I don't own Gilmore girls.

"Rory are you okay?" Lorelai looked around the bedroom door to see her daughter sitting on her bed. Phone clutched in her hand. Staring straight ahead. "Ror are you okay?"

"huh." Rory shook her head and looked at her mother. "Mom."

"Yeah sweets are you okay?" Lorelai came into the room and sat down next to her daughter.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean I'm sitting here wondering if I should call Logan and tell him about the appointment but then I figure he's not going to care. And I figure I'll be raising the baby myself anyway so what's the point of just disappointing myself by trying to get in touch with Logan. But then I think. It is his child to he has a right to know." She shook her head. "I don't know I'm just confused."

"I understand. Oh how I understand." Lorelai said taking her daughters hand in her own.

Rory looked down at the phone one last time before putting it down. "He has my number, he knows I was in the hospital. If he cares if he wants to know then he can contact me. She stood up and stretched. "I need to get ready for my appointment."

"Okay sweets." Lorelai stood up and looked at her daughter. "Do you want me to go with you?"

"No." Rory shook her head. "No I have to do this by myself." She kissed her mom's cheek and then smiled sadly as she watched Lorelai walk out the door. She hurried and got herself ready for her appointment. "Mom I'm leaving." She called out.

"Okay sweets." Lorelai called from wherever she was in the house. Rory left closing the door behind herself she got into her car and drove to Hartford. Thoughts of the baby, thoughts of Logan. And thoughts of Jess rolling around in her head. She shook her self. No she couldn't think of Jess she just could not go there. She had to much on her plate without adding Jess too. She pulled in front of the doctors office in Hartford and went inside.

"Hello." She smiled at the receptionist. "I'm Lorelai Gilmore here to see Dr. Perks."

"Okay." The receptionist typed in a name and smiled handing Rory over a form to fill out. "You can just fill these out and take a seat." Rory nodded taking the offered documents and took a seat filling them out quickly she sat in the chair waiting for her name to be called. Her hand resided on her still flat stomach.

"Lorelai Gilmore." Rory jumped at the sound of her name.

"Hi." She stood up and followed the nurse to the back. The nurse took her vitals and asked her a few questions before leaving her alone to await the doctor. "Who would have thought I'd be here by myself." She whispered to herself. she had always thought she'd be married when she had her first child. But fate had a funny way of playing tricks on you. She shook her head. The door opened to a smiling woman.

"Hi I'm Doctor Perks you must be Lorelai."

"Yes but please call me Rory."

"Of course, so I see that you were in an accident recently."


"Can you lay back please I'd like to do an ultrasound on you just to check everything out. Your blood test look good. Are you feeling any pain?"

" A little but nothing I can't manage. " the doctor nodded as Rory pulled up her shirt and felt the cool gel on her stomach. She watched in fascination at the shapes forming on the screen.

"And there is your baby." The doctor pointed to a spot on the screen as the whooshing sound of a heart came through. Rory felt tears prick her eyes. Her baby. "Here." The Doctor printed off a few pictures and handed them to Rory.

"Well Rory it looks like everything is healthy you may sit up." She said after wiping off the gel. Rory sat up and pulled her shirt down. "Now because of the Trauma you suffered I want you to come in again at the 12 week mark to check everything." Rory nodded. She thanked the Doctor and set up an appointment for the coming weeks. As she walked out of the Doctors office she clutched the black and white picture of her baby. The tiny human growing inside of her. The tiny human who would depend on her for everything. She felt a single tear fall down her face. She would do it. Her mother did it and so could she. She was older then Lorelai had been. She had a degree. She could, no she would make it. She shook her head and got into her car and headed back to Stars Hollow. The tiny picture in her purse. That picture her driving force.

A/N this chapter just did not want to come together. Thanks to everyone that reviewed.