Hope you enjoy the chapter! Read and Review!

Sora x Riku!



Roxas was leaning against the wall, away from the boy's restrooms. He could hear Sora throwing up from across the hall. Poor kid. 'Didn't think the stress would get to him?' Roxas thought as he hummed, waiting for him. Were they friends now? Roxas had no clue and it would be too awkward to ask. Although, it wouldn't be bad to have a friend that's not in the gang.

Sora finally emerged from the restroom, rubbing his chin from any water droplets left. "I think I'm going to be sick." He walked towards Roxas and sat next to him with a frown.

"Sorry you're in this mess," Roxas said as he crossed his arms. "If it's too much for you... I'll tell Riku the truth." As much as it pained Roxas to tell Riku, he didn't want Sora's health to plummet.

At first Sora would've happily agreed to this but something changed his mind. "No." Roxas' eyes widened by the sudden unexpected answer. Sora continued, "I've seen what Riku is capable of and I don't want you to get hurt Roxas, you've done enough. This is my problem and I should fix it. Even if I get hurt in the process I'd be okay with it, if it means no one got hurt. I was selfish to ask you in the beginning."

Seeing Namine's hurt expression really took a toll on Sora. He had lied to her, something he has never done before. And to make it worse she won't let him near her. Ouch. All Sora wanted to do was tell her the truth but everything got ruined by Riku's sudden appearance.

Roxas didn't question Sora, instead he observed him. "You really like Namine, huh?"

Sora sighed. "Yeah. The way she looked at me today... was like everything was pointless. I rather have a beating than for her to look at me with such a sad expression again." he admitted.

Roxas was fazed for a second, "For a moment you sounded like Riku." He recalled Riku saying those exact words when he was younger.

"What do you mean?" Sora questioned as he began to get up. School was almost over and Sora spend the day skipping classes since he was in no condition to hear whispers behind his back.

"Riku... didn't exactly have a nice childhood with his mom so he often said sad things." Roxas didn't really want to reveal Riku's past but he wants Sora to at least have a clear picture.

"Really? I would have thought he was a spoiled little brat if I ever met Riku when he was small." Sora said bitterly, rubbing dust off his sleeves from his hoodie.

"You're not wrong. He is spoiled but not the way he wants to be." The answer only confused Sora more, just as he was about to ask what Roxas meant he heard a familiar voice.

"Sora? Finally found you," Riku made a smug expression. Sora glanced at Riku, noticing that his cheek was slightly swollen and red from the punch he received earlier. No doubt a bruise will form in a few hours. Sora felt bad... he despised violence yet he hurt Riku. Of course, it was for self-defense but still. Sora had a pure heart and no one could change that, not even his anger for Riku.

"Well I'll see you later, Sora." Roxas headed the opposite direction as he waved at Riku.

"What were you guys talking about?" His tone hinted bitterness and was slightly demanding rather than asking. Riku didn't mind that Roxas hanged with Sora but it made him feel grumpy in the inside since Sora looks happier when he's with him.

Sora quickly came up with something. "About academics! Roxas is really scared that he won't pass classes due to skipping a lot." Lying was the best option because Sora had began to see small signs of jealousy coming from Riku. He thought he was just imagining it at first but no, Riku gets annoyed and makes a foul face.

He muffled a chuckle as he pictured Riku throwing a tantrum like a kid. After everything that has occurred today Sora was relieved that he could let out a laugh. It may not be the best time but he really needed to smile again.

Riku on the other hand didn't laugh or smile as he glared at Sora. "What are you laughing about?!"

"I have no idea," Sora slowly stopped laughing and then sigh in the end. "I just want to go home now." Ever since Riku gave him his respect everything has been easier for Sora, he no longer harasses or physically hurts him anymore. No jokes or rude comments from the gang either, which was a little shocking to him.

"I'll walk you," Riku shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets as he walked beside Sora.

When Sora wanted to go home he meant only him and not Riku, who was next to him at the dinner table. "I'm so happy you're joining us again, Riku." Rinoa smiled as she served both of them. It was just the three of them since Cloud was out with his friends.

"What can I say? I just love hanging with Sora and getting the chance to see a beautiful woman." Riku could be the world's greatest actor by lying through anything.

"Jackass," Sora whispered.

"What was that, Sora?" Riku slightly glowered while trying to maintain a smile. "I- I said that's nice!" Sora awkwardly grinned. Riku may not harm him anymore but that doesn't mean he can't do some other things.

"You should bring your other friend, honey." Rinoa added.

Both teens made a puzzled expression. "What other friend, mom?" Sora inquired, he never mention anyone else before and certainly never talked to Rinoa about his school life.

"A young man who was outside an hour ago," Rinoa explained, "At first I thought it was Riku but upon closer look it wasn't due to his long hair and uniform." She pondered in thought and see if she missed anything.

Riku dropped his utensil at hearing the small description. "Did you say he was here an hour ago?" Riku voice lightly cracked and sounded hoarse, unexpectedly he left the dining table as he bolted outside. Sora quickly followed him after explaining to his mom that it was nothing.

Sora glanced around his porch and saw Riku near the street looking around like a maniac. As Sora got closer he heard him cuss over and over again. "FUCK! FUCK! I can't fucking believe I let my guard down." Riku shouted as he clenched his fists.

"What are you talking about?" Sora asked, curiously. Also this was the first time he'd ever seen Riku in such a state. Why was he angry about? And who was the guy his mom was talking about? Did Riku know him?

"Do you know him?"

"Yes, I know him! He's the leader of our rival gang!" Riku snapped and went back to cussing. "He probably fucking followed me." Riku was so used to walking with his gang once school was over that he thought walking with Sora was no different. Obviously he was wrong.

Sora mentally panic... The leader of the other gang was here in front of his house, meaning that he knows where Sora leaves. Great. Now he's going to be afraid of walking to school and on his way home. Now that Riku wasn't going to hit him anymore, the other leader certainly will. Sora can't seem to catch a break.

'I might as well be in heaven.' Sora cried in his mind.

Unknown to Sora, Riku was having an inner turmoil. He was currently trying to figure out what to do about this situation. Riku needed to talk to Roxas about this first. He hoped the other leader didn't know about Sora.

Because if he did... it would mean trouble for the both of them.

Author's Note... I'm so sorry I haven't updated in seven months! I haven't entered in this account for a long time and forgot about it. I've been debating on putting on hiatus or just discontinue it. I actually had to reread this story again since I forgot what it was about... Here's the new chapter! Leave lovely comments.

Let me know what you think! And if any ideas please share or make suggestions! I sometimes take them into considerations!

Read and Review Please!... I'll go faster