Hullo reader! I am the mightly Nivalisflake, and I am here to share with you a little side project of mine, which all started with my art project on Egypt.


"And there's my great great great... Grandfather." Walt said with a dried voice, studying the statue. My arm was linked through his as we wandered the halls of the Egyptian exhibit, alone. Zia and Carter had gone to get pizza and had yet to return. Ever since Zia had discovered the miracle of pepperoni, she wanted to have it every chance she got and Carter, my poor sweet little brother can't, of course, deny her.

I highly doubted that the guards would allow two teens to bring pizza into an exhibit filled with priceless relics, but if anybody came between Zia and her pizza on a date... Best left unsaid.

"Which one?" I said in reply to Walt, looking at the statue. It was carved stone, of course, with very... Odd features. Large hips, a swollen belly, long chin and too long arms. Compared to the stoic, fit Pharaohs around the room, this one looked like he could easily lose a foot race at the walk.

Walt frowned as he looked down to read the information podium, "Akhenaten. Or Amunhotep IV. He's the one who started my family's curse, remember?"

I winced softly. I hated talking about his family's dumb curse. But it was no longer affecting him or killing him, thanks to the god of Death, ironically enough.

Walt looked so much better. It was 5 months after that catastrophe with Apophis. I still sometimes fell asleep and woke up to night terrors of my friends dead, being eaten by snakes. But right now I was out and about, and I wanted to stay off that topic with a passion.

"He was the one who declared that false god right, Aten?"

"Mmm. He was punished for it. The only gods who rule in Egypt are the one's she's known for years and years and years, Sadie. Hard to change that." He smirked down at me. His leather jacket had looked, originally, very out of place for Walt. All of his new outfits did, but it was Anubis's influence. It wasn't a bad influence or anything.

"He might as well get bonus points for trying." I smiled cheerfully back, tugging him away from this memorial to his entire family's annihilation, including his father. I tried not to think about it, instead I focused on distracting him from all this depressing history, "So... How h-"

And I went limp like a rag doll, Walt yelling as I crashed to the tiled floor of the exhibit.


The sensation of fire tickled his skin. He was dead, wasn't he?

Then why did it still hurt?

The voice boomed in his skull, the voice scratchy, like hard beetle shells cracking, "Foolish boy. Foolish boy thought he would win. You are just like him, my last patron."

He tried to talk back to the voice in his head, but nothing came out, "Do not struggle, boy. We are both of the sun. My flames burn a little brighter... For the children of the sun."

The man's burned finger twitched and blood trickled down, a drop rolling off and falling into the void, "We shall have to see about making you whole again..."

"Sadie? Come on..."

I woke up with a gasp, startled. I couldn't even remember passing out, I was walking with Walt and then I was on the ground...

The vision rushed back to me in an instant, like someone had clubbed me with a bat. A spiky, flaming bat.

A man suspended in a dark void like space, his skin a crisp, flakey, charred black. Without warning, I suddenly turned and threw up into the nearest funeral urn. Poor Egyptian soul.

Walt rubbed my back, in between my shoulder blades, "Hey, hey, calm... It's okay, Sadie."

The man had been burned beyond belief. He shouldn't even be alive, but something was keeping his energy going, and what had that horrible, horrible voice said? Children of the sun?

"Walt, I'm fine... What happened?" I tried to stand up and of course, he insisted on helping me. I wobbled against him as I regained my balance after that incident.

He looked me over a few times, before saying slowly, "We were heading away from the statue of Akhenaten when you just went limp. You sure you're totally fine?" His concern touched me. Boys. So sweet, so oblivious.

"I had a vision. I don't know how, but it had to do with children of the sun... Or something like that." The moment I said those words, Walt's expression went from tender concern to rock solid grimness.

"Children of the Sun. Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Aten is the Sun deity. His priests were often called Children of the Sun."

I stared at him, and my gaze slipped to the statue of his ancestor behind us. I suddenly felt a lot less safe in the museum.

"But Ra-"

"Ra is the god of the sun. Aten is the sun."

"Oh." I squeaked. That voice... "I saw a man. His skin, it was... Black."

"That's awful rude." Walt's voice cut in, and he was smirking. I playfully flicked his ear, "Shut up, Walt."

I brushed my loose strands of hair out of my eyes and sighed, continuing, "Anyways. His skin was burned black. Like someone had set him on fire or there had been an explosion or... I don't know. But he was alive, and in so much pain..." I tottered again, the thought making me sick. Walt caught me as I swayed, "Easy. I get it."


I turned and saw Carter, Zia at his side. They both looked great, and with Carter that's a hard thing to believe. Zia especially. Carter was wearing a white linen tees shirt and jeans. Zia, however, was rocking the Egyptian Queen look. White linen dress, gold Ankh necklace (symbol of eternal life, honestly learn your amulets and symbols) and tie up sandals. They looked very out of place, especially Carter, who for once wasn't looking like a professor wanna be.

However, both were studying me with intensity, Carter worried, Zia perplexed. Walt rested a heavy hand on my head and said slowly, "She had a vision. Sadie, do you think you could... Tell them?"

It was hard to talk about it and get the images out of my head, of the burned man still breathing fire-filled breaths. Carter looked disturbed, and Zia was about as green as I was. Overall, creepy vision of a burned-to-a-crisp chosen one with a forbidden god? Not the best way to end a double date.

"Do you think the statue triggered it?" Zia looked back to the curvy, outlandish statue of Akhenaten. It wasn't moving, nor was it trying to kill us or take our eyes as trophies (Not fun). But still, the coincidence was too unlikely for me to not connect the two events.

"It... Could have," I said carefully, but before I could continue Carter the blabbing wonder cut in, "There's really no wondering to it. You just so happened to be talking about Ahkenaten and you have a vision that involved Aten?"

It was too much to just pass off as a coincidence.

Zia looked over to me after staring at the statue, "Did you notice anything specific about this man? The burned one."

Thinking about him made me almost ready to throw up again, but I tried to look past his toast appearance, "Ahm.. Uh... He kinda had some scraps of white fabric clinging to his skin."

Before I could continue, the sound of stone grinding on stone. We all turned.

Akhenaten was ready to play ball.