than endure working as a Dragon Dung Cleaner in the Seventh Level of Hell. She sure hoped the Potter's would use it wisely and not bring back the whole clan. Azalea could already imagine a Potter-less Heaven. Delphine would kick up a storm if the Potter's brought back anybody other than their own family.

Because, technically, it was their right to bring back their family if they wanted. Death had given them permission himself when he inscribed the ritual in the Peverell family grimoire. Azalea knew that even Delphine had to obey Death's commands, or endure being banished to somewhere she dreaded going to. The Seventh Level of Hell. Azalea cackled madly at the thought of Delphine being banished to where she threatened everybody would go if they didn't obey her commands.

"What are you laughing at Grim Reaper Azalea ?" demanded Delphine from the doorway.

"Nothing Delphine, nothing." said Azalea.

After a futile attempt to stop laughing, Azalea ran out of her office, cackling madly. Leaving a fuming Delphine in her wake.

Albus Dumbledore's POV

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was not a happy man. He'd been just kicked out of the cemetery, out of the ceremony he'd been holding. Of course, right before being kicked out, Albus had seen his old friends, Dorea and Charlus Potter. He, like many others, thought the elder Potter's to be dead. Everybody knew that Voldemort had attacked Dorea and Charlus, just a mere 3 weeks before attacking James, Lily and Harry Potter. To the world, Dorea and Charlus were dead. Charlus was a strict, but mischievous man and normally, you couldn't read his emotions when he didn't want you to.

But right now, his face clearly screamed that he wasn't pleased with Albus. He and his wife were glaring at Dumbledore in a scathing way, showing him that he didn't have the support of the elder Potter's either. This wasn't good. Dumbledore had been trying to get the Potter assets and keep them for himself. But now he knew why the Gringotts Goblins wouldn't give him a single Knut. What was worse, was that they'd been sending owls to Dorea and Charlus. Charlus had told him that owls would be sent to him or the current Head of House if somebody tried to illegally take control of the assets.

As Dumbledore had thought Charlus and Dorea to be dead, he'd taken great pleasure in going into Gringotts and claiming the assets for himself. Now he knew why the Goblins kept stalling. Charlus had been sly about the whole ordeal. He didn't show himself till James' funeral and made moves behind the scenes and out of Dumbledore's watch. Dumbledore had been fooled by at least one person during each generation of Potter's since he was alive. When he was 50, for example, Lilith Potter had fooled him by giving him an unofficial contract that said if Lilith happened to die without an heir, all the Potter assets would go to him.

When Lilith died because of a knife to her heart, Dumbledore had cheerfully went to Gringotts to claim what he thought was now his. The Goblins had sniggered at him and told him that Lilith Potter had fooled him spontaneously. Dumbledore had been sure he'd heard cackling when he was in his quarters.

Curse those Potter's.

Queen Elizabeth's POV

Queen Elizabeth had received Minerva McGonagall's letter just a few minutes ago and was reading it. It had said that she would be delighted to come and help them with the investigation. The Queen had been a bit skeptical about the witch and wizard thing, but the letter seemed genuine. With the help of Carina who recited her schedule perfectly, the Queen arranged a meeting for Friday, November 9th at 2:20 P.M. The Queen had sent one of her guards to go and inform Mrs McGonagall. The guard had come back, saying that Minerva McGonagall had agreed to the arrangement and that she had some big new to tell her.

It was probably about James Potter's death, reasoned the Queen. Though Queen Elizabeth wondered what it was about. Maybe Mrs McGonagall had found out about a new piece of information that would help them with the investigation. Because it wasn't like the Queen and Mrs McGonagall were cousins to share things like each others birthday's. The Queen humored herself with thoughts of Mrs McGonagall saying James Potter was actually alive. But it was simply impossible. Queen Elizabeth was sure that even magic couldn't bring back the dead.

Right now, Queen Elizabeth had to go to a banquet hosted by Princess Anne Royal. Though she wasn't in the mood, it would be disrespectful not to attend. The Princess had informed everybody weeks ago. Thus, Queen Elizabeth got up from the armchair and went to her closet to decide what to wear.

AN: So, did you like it ? I know it was short. I'm sorry, but nothing else seemed to worm its way into my brain. I tried to make this chapter a bit funny. Though I don't know if I succeeded at all. I really hope you enjoyed it. So this is chapter 1/5. You know, I promised to write at 5 chapters for you. I know its short, I'll extend the next chapter, so just push that pretty little button at the bottom of the page. Oh, and don't forget about the contest !

Cheerio !