Hello everyone! So, this is my first fanfic ever! I am really excited. English is not my native language, so please forgive me for any mistakes. And I would be grateful if you could tell me about my mistakes. Thank you! Hope you enjoy! Read and Review!

Merlin felt terrible. His head was pounding and he had a sore throat. He looked out of the window and the sight didn't make him feel any better. During the night everything got covered with white, weightless snow and it continued to snow heavily. If Merlin was feeling better, he would be delighted. But right now there was nothing but pain in his exhausted eyes. All he wanted right now is to get back under his cozy, warm blanket and...

'Merlin! You better get up now or you will be late, AGAIN! You don't want Arthur to put you in stocks in such a weather!' - Gaius shouted from another room.

'Yes, yes... I am coming' - murmured Merlin, slowly getting up from bed.

'Oh, Gods have mercy! My boy, you look horrible!' - Gaius was now in Merlin's room, trying to feel his ward's forehead.

'I am totally fine, Gaius! I need to go, I bet Arthur is already looking for me...'

With these words Merlin ran out of the physician's chambers and headed to the King's room.

Two hours later Gaius heard screams in the hall. Maybe it was just Gaius's imagination but he thought he heard Merlin shouting "Tell them to leave me alone! Bloody prat!"

A few minutes passed and it was clear that Gaius heard everything right, as he saw the doors to his chambers burst open. Two guards were holding Merlin, but the boy wasn't going to give up his fighting. He tried to bite one of the guards, when another figure appeared and slightly hit Merlin. Then Gaius saw that it was no other man but the King of Camelot himself.

'Sire, what is wrong? What has Merlin done THIS time?' Gaius asked, raising his eyebrow.

'Nothing to worry about, Gaius. Lock him in his room!' the King replied, addressing his last sentence to the guards, who were now almost dragging Merlin. The boy tried to cast a spell, but instead sneezed, causing all the books, which were lying on the table fly into the air.

'You see what he is doing, Gaius?! I can't have a sick court sorcerer...'

'WARLOCK!' Merlin cried from behind already locked doors of his room. 'There is a huge difference!'

'Shut up, Merlin! I don't care what you are, as long as you are in control of your magic, and not otherwise. Gaius, did you know that he was sick?'

'Yes, Sire.'

'And you still let him go to work?'

'I couldn't do anything about it. You know him better, Arthur. He is as stubborn as you are! And I knew that if he felt worse, you would send him back. Besides, you are the only person in the whole kingdom whom he listens to... at least sometimes. What I didn't expect is the way that you... err "escorted" Merlin to his room.'

'I had no other choice. He was driving me insane! Can you PLEASE fix him?'

'I shall try, Sire. But I need to know his symptoms. Could you tell me what exactly happened?'

'Of course...'


Merlin rushed into the King's chambers, without knocking as usual.

'Rise and shine, Your Prattish Highness!' said Merlin. But Arthur heard that something in his usual wake up call was wrong.

'Merlin? Are you alright? You sound... sick' Arthur tried to hide concern in his voice, but he couldn't.

'Of course, Sire. Why wouldn't I be? I am just a bit tired, actually.' Well, at least half of Merlin's words were true.

'Merlin!' Arthur was already sitting in his bed. 'You are a horrible liar! What were you doing last night? You look like you haven't been sleeping well.'

'I was trying to learn a new spell, but it didn't turn out so well... I blew up some bottles with potions, and Gaius made me clean all that mess up. But I am fine, really!' Merlin tried to sound convincing, but something told him that Arthur didn't believe him.

'Liar! But I need you to be at the council meeting today. Apparently there is some kind of a monster in the nearby village, and I need your magical advice. But first, bring me breakfast, I am starving!'

'Yes, Sire... Ahchoo!' Some pillows flew into the air and out of the window.

'Merlin! What was that?' Arthur yelled, but the warlock was already gone.

A few minutes later Merlin was back with Arthur's breakfast. He looked even worse. Arthur got up and started eating, while his pathetic friend tried not to sneeze.

'Ahchoo!' Merlin looked around to see that the King's breakfast was all over the room. Then he looked at Arthur, who was covered with cheese and sauce...

'Merlin!' Arthur yelled 'Get back to Gaius! NOW! THAT'S AN ORDER!'

'But I am fine! Sorry about this little accident...'


'I'll go to Gaius, I promise. But you said you needed me at the council meeting today. I can't abandon my duties, just because I got a cold!'

'Fine. You can come with me to the meeting. But after that you will be heading to the physician's chambers. Am I understood?'

'Yes, Sire. And please, don't do this again?'

'Do what, Merlin?'

'Sound like Uther! You creep me out!'

Twenty minutes later.

'And that creature was first seen in the village about two days ago, by some children. But nobody believed them, until people saw it themselves. What should we do, Sire?' Sir Leon finished his report.

'Merlin, what is this creature?' Gwaine asked.

'Well, according to the description it's a Wofadril...'

'Wofa who?' Arthur seemed very surprised.

'Arthur, it's not polite to interrupt, even if you are a Queen!' Gwaine teased 'But, seriously, Merlin, who is this.. Wofadril?'

'It's a creature of an old religion...'

'Of course it is!' Arthur grumbled

'Do you need my advice or not? Anyway, it doesn't come without a reason. When a Wofadril appears, it means that changes will come, bad or good, it depends on people's choices. But Wofadril itself is very peaceful.' Merlin began to explain.

'Peaceful?! Merlin, it is huge! People are scared!' Lancelot argued.

'Lancelot, trust me. It's more scared of people! It's harmless, but we need to get it away from the village... Ahchoo!' all of the chairs flew into the air and then dropped on the floor.

Arthur stood up, looking furious. 'That's it! Guards! Take him to Gaius! Leon, Gwaine, Percival, Lancelot, Elyan, I need you to take care of the creature. I will join you, as well. Begin the preparations. We will set off tomorrow at dawn.' With these words the King followed two guards, who were dragging the struggling warlock...