A/N Hi everyone! This is my first fanfiction on this site so please tell me if you enjoyed it or not, I appreciate feedback and if you have any ideas about what I could do for future chapters then please tell me. Please read and review. Inspired by 'Road To Victory' by One-Crazed-Up-Dragon-Fan.

Everyone in the prologue looks like they did in the first movie. In the actual chapters they will look like they did in the second movie.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything apart from the plot.

Prologue part one

Astrid Hofferson and Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III were strolling through the park together. By now everyone knew that the two teens were in a relationship. As they were walking they didn't see a motorbike heading towards them until the last minute.

"Hiccup get out of the way!" Screamed Astrid as the bike was heading towards Hiccup, it was sort of like the biker wanted to hurt him on purpose. But it was too late, the bike crashed into Hiccup just as the biker jumped off. "No! Hiccup!" Astrid ran towards him and lifted the bike off the now unconscious Hiccup. She grabbed her phone and called 999, when she heard a voice asking what the problem was she said what had happened. Within five minutes the police and the ambulance was there, the biker was arrested and Astrid helped the paramedics lift Hiccup into the ambulance.

Twenty minutes later Astrid, Fishlegs Ingerman, Hiccup' cousin, Snotlout Jorgenson, Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston, Hiccup' mum and dad, Valka and Stoick, and Stoick's friend and Hiccup's karate teacher Gobber were sitting in a white room waiting to told they can go and see Hiccup. Finally the doctor said they could go and see him, so they all piled into a big room with a bed in the corner, and on the bed was Hiccup, but there was something different about him, then Astrid realised that Hiccup's lower left leg had been cut off up to his shin. The doctor then pulled Gobber to the side to talk to him. After about two minutes Gobber left and soon came back with something metal in his hand, it looked like a foot made out of metal, and then Astrid remembered that Gobber was a blacksmith so he must have made it for Hiccup.

Two weeks later Hiccup was up and out of the hospital, but he needed Astrid help him walk as he got used to his prosthetic.

"You know what?" Hiccup said to Astrid.


"I am never going to ride my motorbike again!"

"Well good for you! Because if you do there is a chance that you might lose your other leg!"

"Don't say that! I want to try and keep as many limbs as possible, and that's why I am never getting on it again!"

"You are so dramatic! That is one of the things I like about you!"

"Really, you mean it?"

"Of course!" Astrid kissed him, "Just do me one favour, don't you ever lose your dramatic flair!"

"If it means that much to you, then I promise I will never lose my dramatic flair!" Hiccup said with a goofy smile as he kissed Astrid on the head, which was a little bit hard seeing as she is an inch taller than him.

Later that day the gang was at Hiccup's house training their parrots. Snotlout had Hookfang, his red and orange parrot, Fishlegs had Meatlug, his unusually stout brown parrot, Ruffnut and Tuffnut had Barf and Belch, their matching green parrots, Astrid had Stormfly, her blue and yellow parrot, and Hiccup had Toothless, his rare pitch black parrot.

"I will be back in a second. I just need to go to the bathroom." Hiccup said as he walked back inside. About two minutes later everyone heard a muffled scream coming from inside, the gang ran inside to see a man in black tying Hiccup's hands together and dragging him to the garage.

Astrid burst through the front door to see the man with Hiccup tied up behind him leaving on The Speedster, Hiccup's motorbike, with Toothless racing after them attacking the man who didn't seem to be fazed by the parrot.

A/N Here we go! Wow! That was actually easier than I expected. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it don't forget to review and let me know what it was like.

This is Dragonchick101 signing out!