As Carrie got out of her moms old van her mother yelled "have a good day at school honey." This was so childish it made Carrie's face turn pink. "Thanks mom." She quickly got out hoeing no one saw the embarrassment. No one was looking. Carrie tried to cheer her self up by thinking about the new car she was getting after school. Carrie was a quiet anti-prep anti-social person. She built a wall around herself. Carrie had a very terrible self-esteem, which did not help her new arrival at Herrington high school. Carrie quickly walked in the school trying not to get noticed. She kept her head down. Everyone was staring at her. She was looking for the office and was about to quit. But then she felt something warm against her. She bumped into someone. "Are you the new girl?" he asked her. "Umm, yea and I'm looking for the office so if you don't mind show me where it is or get the fuck out of my way." She didn't know what else to say or how to apologize. "Okay." She followed him one classroom past where she was standing. "Umm, I need a schedule and stuff." She said trying not to say shit in front of the principal. "Here and have a nice day" she snatched it away and got out. "So whats your name?" the guy asked her. "Carrie, buta I go with Rie. Whats yours?" she tried not to look him in the eyes. He was pretty cute. "Zeke. Where do you go now?" she showed him and he walked her to class since he had it too. Carrie sat in the back the teacher made her stand up and tell everyone her name. "my name is Rie.