Joining Chapter 1: Written November 2002

By: Arinson Tidochi

I own neither Dragon Ball Z nor Ranma ½, and I don't have any money anyways, so please don't sue me. I'm not making any money out of this fanfiction, I'm just doing it for fun.

This is the first fanfiction that I've done, so I'd welcome any questions or comments on it. I have a really good idea where I want the story to go, and I honestly can't wait to get there. I called this story Joining because I'm effectively joining two main series, the original Dragon Ball and Ranma ½, and because I couldn't think of a better name. This story starts immediately after the complete Ranma ½ manga series and immediately before Dragon Ball Z begins. Though at first I'll only be borrowing characters that appeared during the course of Dragon Ball Z, it will become quickly apparent that the story follows a different kind of a path as moves on. At some points in the story I've actually quoted from the American translation of Dragon Ball Z. This happens only in the sections that are effectively retellings of what happened in the actual story. The two sections in this chapter are when Raditz first arrives on earth and when Vegeta and Nappa are talking on Namek.

The hatch to the space pod slowly opened, sending dust up into the morning air. Two large hands came out and settled on either side of the pod door. Following them, a man pulled himself out of the pod and took a moment to view his surroundings. He was large, close to 6'6, with spiky flowing black hair reaching down to the ground behind him. His battle armor had an alien look to it, and his physique left no doubt that he was a warrior of impressive caliber.

He slowly levitated out of the crater that his transportation had created and landed gently on the grass. He glanced over to see man wearing odd clothes and holding what appeared to be some kind of gun.

"Hey, now don't make any funny moves now or you're going to get it!" The man said trembling, unable to hold his gun straight.

"Power level 5. What is this weakling doing alive?" The man with the black hair began to walk slowly towards the farmer.

"I warned you!" The man fired; his shaking arms barely able to handle the shock of the gun shot.

The alien warrior quickly held out his hand and stepped to the side. When he unfurled his fingers, the bullet was sitting in the palm of his hand, not even leaving a scratch. With a cruel smile, he brought it between his thumb and forefinger and flipped it through the heart of the farmer, sending him sprawling back into his truck. "What a fragile breed of people." He said out loud, his voice filled with contempt.

"Why are these weak people still alive? Kakarot, you have failed us." He reached up the side and pressed some buttons on a little machine connected to a glass lens that he was wearing on his head. "I see, power level 322. Quite high for this pathetic world. It has to be Kakarot!" Laughing, he jumped up into the air and flew off at a blinding speed.


Ranma paused as he felt a chill run up his spine, giving Genma just the opening needed. Crack! With a single jump kick Ranma flew into the spring. Landing on the side of the spring, Genma couldn't pass up the chance to gloat.

"Ha, you're getting soft boy! You'll need to train more if you'll want to get ahead of me!"

A splash of water from the pond revealed a very angry red haired girl, and a very wet panda. Leaping from pond she knocked him to the ground with a kick to the head. "Just shut your mouth old man, I'm going to get something to eat."

Looking miffed, the panda made a few guttural sounds and slowly stood up. It looked like it was ready to start fighting again, but Ranma just ignored it and walked into the house. Looking confused, the panda stared after her for a moment and then shrugged, and then went upstairs in order to bathe.

Ranma took a seat quietly and began to pick at her food. Sitting opposite to her, Akane was also eating breakfast, and observing her quietly as she ate. Noticing, Ranma looked up and saw her looking at her. "What do you want!?"

"Well nothing, just to know why you're so withdrawn. Even I could have taken advantage of that opening you gave Mr. Saotome, and well. that just doesn't happen very often, you know?!" She admitted, beginning to get angry.

"Yeah I know. I felt something during that fight, something. I don't know, horrible." She said, continuing to play with her food.

"Something horrible? Like what do you mean? Something like another challenge from a martial artist or another ogre?" She asked, beginning to get frightened.

Ranma slowly looked up at her. Akane got the feeling from her eyes that even though she was looking straight at her, her mind was actually somewhere else. "Well, it's kind of hard to describe. It kind of felt like a chi challenge from a martial artist, but for once I don't think it was directed at me. She shivered slightly and thought to her self "Thank Kami for that, for once that awesome hatred I felt wasn't directed at me. I wonder if that was even real, the power it represented only flashed in my mind for a second, but it feels like it burned a scar there. Now, it feels kind of like. what's that word?"

"Fear." She said out loud. Akane looked up at her, "What was that Ranma." She looked back at her, a little embarrassed. "None of your business." Now Akane began to look angry.

"You two had better hurry or you'll be late for school." Kasumi said smiling as she walked into room holding a steaming tea kettle. "Nabiki already left 10 minutes ago."

"Hey thanks Kasumi, we'd better get going Akane." Ranma said while snatching the tea kettle from her and pouring water on himself.

Akane paused for a moment before she followed him out the door. "What was that all about? If there's something that Ranma's afraid of, I hope it stays away from here." She said, shivering for a moment.


(Basically Raditz flies down and confronts Piccolo. Piccolo is amazed at how strong he his, and throws a ki attack that Raditz just takes head on with no effect. Afterwards, he senses what he believes to be Goku's power and flies off leaving Piccolo thinking "This guy's going to be trouble."

"Well, look at all of the people around here, what a beautiful world they have. I can't wait to see what it goes for." Raditz chuckled to himself. "I'm detecting several large powers in this little city. A power level of 280, almost as high as Kakarot's. Well, my little brother won't be going anywhere for a while, I think I've got time for some fun."


"You know Akane?" Ranma said, running along the top of the fence.

"What is it Ranma, we don't have time to talk!" Akane said, already breathing hard.

"Remember when Saffron captured you?" He asked quietly.

"Of course I remember! How could I forget? So why bring it up now?"

"Well" Ranma paused, uncertain of the words to choose. "I was worried about you. Really. worried. That I."

Akane's step faltered and she slowed to a halt, staring up at Ranma. "You were worried about me?" Her heart began to speed up.

Ranma nodded slowly, also coming to a halt. "Yeah. I was worried that I. that I might lose you, you know, forever. If that had happened, I don't know what I would have done."

"Why is he talking like this now?" Akane asked herself blushing. "It must have been that feeling he had this morning, there's no way that jerk could ever be so gentle." "Or so honest."

Ranma jumped off of the fence and landed next to her, and looked deeply into her eyes. "There's something I need to tell you Akane."

Akane stared back into his eyes. "Yes Ranma?" She asked quietly. "Is he going to say it, what is he doing, I can't believe this!" If it's possible her heart rate jumped yet again.

But the moment was too good to last, Ranma's face darkened and he turned around and looked out into the sky. "Man I don't like this; something's coming right for us! Get out of here Akane!"

"What do you mean Ranma?" Akane said backing up a few steps. "What do you see?"

"I don't know, but its power is. impossible!"

With those words a man (cue earlier description) landed on the street in front of them. "Power level 280, not too bad for someone from this world!" The man started laughing.

"What you laughing at!?" Ranma yelled, as apprehension turned to wounded pride. Ranma quickly stepped back into a defensive stance. "Get away from here Akane! Let me take care of this guy." "Ah shit", he thought to himself. "I didn't get a chance to tell her."

"So little man, you actually intend to fight? That's a bit more gall then I expected from someone with such a pathetic power. I've seen 10 year olds with higher power levels than yours! But I wouldn't be too embarrassed about that. I've seen some pretty tough kids."

With that the man threw back his head and started laughing, filling the street with its large and barbaric sound. As far as the eye could see, people were running indoors and slamming windows. They somehow instinctively knew that this strange man was trouble.

"Shut up! Who are you anyways?!" Ranma yelled turning to him. "What the hell do you want with me?!"

"My name is Raditz; all I want to do is play a little. Why don't you take the lead?" The man stepped back with his left leg and raised his arms, deliberately mocking the deep stance that Ranma was in. "That is, unless you want me send your cute little friend to the next dimension."

"You shut up; you're not laying a finger on her!" Ranma yelled out, jumping at him. "Kachü Tenshin Amaguriken!"

Raditz raised one eyebrow, and caught Ranma's hand in his own on the first punch. "What the hell, how did you do that?!"

"It's because you're too slow." Raditz said casually, and then backhanded Ranma across the face, sending him sprawling through the fence and into the river. "For a kid with such a big mouth you'd think he could actually fight." Raditz threw up his and started laughing again, only to feel something come down on the back of his head.

"Hmm, I think I just felt a breeze." Turning around he saw Akane holding a large mallet, with wide and frightened but stubborn eyes. "Power level 65, not too bad for a little girl."

"What do you want with us?! We didn't do anything to you!" Akane yelled out, already beginning to step back. "He defeated Ranma with one hit, what am I going to do, what am I going to do!?" She asked herself frantically.

"Oh, but you're wrong my dear, you did do something to me. Something I take quite seriously." Raditz was now frowning, deliberately walking towards her. "You see, my own brother Kakarot was sent to destroy all of you pathetic weaklings, and yet you survived. You see, my own brother failed!" He was angry now, and Akane's retreat began to be faster. "A member of the mighty saiyajin race failed to destroy the life on one measly little planet!!!"

He stopped as a foot made contact with the side of his head. Turning he saw a wet red haired girl with a bruised face who looked really pissed off. "What!? Power level 275? Where did that boy go!? I can't detect his power! Stupid piece of junk, it's malfunctioning again."

Ranma refused to let the fear show on his face. "That one hurt me more then him." He thought to himself, feeling the throbbing in his foot and on the side of his face. "I don't think I can take this guy. He's in another league altogether compared to anything I've ever seen before."

Raditz looked her up and down. "Not too bad looking, but that attack of yours felt like a babies kick. Why don't you do this world a favor and start having some children. Maybe if some kids inherited your blood they wouldn't be such weaklings. Not that it would make a difference to me in the end, but it would be a lot more fun to have more real warriors to kill."

"Not a chance of that. Now why don't you leave before I really get serious." Ranma said, his female face contorted with pain and anger.

"Ha, I like you; I think I'll kill you later. What was your name?"

"Ranma Saotome." She replied without hesitation, staring into his dark and cruel eyes.

"Ranma Saotome is it? I look forward to meeting you again." With that he leaped into the sky and disappeared.

Ranma quickly ran over to Akane, "Are you all right, did he do anything to you!?"

"Why are you asking me that you idiot, you're the one who got injured!" Akane yelled at her in a huff. "We need to get you to Dr. Tofu's right away!"

"Hey! Excuse me for being worried about you! Look, just go ahead to school, I'll go to Dr. Tofu's myself."

"Not a chance Ranma, we need to talk about that guy. He'll be coming back for you, you heard what he said. We need to prepare."

Ranma lowered his head slowly. "Akane, preparation won't do any good, not with only a few days at least. He was too fast, too strong, and way too powerful. I don't even think the old ghoul could compare to him.

Akane looked up at him, frightened, tears in her eyes. "Well, we have to try; we'll get Ryouga here too. You two can take him on together. You're the best fighters I know."

Ranma shook his head slowly. "At least five times faster then me, and five times stronger then Ryouga. This guy's too much, way too much." He looked up into Akane's tearful shimmering eyes and sighed. "Let's go to Tofu's."


Basically Raditz kidnaps Gohan and fights with Piccolo and Goku. Goku gets killed in order to defeat Raditz. Piccolo picks up Gohan and takes him off into the wild to train. Meanwhile, Goku stays dead because he's going to train in the afterlife. Raditz reveals that saiyans even stronger than him will be coming to earth for the dragon balls, because they want to make a wish.


It's a beautiful, alien landscape, similar to a tropical rainforest. An exotic three armed monkey is leaping through the trees; strange lizards are crawling about the ground. Ants the size of rats are scampering up and down the vegetation. A fire is burning in a small clearing amongst the trees and the animals. Sitting around the fire are two people. One is large and rather ugly, with a bald head and a barbaric, merciless face. The other is smaller, with long spiky black hair going straight up into the air, showing a broad forehead. Though better looking, his face is even crueler then that of the large man sitting beside him. Just by looking at him, one could almost feel the awesome amount of pride the man had. For some reason, the animals and even the insects avoided this small clearing this night.

"So what do you think Vegeta?" The large man asked somewhat hesitantly, fear of the smaller man in his voice.

"Think of what, that last message that Raditz sent?" The smaller man asked.

"Well, yeah, about those dragon balls."

"That man, Piccolo I think, said that when one gathered all of them they could make a wish. I say we should go to investigate."

"What would we wish for Vegeta, to bring Raditz back?"

"No, that would be a wasted wish." He paused for a long moment to think, and then a cruel smile filled his face. "Tell me Nappa, how would you like to be immortal, and fight forever?"

"That's something that I could live with for the rest of my life." The larger man responded happily.

"Then let's move. We're going to earth." Vegeta stood up and began to walk away. "Freezer, I'll get you back for what you've done to me, to my honor." Vegeta thought angrily to himself. "You and that sorcerer of yours enslaved my entire race and then destroyed us. You made a mistake leaving me alive. I will defeat you, I swear it."

"Hey, wait for me Vegeta!" Nappa yelled, running after him.

After they left an extremely large figure, well over 7 feet tall, crept into their camp. He was wearing a black robe which covered his entire body. All that showed were the horns poking out of the hood of his robe. He knelt next to the fire.

"Well well Vegeta. You know what they say about starting fires. If you don't put them out yourself you force someone else to do it for you." Looking down at the fire he whispered. "Water crush." On those words a hammer made of water came down on the fire, putting it out in an instant. The man chuckled to himself, "My magical powers are growing. I'm quite pleased."

The man stood up as almost complete darkness filled the little grove. "We'll just see what Emperor Freezer and Master Babbiti have to say about Vegeta's little rebellion."

Smirking to himself, he raised up his left hand. "Teleport now!" And disappeared into the night air, the dead fire the only evidence that anyone was ever there.

For no reason at all the three armed monkey jumped into the grove and began to dance in circles, chirping to itself.


Cologne sighed as she sat down behind the counter in the Nekohanten. "What a busy day." She thought too herself. "I've been getting tired more easily in these past few weeks ever since I felt that outrageous power which had attack Ranma."

Shampoo sat next to her, equally tired. She glanced over at Cologne, concern in her eyes. "What's matter great-grandmother? You thinking of that thing that attack Ranma?"

Cologne glanced over at her. "Yes child, I'm afraid I am. According to what Ranma said, this strange warrior will be coming back for him soon. For once, I think this warrior may be beyond his power." "I never thought I'd say that about the man who defeated Saffron." Cologne thought silently to herself.

"No worry, great grandmother. Ranma beat Shampoo; he'll beat this one as well. He is the best."

"How little you know child, how little you know." Cologne said quietly. "But I haven't sensed his power again, and people with that kind of power don't just disappear into thin air. I wonder what could have caused him to vanish like that."

There was a knock at the door. Looking up irritably Cologne said, "We're closed for the day. If you're not my future son-in-law than go away." There was a chuckle from the person behind the door. It fully opened to reveal a man who was very strangely green. His wrinkled skin and wise eyes left no doubt that he was a very old man. He carried a gnarled staff not unlike Cologne's and was wearing white robes which went all of the way to the ground. Perhaps even stranger then his green skin was the antennas that came off of his head.

"Kami!" Cologne breathed suddenly too herself.

"Don't tell me that you've forgotten who I am in the 100 years since we've last met respected elder Cologne." The green man asked with a smile on his face.

"Who this strange green man great grandmother?" Shampoo asked, surprised at Cologne's reaction. "He a plant man or something?"

"No child, this is Kami, the guardian of the earth." Cologne asked, still slightly in shock at seeing him so suddenly.

"Aiya! This man Kami?" Shampoo asked in shock.

"Yes, this is Kami. Shampoo, why don't you leave us for a bit, if he's here there must be something important to discuss."

"Yes great-grandmother." Shampoo said, disappointed that she couldn't stay. She got up and slowly left the room.

Kami watched her as she left with a smile on his face. "So, has your great grand-daughter found a strong warrior to marry yet? That is how your tradition works, is it not?"

"Yes that is correct, and yes, she has found a warrior to marry, but there have been some complications with that whole process. But enough about that. If you're here, something serious must be underway. Something that involves the safety of this entire world no doubt. Does it have anything to do with that warrior that came through this city only a few weeks ago?"

Kami knodded at her assessment. "Yes, that is correct. It does involve that warrior. Apparently, he was an alien from another world, from a warrior race called the saiyajins. He possessed an awesome power, and was only barely defeated by the two most powerful warriors this world has. Son Goku, who was revealed to also be a saiyajin, and Piccolo, the successor to the original demon king from ages past. Unfortunately, Goku lost his life in that fight."

Cologne nodded, "I am familiar with Piccolo the demon king from various legends that I've heard, but I've never heard of this Goku. But now that he's dead, I suppose the dragon balls may be the only way to bring him back."

Kami nodded. "Again, that is correct. Goku will be resurrected in due course, once he completes his business in the afterlife, but that is not why I have come to you. Before he died, the alien used a machine to contact two of his allies, and informed them of the existence of the dragon balls. In their greed, they are now on their way here. I have used my powers as Kami to observe the nature of those two. The weaker of them makes the warrior who attacked earlier look like a child in strength by comparison."

Cologne nodded slowly, her face not displaying the fear she was feeling. "If that is the case, then what do you want of me? I feel that there is little I can do in the face of this incoming disaster."

Kami smiled, but his eyes were completely serious. "I am already gathering many champions to train who will have the power to fight back against them, and I know that Piccolo is training the son of Goku to fight as well. They will create a force stronger then this world has seen before. But their power will not be enough; they will inevitably lose against these saiyajin invaders. Goku is going to train with King Kai himself, but even then his power may not be enough against these two. I need you to train a different warrior, one who holds the name Ranma Saotome."

Cologne actually smiled after hearing those words. "I should have figured my future-son in law would eventually catch the eyes of Kami himself. What technique do you wish for me to teach him?"

Kami widened his eyes. "Your future son in law?" He asked in shock, than chuckled to himself. "Well, I suppose that does make sense. He first caught my attention after he defeated Saffron, displaying amazing strength beyond what any other human has demonstrated thus far."

Kami placed his hands on the table, his expression becoming extremely serious. "I need you to take him through the freedom of soul and elemental resistance training."

Cologne's eyes narrowed, "I'm alright with the elemental resistance training, I assume you want that so that he can train in the legendary room of space and time." Kami simply nodded. "However, the freedom of soul training is permitted by Amazon law to only be taught to female members of the Amazon tribe, so I'm afraid that request is simply impossible."

Kami sighed, and leaned back on his stool. "I was afraid you'd say that, so I'm going to need to insist. Does it not say in your ancient Amazon law that the one holding the position of Kami can over rule Amazon law?"

"No, you wouldn't!" Cologne protested.

"I'm afraid that I'll have too. The very existence of the earth is on the line, we can't afford to allow your ancient laws to interfere with that."

"If that is what you command, than I have no choice but to obey." Cologne said grudgingly, a frown filling her ancient face.

Kami reached up and patted her on the shoulder. "I'm sorry, but that is the way things have to be."

Cologne was still for a moment but then finally smiled. "It's alright old friend. I'll train Ranma in the method that you've requested. Should I go to tell him now?"

Kami shook his head. "I've already sent Mr. Popo to tell Ranma. He will soon be coming to you with knowledge of everything but what you'll be setting out to teach him. You have close to a year to train him before the warriors come. I will tell you a day in advance before they get here, so Ranma will have time to complete his training in the room of space and time."

"A year isn't much time for the training you've requested, but if anyone can do it, it would be my future son-in-law."

Kami nodded. "Quite right, that was my assessment as well. Tell Ranma that I'm looking forward to meeting him in person." With that he stood up and began to walk towards the door.

As he opened the door a white shape blurred through it and glomped him, sending both him and the other person falling to the floor. "Oh Shampoo, I've missed you so much, I'm so happy to see you!" the person said, rubbing his face up against Kami's.

"Oh Mousse, you're being a fool as always." Cologne said to herself, shaking her head.

"Would you kindly get off of me young man?!" Kami yelled with exasperation in his voice.

"Huh, what was that Shampoo?" Mousse said, and pulled down his glasses as he sat up. "Hey, who's this dried up old pickle? How dare you impersonate Shampoo!" After saying that, his eyes crossed and he slumped to the side, unconscious. Cologne was standing next to him, holding her staff in a striking position.

Kami slowly stood up. "Thanks again respected elder Cologne. The children around here certainly have a lot of energy, don't they?"

Cologne sighed while looking down at Mousse. "Yes they certainly do." She looked back up at Kami. "Good luck with what you must do."

Kami smiled gently. "And also with you." With those words he walked out of the door, then flew up into the air and disappeared.

Cologne silently walked up the stairs and quickly opened the door to the second floor, to find Shampoo huddled up against it pressing her ear to the door.

"Eek, great-grandmother!" She said, startled.

Cologne chuckled, "It's alright child. I knew that you were up here all along. Do you think that you and Mousse can handle the Nekohanten by yourselves for a year?"

Shampoo sighed and looked sadly at the ground. "I suppose so great- grandmother. So you and Ranma are going?"

"That is right child, but you should be happy. Your future husband was selected by Kami himself to fight for the survival of the earth. It doesn't surprise me at all that he was chosen."

Shampoo managed a small smile. "You right great grandmother."

Cologne walked past her, "Of course I am, now would you mind doing me a favor?"

"What's that great-grandmother?"

"Go put that idiot Mousse in bed before somebody steps on him."


That's the end of part one, I really hope you guys enjoyed it! See you soon.