Disclaimer: So I'm back and I'm trying something new, actually it's been in my head for quite some time, just difficult to put on paper. I don't own anything. Seriously I mean it, I'm a college student, which means that I'm poor and insignificant (according to the government). All Iron Fey things go to Julie Kagawa.

Important Notes: the rating right now is teen because I don't know exactly where I'm going with this story, it may go up. Also, I'm adding a few more years to the characters so that they fall in the 19-21 range. So college age, because that's what I understand the most.

Chapter 1: An Introduction of Sorts

I rolled over to press the snooze button on the alarm, and almost fell face first onto the floor. I quickly rolled back on the bed to avoid a nasty wake-up call, and stared at the ceiling. 8AM classes were not a good decision, how did I ever believe I could do this? I reached for the alarm again, quickly turned it off, and got out of bed, the tile floors were freezing beneath my toes. Joining a foreign exchange program in Sweden, also not a good idea. I quickly pulled on leggings, a flowing pink blouse, and some knee high boots; and quickly raking a brush through my hair so I could run out the door as fast as possible. I shrugged on a coat, gloves, and hat, grabbed my book bag and rushed out the door. What I didn't mention was that I'd already pushed snooze at least five times, and was now running late.

It was still dark, the sun just barely starting to rise, and I could see my breath before me in the air. The snow crunched under my boots and my nose and lungs stung as I inhaled. Walking from the dorms to the class wasn't a terrible walk. In the summer, at least. But by the time I sat down in the lecture hall and pulled out a notebook, I was seriously beginning to question the important of chemistry in my life.

It wasn't that I struggled with the class, I had come hung-over or drunk to the class many times before, and still managed to get 100% on quizzes and homeworks; it was just time consuming, although the alternative was online classes and it would be more productive to shoot myself than take those.

The professor droned on, and no matter how much I focused on scribbling down the PowerPoint notes, I struggled to keep my eyes open. I skipped my coffee again. The absence of the drink was probably going to cost me a productive day.

Something flickered in front of the projector screen, but it was gone before I knew it. I should probably sleep more, four hours a night isn't cutting it. I propped an elbow on the desk and rested my head against my hand; mainly so I wouldn't fall asleep on the desk. I didn't see anything unusual for the rest of the class. That is, until I walked back outside, the temperature only increased by a few degrees, and I saw a metal woman sitting at one of the tables in the perimeter of my vision, definitely need more sleep. Maybe I needed to party less, or stay sober for a while, I made a quick list of all the possible symptoms for the drugs I'd consumed within the last week. That sounds bad, I swear I'm not an addict, just a curious person who believes she has the right to explore the world.

I continued on to my next class, ignoring the metal creature and refusing to make eye contract. Had the art students set up some new sculptures? I heard a slight creak and turned around looking at the students filing out behind me as if I was looking for someone. As I turned, my eyes passed where it had been, it had only shifted positions; no one else seemed to notice the creature, I wasn't sure if it had eyes, but I was certain it was looking at me.

"Madison!" I called out to one of the other exchange students, we weren't the best of friends, but we'd spent nine hours on a plane together, so we knew each other's life stories. I jogged over to her, careful to avoid any ice, "did you understand the whole acid-base, hydrogen donor-acceptor thing in class today? I was almost passed out sitting there, and I don't recall a thing."

Madison brown eyes went wide for second before she replied, "really? I can do my best to explain it, but you've always been better at chem than me, Emily. I'll come by your room later tonight." Her voice was soft and cheerful and rang like bells in the cold air. She was about the same height as me, which is short, but maybe an inch or two taller, her brown curls bounced as we walked across the plaza to another building before splitting ways before heading to different classes.

I liked Madison and I liked most people in general, but sometimes I swear I felt like a ghost. Nevermind that my skin was very light and I used a foundation labeled alabaster, but I found it difficult to get peoples' attention. I slightly wondered if Madison would remember to help me, not that I actually needed it, but it sucks to be forgotten. That's probably why I acted how I did, people might not notice if I left a room, but they certainly knew who I, Emily Nikks, was when I spoke to them, thanks to my loud, smartass attitude. A therapist would call it a defense mechanism; my sorority advisor back home calls it an extroverted personality.

The day dragged on; in-between classes I grabbed some food and a latte with an extra shot of caffeine, but when I glanced out the window that thing was still there at the table. No one approached it or even seemed to notice it. I sipped my coffee and returned to my textbook, cautiously aware of the pickling feeling on my neck.

Back at the dorm, the sun was already down, and the terrible florescent lighting filled my small 6-by-8ft room as I unpacked my books and pulled out some extra blankets for the night. The weather forecaster claimed tonight was going to be a record breaking night for the cold here. For the record, I didn't choose Sweden by wearing a blindfold and throwing darts at a map, I had other ends to tie up, or explore would be another good word.

My adoptive parents told me when I was little my mother and father were Swedish. I believe the latter person is a guess, because my mother was the one who put me up for adoption, and there was no father listed on the birth certificate. While I loved my adoptive parents, this was something I needed to do for myself. I'd always wanted to meet my birth mom and find out why she didn't keep me. That sounds resentful, and I don't mean it like that, I'm just curious.

When I looked in the mirror, I could see a little Swedish there, my pale face was framed by long dirty blond hair with hazel eyes, but I was short, and Sweden has one of the highest height averages for its population in the world. I stuck my tongue out at my reflection and returned to my search for more blankets, the cold was already setting in, and fast.

At 2AM the fire alarm went off. I was a pretty heavy sleeper, but the wailing of the alarm had me jumping out of bed and throwing on clothes faster than a race horse. Yeah, I know you're supposed to just exit the building in case of a fire, but seriously it's Sweden in the winter and night. Choosing between a fire and freezing in the cold waiting for said fire to be put

out is only picking the lesser of the two evils. Within 30 seconds, I had three layers of clothes on and was exiting the building like every other student.

"It's a false alarm," a kid said next to me, talking to his friend, "someone burned popcorn I think." You got to be kidding me, I wanted to slap my hand against my forehead. Legally we are all adults and can drink in this country, but for the love of Christ we can't make popcorn. I moved towards the back, making room for more people as they filed out of the building, not really thinking. That was when I felt my feet slip out from under me and my butt hit the ice-covered pavement.

"Hey, you okay?" Someone said next to me, holding out a hand. I took it, and he helped pull me to my feet.

"Thanks, and I'm fine," I replied, my brain was still at least 75% asleep and any longer conversation than that wasn't a possibility. I looked around. The alarm had stopped, and the campus police were searching the building, just in case. It was freezing out, I wrapped my arms around my body and did my best to keep my teeth from chattering.

"Alright everyone, you can-", but that was all I heard the man say, because somewhere from behind someone pulled me back, covering my mouth and grabbing my arms. They said something gruffly but I couldn't understand. I kicked and squirmed, but then something hit me on the side of my head, a loud clunking sound and everything became blurry as it dragged me away from the crowd.

Everything was hazy; my eyes couldn't focus. Even the ground seemed to move beneath my hands as I tried to push myself off the earth. My head throbbed, and I swore I could see drops of blood splash on the ground below me. There was no snow on the ground, and instantly felt hot in all my layers. What happened? Where am I? Even just thinking the words caused excruciating pain.

"Why my dear, you're home." Something chattered above me, the voice was gruff, it wasn't male but it sounded mechanical, like a robot. I collapsed to the ground, hoping that if I kept still enough my vision would clear and I could get out of where ever I am quicker. Slowly my vision cleared and I could see that ugly metal face before me. I could only comprehend three words, which technically wasn't comprehending anything, what the hell?

So there's the first chapter, something a little different, there's a lot of breaking the fourth wall in this, but it's something different? Reviews please, nothing nasty.