Lol,no seriously. This story was supposed to be done and I thought about doing a sequel,but considering I have two other stories in the works (make sure to check them out if you haven't.) I just don't think I have that kinda time you know?

So I figured,if you guys like this chapter I'll contiue to add on to this story. If not,I wont.

Thank you guys :)

"Mama,why is she so little?" Bentley stared at his now five month old sister, watching curiously as the tiny blonde babbled animatedly and attempted to crawl on the blanket laid out on the living room floor. When he seen that she was struggling a little bit,Bentley picked up the nearest toy,which happened to be a toy cell phone that lights up and makes noises,and stuck it out in front of him in which Sofia smiled her gummy smile(with the exception of two teeth in her bottom front) ,grabbing the toy and sticking it in her mouth.

"She has a lot of growing up to do,Bent." Brittany ruffles his hair. She groaned as she took a seat next to her kids,feeling the pressure on her joints from her past week at the studio. After having Sofia, she and Santana managed to take four months off work (perks of your wife owning the business you work for) and this last month of getting whipped back into shape had been hell. Thankfully it was Saturday which meant the pair were off until Monday.

The blonde couldn't help but smile at the idea of having two days of pure family time. Of course her and Santana have had their share of arguments and what not,but she had to admit that her wife had really,really come around and changed. She no longer drank,unless the two of them had a night to themselves and even then it would be something simple like one glass of wine, she made sure not to work too many hours and make time for the family. It was honestly amazing.

Santana was currently in the kitchen,making lunch for everywhere when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist as she was cutting up a hotdog for Bentley. She threw a smile over her shoulder at her wife before turning her gaze back to her task. "What's up,babe?"

Brittany shook her head,smiling contently. "Nothing." She says softly. "Can't I just admire my beautiful,sexy wife while she's being all domestic?"

"Hmm let me think about it."

"San!" The blonde playfully slaps Santana's ass. She looks over her shoulder making sure the kids were okay in the living room and then lowers her voice,placing her hands on her wife's hips and squeezing. "So you don't like when I admire you?"

Santana bites her lip and moves on to cut up another hot dog,feeling Brittany's hands roam from her hips to her ass and gentley squeezing. "B.."


"You can admire me all you want after we put the kids down for their nap, but I need you to get Sofia's food down from the cabinet so they can eat." She gracefully slips out of the other woman's hold,walking to the table and placing the plate with two cut up hot dogs in Bentley's usual spot.

"We only have apple and peach flavor left." Brittany sets the jars on the table.

Santana nods at her wife before walking into the living room where Bentley was having without a doubt a one sided conversation with Sofia. "Bent,go to the kitchen and wash your hands mijo. Time for lunch." She bends down and picks up little Sofia,placing her on her hip. "You ready to eat mija?"

She just smiles at her mami,clapping her hands and Santana can't help but smile back in adoration,seeing how those familiar set of blue eyes light up.

just like her wife's.

Two hours later Brittany and Santana lay naked in their bedroom with Bentley asleep in the living room and Sofia asleep in her bed in her room,with the baby monitor of course as high as its volume would allow.

Santana panted heavily as she spooned Brittany in their list sex cuddles,an arm wrapped around the blondes waist protectively and her chin resting on a pale shoulder,deep in thought. "You know." She starts softly. "Sometimes I still can't believe how lucky I am to have you." She thinks about all of the crap she's put Brittany through. From the time they were in high school,where she was a major,major bitch,to plain out cheating on her with Jesse and lying about it. She so didn't deserve someone as amazing as Brittany S. Pierce. Yet here they were,laying naked in bed together,married with two beautiful kids,and running one if the biggest record labels in LA.

Brittany turned onto her other side to where she was facing the Latina,wrapping her on arms around a tab waist and pulling her into her. She places her lips on plump ones,tilting her head a little when she pulls back. "We have a beautiful life together,San." She rests her head against Santana's. She fuses their lips back together,a little more furious this time and can't help but to let out a groan when she feels Santana gripping her hips and pulling her ontop of her. She immediately grinds her hips down,hissing when Santana's juices from herast orgasm smear into her own. "Again,babe?"

Santana nods,a little breathless. She would never have enough of this girl. She watches as Brittany sits up and straddles her,and she grips pale hips firmly as the blonde starts rocking their cores together. Pretty soon she's raising her own hips in order to meet her wife's furiously driven thrusts and just as Brittany all but yells that she's about to come,she flips the blonde over so fast that it shocks them both.

Brittany's jaw goes slack and she runs her nails down Santana's back when she feels three fingers plunge into her with no warning.

"Look at me,B. I know you're about there,I feyou squeezing me." Santana drives her hand harder. "Look at me!"

The blonde stares into brown eyes through her own hooded eyelids.

Santana let's out a breathy smile. "Yeah.. You're so beautiful, Britt. This" she rams her fingers into her wife roughly,"is beautiful. I love making you feel so good"

"Only you.." She nods. "Oh,shit..San..San..Right there!" She digs her nails into her wife's back,and right when she's about to go over the edge she theres crying on the baby monitor and the pair freeze,both looking at the object. Sure enough Sofia's little wimpers were echoing through it.

Santana looks at her apologetically. "Never a dull moment,aye?"

SN. Girl Almighty and Nightingale are my other stories I'm working on. Feel free to check them out.

Also fave,follow,review? You guys are amazing. Thank you. 💛💚💙❤