Chapter 1
It was another cold winter day in South Dakota and as the wind tossed snow around violently outside. Sam sighed as looked out the window of the small apartment. Sam had decided a few weeks ago that he was going to stay with Dean and not return to Stanford. He had thought it about it constantly over the past few months. With all the supernatural activity that had been going on almost everywhere around them, Sam decided he was needed to hunt these monsters, he had realized it was his responsibility to save as many people as he could, as his dad had told him and Dean time and time again. Sam's visions had started a few days ago and Dean had been keeping a wary eye on him since the first one had come true with Max Miller. Sam had seen Max kill his father and had saved his mother right before Max could send a butcher knife through her eye. Aside from the visions, nightmares plagued him almost every night and Sam looked as exhausted and sleep deprived as he felt.
"Sam!" Dean shouted pulling Sam from the daze he had been in, staring out the window.
"Dean don't do that!" Sam exclaimed.
"Well geez Sam you had been staring out that window for a half hour" Dean said as he glanced over at the TV. He turned it up as the news came on.
It seems like South Dakota is experiencing one of the largest snow storms in history. An estimated 13 feet of snowfall is expected, it's already snowed several feet and we are just entering the beginning of this blizzard. We advise to stay indoors and bundle up, nobody will be leaving their homes for the next few weeks or so.
"You've gotta be kidding me" Sam sighed, "A few weeks of being stuck in this crummy apartment."
"Come on Sam it's not that bad, at least we aren't trapped in some musty old motel somewhere" Dean countered.
"Well we're lucky we managed to stock up on food before this storm hit, without the winter advisory a week ago we would have never known to get supplies" Sam said as he sat down on the couch and stretched out.
"And you thought we'd barely get sleet" Dean chuckled.
"Shut up" Sam said as he threw a pillow from the couch and Dean ducked it just in time.
"Wow Sam you've really gotta work on your aim, you're out of practice" Dean teased.
"Oh yeah right, who was the one who put a bullet between that werewolves eyes last week?" Sam questioned.
"If I hadn't have tired him out first you wouldn't have had a chance" Dean taunted. He got up and walked towards the fireplace, turning it up a notch and heat flooded into the room. Before Sam could reply there was a knock at the door and they both narrowed their eyes suspiciously and grabbed their weapons. Dean taking a silver pistol from the inside of his jacket and Sam grabbing his demon knife from the black duffel back sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. They stood on either side of the door, each giving a look that the other could read instantly. Who would be out in this storm and even able to reach the door through the feet of snow? There was a small knock again and Dean nodded and mouthed, "one, two three! They both pushed hard against the door and heard snow get scraped across the concrete path that led to the door. Icy air blasted them in the face and the wind tossed snow inside the house. Dean's eyes widened and Sam looked down at the person in shock. It was a little girl, only about eight years old. Her nose was red and cheeks flushed from the cold. She shockingly resembled them both. She had dark hair like Sam's and dimples, but she had Dean's same shade of green eyes and slight cleft chin. They both hid their weapons at once as Sam shoved the knife into his belt loop and Dean placed his gun back inside his leather jacket. Usually the two wouldn't invite a random little kid into their home but with the conditions outside, they couldn't turn her away.
"Well are you gonna just stand there and freeze?" Dean questioned.
"Dean!" Sam said through his teeth, "She's a little girl." Sam spoke gentler, "Come on in" he said. The little girl shuffled her way inside, tracking in snow after her and the two shut the door. She ran over to the fire as soon as she saw it and warmed her hands by it. She was shivering and was severely under dressed for the storm outside. She wore only a long sleeved red shirt, a simple pink jacket, jeans, and a pair of rain boots. Dean and Sam looked concernedly over at each other and then Sam stepped forward.
"Um…" Sam began as he cleared his throat, "Where are your parent's little girl?" She didn't meet Sam's eyes but instead fished a letter out of her backpack and handed it to him. Dean walked over to them and snatched the letter from Sam's hands. "Dude come on." Dean skimmed the letter quickly with his eyes and he froze and looked over at the girl as if he'd seen a ghost. He handed Sam the letter and Sam shook his head.
"I don't believe it" Sam began.
"There's no way dad had another kid" Dean said, "He was always careful, he used to warn us about accidents like that happening all the time."
"I don't know Dean, I mean he hunted a lot, was out of town for weeks at a time, odds are…" Sam started.
"Shut up Sam, this is impossible!" Dean snapped.
"Look at her Dean she looks like us, and it's not impossible let's get real hear." Dean sighed and walked over towards the girl, he towered over her and she shrank back in fear as he spoke, "Okay kid what kind of crap is this?" Dean demanded as he pointed at the letter.
"Dean!" Sam shouted.
"No I wanna know right now, did you know John Winchester?" he said angrily.
"I….only met him once" she said fearfully, her eyes instantly flooding with tears.
"So what? We're supposed to take care of this kid now?" Dean questioned as he looked over at Sam.
"According to the letter yeah" Sam said, "Her mom passed away."
"So that automatically makes her our problem?" Dean asked.
"Dean this isn't just some kid off the street, she our sister" Sam emphasized.
"Fine, but I don't want anything to do with her, you wanna take her in fine, but she's not my sister" Dean said as he clenched his jaw. Sam yelled after him and Dean slammed the door of his room behind him. Sam was left standing in the living room alone with his sister.
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