Disclaimer: I own nothing

A/N: Things get a little more steamy here. There is some elements of D/s in this chapter. Nothing too explicit I don't think but it is still there.

Let me know what you think of it and where you might want it to go...

Cloud stretched out awake the next morning. He could tell without he was alone in the massive bed. He mused it was probably the chill caused by Sephiroth's absence that woke him up. It wasn't often that he slept alone anymore.

He flipped onto his stomach and latched onto Sephiroth's pillow, burrowing into it in a futile attempt to get a bit more sleep. But it was too late. He was already wide awake…

Damn it.

Cloud reluctantly threw the blankets off and crawled out of the great nest of a bed. He didn't bother getting dressed; instead he grabbed a loose black robe. Putting it on as he walked out of the room. It wasn't cold, and there were no windows, but he couldn't force himself to walk around naked. Well, when sex wasn't involved at least.

'Time to find his missing bird.'

Their 'nest' was built similar to an ant's hive. Tunnels branched off everywhere to form isolated rooms. They were all perfectly finished and decorated with painted walls and soft carpets or hardwood floors. There were little niches with paintings and sculptures here and there along the corridors which were wide enough for three people, or one General with giant wings, to walk comfortably side by side. Basically, it was a maze, and Cloud still didn't know why they needed so much space.

Fortunately, there were only a few rooms Sephiroth would be in alone during the season. This time it was back where they started. In the shower room.

His feathers were already sopping wet from the rainfall showerhead. He apparently tried to groom his own wings. A few mangled black feathers littered the floor confirmed that. But Cloud guessed he gave up part way as the Great General was slumped over in the chair.

Cloud tried really hard not to giggle at the pathetic figure before him.

He really did try.

He failed horribly.

"I can hear you Cloud." Sephiroth growled at him "Get over here and do your job."

Cloud controlled himself and took off the robe. He hung it on a peg by the entrance and walked forward. Sephiroth sat up from his slouch as Cloud got close and pulled him in. He ignored the pouring water as Sephiroth sucked and bit on his neck and shoulders. He stood there passively, allowing his territorial lover to stake his claim…again. Unlike last night, this wasn't meant to arouse, just mark.

It could be worse; he could want to piss on him. Zack tried that once, it didn't end well.

It didn't take long for the bird to be satisfied. Sephiroth pulled back and pressed soft kisses to his cheeks and forehead. Cloud nuzzled gently at his face. He enjoyed the attention Sephiroth gave him. It came with a cost, but he was more than willing to pay it.

"Go on then, Cloud. Have at it." Sephiroth pushed him back and relaxed properly into the chair.

Cloud quickly ducked under one wing and paused to assess the damage the dumb peacock did to himself. It wasn't as bad as he feared. Honestly it could have been much worse than what it was. None of the mating plumage suffered any damage. They were ruffled, but unbroken.

Cloud ran his hand along the left wing's shoulder. Carefully, but firmly, he stretched out the wing. Even wet and ragged the beautiful blue, silver, and gold feathers were enthralling.

Sephiroth was already melting into the chair. Cloud once asked him what preening felt like. He described it as part someone washing your hair and part an 'intimate' massage.

"Ready Sir." Cloud told him as he grabbed one of the hanging nozzles. The tray was still set up from before. He set the spray for a soft jet and watched as Sephiroth raised all the feathers on the wing.

After making sure the water was at the proper temperature, Cloud sprayed under and in between the feathers to knock loose the dust and bits of debris that got stuck in there since the last time he washed them. He grabbed a soft brush with a special cleaner on it and washed the individual feathers. It was time consuming work as Cloud moved from one wing, the tail, and into the other wing. He carefully moved the feathers back and forth making sure everything was clean.

Once they were all clean, Cloud turned off the spray and put away his tools. He then worked the old broken feathers out. Most were easy to get out. Some stuck in and needed to be coaxed out. There was one secondary that needed to come out now. The skin around the shaft was red and swollen, with the new feather pushing through behind it. It was going to hurt pulling it out…bad.

"This is the last one Sir; it's a bad one though." Cloud whispered. This could backfire badly for him. Causing Sephiroth pain was a bad idea at any time. To do it now could potentially lead to a world of hurt for Cloud. Sephiroth could take it as a challenge and act accordingly, whether it was intended or not.

"Go ahead Cloud." Sephiroth told him.

Cloud shakenly braced the wing. He took a deep, calming breath and firmly grabbed the infected feather. His whole body felt like it was trembling. Without any further hesitation, Cloud pulled the feather out.

Before he could duck, the wing flapped back and knocked him to the ground. Cloud curled up into a ball as Sephiroth flailed and flapped his wings from the sudden pain. He couldn't stop the sudden panic that filled him. Sephiroth rose violently from the chair. Water spreading everywhere from all the flapping.

"Sorry…sorry." Cloud whimpered, lying on the soaked floor. He cried and flinched as the powerful man crouched over him. He was sure Sephiroth was going to punish him.

Instead, Sephiroth gently pulled him into his arms and tucked his shivering form tight against the man's body.

"Shhh…It's alright, you're alright." Sephiroth crooned soothingly in his ear, "I understand, it's okay, I won't hurt you. You're fine, you're safe."

The stress was too much for Cloud. His mind all but shut down.

Sephiroth picked the poor blond up off the wet floor. He fluffed and shook out as much water out of his wings before leaving the room. He needed to get Cloud warm and comfortable so he could calm him down.

As he walked through the corridors, his small lover was slowly coming down from his panic attack. Such incidences were painful to watch for Sephiroth. Especially because most, if not all, were his fault.

No matter how long he lived, he would always regret what he did to the boy in the beginning. He was an ultimately a selfish man. If he wanted something or in this case someone, he took it. Shinra would back him every time in order to keep him happy and willing to fight and he shamelessly took advantage of that.

The second he saw Cloud, all shining bright and golden, on the cadet training field he had to have him. It was pure luck that he was starting his season that day. He often grabbed some unsuspecting person for the season, but Cloud was the only one he kept when it was over. The boy was made for him and him alone. No one would ever take his golden boy away from him.

Sephiroth carried his precious cargo into one of the sitting rooms. It was one of his favorites. It was a simple room with two cream couches wide enough to hold his wide frame and a fire pit in the center. A hood over the pit took care of the smoke, but let the room fill with warmth. Pale wood end tables bracketed both couches. An abandoned book on one was the only clutter in the entire room.

With a small flick of his hand and a touch of magic, Sephiroth started a blaze going. Once satisfied, he placed Cloud against the back of the sofa and followed him down, trapping him in. As he settled, he arched his damp wings facing the fire to dry them out.

"Are you comfortable pet?"

Cloud shifted against him, burrowing deeper into his chest. He allowed his boy to settle down a bit before he pulled him tighter into him. With his left arm, he wrapped it under Cloud's shoulders. He trapped Cloud's arms and hands within his arm. His back pressed tight to Sephiroth's chest. His grip was strong enough to keep his boy from struggling without being too tight as to cause pain. Cloud eventually nodded an affirmative when he was set.

"Good boy" Sephiroth crooned "just relax and let me take care of you."

Sephiroth ran his free hand gently down Cloud's side over and over again waiting for the tension to drain out of the shaken boy. The pain from the infected feather had already healed over and the new one was coming out. His right wing curled over the top of the sofa creating a cave like atmosphere. He could feel Cloud slowly relax into him. His raspy breathing slowing down.

Once he felt Cloud was ready, Sephiroth reached back to just above his tail feathers. Located there was a group of glands that produced vast quantities of scented oil. Normally it was only used to coat his feathers to protect them. But he also used it to cover Cloud in his particular scent. Marking Cloud like this served to sooth and calm them both in stressful times. Cloud never went anywhere without his oil coating at least some part of his body. Mostly his hair when he was out in public.

After he had enough oil coating his fingers, Sephiroth ran his hand over Cloud's chest and side. He smiled and kissed Cloud's head as his boy whined lowly but didn't resist in any way. He wanted to cover Cloud's scent completely with his own. Cloud should only ever smell of him.

Sephiroth gathered some more oil and rubbed it into his boy's groin. He coated his cock and balls with the viscus liquid. He quickly pinned Cloud down when the boy tried to buck into his touch. His boy settled down again and he finished spreading his oil. He made sure to get it everywhere. He spread it throughout the foreskin and into the slit. Later, he would pour his oil directly into his boy's member. The combined scents were divine.

His Cloud was quietly gasping and trembling from his ministrations. He stopped trying to move and was letting Sephiroth control everything. Sephiroth was pleased. His boy was behaving so well this season. If he kept it up, he'll have to do something extra special when it was over and he was in control of his instincts again.

"That's my good sweet boy." Sephiroth praised the shivering blonde.

It was almost time. Sephiroth kept crooning at his young mate. In one day, maybe two, everything will be ready for the season to truly start in full. He can't fully mount his pet until his instinct says it's time. But that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy his boy in the meantime.

Sephiroth reached back one last time for more oil. He nuzzled into the soft golden hair and reached his entrance. His Cloud moaned as he massaged his pucker. He played around with it, slipping the tip of one finger in and out teasing more sounds out of him. He could feel Cloud tensing, trying not to move in any way.

That deserved a reward.

Sephiroth pushed the finger in completely. Cloud gasped loudly. Sephiroth could feel the blonde's head push into his chest. Cloud's eyes were fogged over from pleasure. Sephiroth moved his finger around in him before adding a second finger to further tease his boy. Sephiroth found his prostate easily. Cloud cried out with each tap and press of the sensitive spot. His cock was now rock hard and leaking. The oil he spread there was mixing well with the fluid.

He continued teasing and tormenting his pet's spot. He didn't touch his boy's cock. It wasn't necessary, Cloud could orgasm without it.

"Sir." Cloud whimpered desperately.

Sephiroth bent down to bite at Cloud's neck. "Let go." He whispered into his ear. Cloud whined and whimpered as Sephiroth pressed in mercilessly over and over again, driving Cloud straight to the edge. It became too much and with a final twitch, Cloud spilled over. Sephiroth milked him through his release until Cloud has been rung from his last drop.

Sephiroth pulled his fingers out and relaxed his hold on the boy. He rubbed his hands soothingly along Cloud's sides again. Cloud was completely calm and relaxed now. With a quick flip of his wings he determined them dry enough for now.

"Stay here." Sephiroth told him as he got up from the sofa. He left the room for the kitchen in search of food. He quickly scarfed down some meat before gathering up a plate of fresh fruit and cheese. When he got back, Cloud was exactly where he left him. He set the plate on one of the end tables on the other couch. He then picked Cloud up and carried him over. He wedged himself into the corner and pulled his pet's limp body onto his lap. It jacked his wings up in an awkward position, but it was worth it.

Cloud was boneless against him, his eyes resting on Sephiroth's face. Sephiroth grabbed the plate and pulled it forward. He put a piece of fruit in his own mouth and leaned down to feed it to Cloud. He next chose a cheese cube to give to Cloud by his own mouth. He fed Cloud that way until the entire plate was empty. He held and petted his boy until he fell asleep.

Once Sephiroth was sure Cloud was out, he laid the boy out on the sofa. With the fire still blazing away, it was warm enough in the room. He quietly left and headed for the entrance of his nest. He needed to make sure everything was secure and safe for his little mate.