Hello everyone, SkatingDJ here! Thank you for clicking onto this story, just doing that means a lot to me:)

DO NOT SKIP THIS ONE PART: this is a take off of Maleficent (2014) (awesome movie people) Since Maleficent is a fairy, she is weak to iron. So I thought, "What if Spirits were weak to iron?" BOOMSHAKALAKA! IDEA XD So, this is a story about how Jack Frost and the other three Seasonal Spirits (they will be introduced later in the story) are weak to iron. The story will start to kick off after a bit so bear with me please:) It starts before Jack becomes a Guardian and goes into after he becomes one.

Rated T for language/torture/blood etc. I own nothing including the cover. No OC's. Jack Frost's POV. But without further ado, let us begin chapter 1 of Hot & Cold! (You're hot and you're cold, you're yes and you're no- okay I'm sorry, I'ma stop XD promise you will not see any of that) Sorry, it's short. Intros are like that... the next few will be short but they will get longer later

There's something I haven't told anyone, ever. It's something that no one should know, not worth my breath or their concern. Only three other people know in this whole entire miserable world full of that stuff... because they have it too. Three other people like me. Different from everyone else. Unseen by everyone else. We would never, ever be normal. That was the one thing that bonded us together. We were the, the... Unseen's, Unwanted & Unloved. The list goes on. But don't get me wrong, they like each other and gang up against me, they all hate me, they would kill me if the day came if they had an urge to, "Hey guys! Let's go kill Jack Frost! He's worthless!". Everyone hates me. Nobody needs me. I am a burden to this god forsaken world. I cause death and hunger. If I go, nobody would mourn over me or miss me...

There I go again, pitying myself. I can't stop thinking about myself. Not in vanity or selfishness, it was just because of who I am and because I have nothing better to do. I am a nobody named Jack Frost who brings harmful winter to the world. Don't say that I'm not a "nobody" because I literally am... nobody can see me. Even if they did, they would choose not to bother with me. I'm just a waste of space. I have tried to commit suicide but I don't have the guts. I'm so weak. I hate being weak. Why did I have to be Jack Frost!?

Oh, still curious about what I've never told anyone? That thing we Seasonal Spirits have? Let me put it into a story for you:

A Little Over 200 Years Ago

I had recently been born into this world, according to many other spirits. For me, it already felt like I had already lived for many centuries. After I realized I was invisible, I shunned myself from the world... as if I already wasn't. I stayed away from other spirits even though they didn't want to have anything to do with me anyways. I would camp at my special lake or in Antarctica because it was one hot world. Wherever I flew, down a street, in a shop, by an apartment, next to a building... it was hot hot hot! Whenever I was surrounded by nature though, it was better, even if it wasn't cold.

I was yet to learn of this phenomenon.

I was almost 100 years old when something big in the center of Europe broke out. It was called a War. World War I. Sure, I've seen iron before... but oh my god. Planes and guns and all this stuff, never seen so much iron in one place. I swirled through the air before landing on the ground as something big and unusual had caught my eye.

It was big and people would get inside it. What did it do? I landed far off and approached the thing cautiously. I began to get very very warm but raised my cool temperature. I examined the thing at a far range as I walked around it as if it were my prey. It was hot (for I do not know why), and it made a rumbling sound. I began to get closer when I heard gunshots in the distance... but I paid no attention to it. I got closer, ignoring the heat it was radiating. I extended my delicate hand to it's surface, my hand becoming very hot.

What I also didn't notice was that the thing was grumbling louder and was moving forward, slowly. I noticed too late. The thing moved forward and pressed against my hand. I heard a sizzle as my hand felt like it was scorching on hot coals. I drew my hand back in a flash with a cry and sprung into the air as the thing licked my toes with it's boiling surface. I recoiled my burnt hand into my chest and examined it, it was all red and wrinkly and tender and burned. I was so hurt and intrigued that I didn't notice the planes darting past me while spewing out bullets.

Once again I noticed too late. A few bullets penetrated me. A couple in my right arm, one in my left leg, and one in my gut. They rested within me as I screamed at the top of my lungs in agony. It hurt so bad. It was hot, I felt like my insides were catching on fire wherever the bullet hit. My limp, burning body tumbled towards the ground. I hope I splat soon, was all I could think of, but I landed in a sea and was snapped into unconsciousness.

The sea drifted me into America, Pennsylvania. A miracle. My home town. My body still burned but my drenched clothes helped a tad. I weakly made it to a pharmacy, leaving trails of blood behind me. I snatched a pair of scissors and headed out again. The exit was past a large, heavy cash register that I paid no attention to.

Until it glowed red when I past it. I looked at it as my body began to grasp onto reality. The more I got closer to the iron money container, the redder and hotter it got. My hand was burning too. I dropped the pair of scissors that was in my hand and stared at both iron substances with horror and confusion. Hugging my sopping self and focusing on making it colder within me.

That's when everything snapped together and it became excruciatingly hot. I was baking in an oven. It wasn't just the scissors, the cash register, the iron ring an old man was wearing, the iron beams supporting the store, the store... it was the world full of it. Full of that horrid substance created by Earth. It was everywhere and it was out to burn me.

Iron burns me

With the last of my strength, I limped to my lake and pried the bullets out of me and tossed them into my lake. I was drenched and sitting in a pool of my own blood. The grass around me was wreaked with the copper smell, the green and red creating a Christmas affect. I screamed my heart out as no one heard my wails of help as tears streamed down my pale face like a waterfall. It burned. I swear, some of my insides must have been scorched. I could barely move without my muscles shrieking for relief. I tore off my sweatshirt sleeves and wrapped them around my cuts, using it as gauze. I'll steal another sweatshirt later.

So I just laid there, and waited for my wounds to heal. Sobbing. How could I have not seen or felt it sooner? I was alone in a world that was out to burn me. I was a little birdie being cooked in an oven. Was I alone like this? Was I the only spirit who burned in contact of iron? What about the others? I was curious to know but I was still crying and weak. I would find out later. Thrill of meeting other spirits lulled me to sleep as I tried to ignore my burning body.

From then on, I stayed away from iron to the best of my ability but I always seemed to encounter it. It was especially harmful to me since I was the Spirit of Winter. Great. Iron was made out of everything nowadays or inside everything. Automobiles, everyday equipment, buildings etc. Everywhere I flew I was surrounded by the horror of burning. What a life.

And I did find out that I was not alone and that the other Seasonal Spirits burned in contact with iron but the way I figured out could have gone better. Just saying hello could have been a game changer. Sigh... why was this world out to get me? I guess I'll save you my visits of the Spirits for later, but for now, let me wallow in sorrow for a brief second.

That's all! Sorry that it was short, next few will be as well:/ And sorry that the ending was stupid, had to find some way to end it. But next chapter, we will meet and greet a spirit! I hope you enjoyed the story. PLEASE leave a review as it would be utterly amazing and check out my other stories:) Thanks for reading, see y'all... HAPPY THANKSGIVING FOLKS!XD EAT LOTS! Peace!
