A:N Hello this is a new story I'm posting.
Summary: Bella, an aspiring Lawyer wants nothing to do with her Husband of 6 years. After a night of distress, a gut wrenching accident leaves Edward in the hospital. He still loves her, but is she willing to stick around to pick up the broken pieces of her failed marriage?
Chapter 1
"In the matter of James Hunter vs. the people the verdict finds you guilty" Judge Conner said giving me the win. I smiled to myself in satisfaction. I shook the appropriate hands and walked out of the court room with the stride of a winner.
"Jake guess what." I said picking up my phone on the first ring, enthusiasm clear in my voice.
"The one and only Isabella Swan won her case?" I heard the smile in his voice "Why don't you come over for some drinks" he finished.
"I'm already on my way. I'll see you in 10. I Love you"
"Love you too, be safe."
I first met Jake when I was a freshman at UW we sat together in Introduction to College English. He still had baby fat around his face and he looked like a big kid. I had thought he was so adorable, with his big brown eyes and big dimples.
I concentrated on the wet roads in front of me. Pulling up in front of his apartment letting myself in with the keys he gave me.
"Hey babe" I kissed his lips chastely sitting next to him on the couch. He offered me a beer while snuggling closer to me.
"How was your day?" I laid my head on his chest.
"Fine" he said taking a sip of his beer. "I didn't really do much just did some errands" he said casually.
"I'm telling Edward today…about the divorce" I looked up at him.
"How do you think he'll take it?"
"I don't know. He should have seen it coming, after all I don't love him and I doubt he loves me."
Edward was my high school sweetheart. I remember the first time we met like it was yesterday.
I was running late to practice and I knew Coach Fischer would have my ass
"Swan Nice of you to finally show up, 4 extra laps for you" said coach.
I was on my last lap when suddenly a baseball hit me right in the forehead. My head hurt like a bitch, but all I could think of was how embarrassed I was. Closing my eyes I pretended to die
"Are you ok" a green eyed beauty asked. He picked me up bridal style and started walking me towards the buildings.
"I'm fine" I said struggling to get out of his hold, I was a little uncomfortable with a perfect stranger touching me. But that only seemed to tighten his grasp on me.
"I'm Edward." He said putting me down in front of the nurses office. I wobbled a little clutching onto him.
"Bella" I shook his hand.
"I know who you are" he blushed looking down. "The whole baseball team does. You were selected as prettiest cheerleader among the guys".
I laughed biggest understatement of the year. I would be flattered if it wasn't the most degrading thing I've ever heard coming out of a guy's mouth. He looked at me with such adoration and in due time I think I started to reciprocate that stare.
At that moment I knew Edward would be mine forever
Or so I thought. I kissed Jake good bye and headed home to my soon to be ex-husband.
There was no more spark between us. The guy I met in high school was no longer there. High school Edward used to take me out every chance he got. Every day was a new experience. He always kept me on my toes and I loved that about him.
But I dreaded going home to Edward now. It was either too much yelling, or to little words between us. I hated him for dragging me all the way to Seattle and I resent marrying him. Wasting 6 years of my life devoted to him in matrimony.
I pulled into the condo parking lot and made my way to our floor. It was quiet. Usually I came home to the TV going, or Edward cooking. But it was blissfully quiet.
I relaxed on the couch picking up the current novel I was reading. Edward came out from the Bedroom wet from the shower.
"Damn it Edward your tracking water all over the house" I got up to get paper towels.
He sat on the couch increasing my level of agitation towards him. "Where were you" he said head towards the ceiling, eyes closed.
"Don't worry about it" I said wiping up his foot prints.
He stood in front of me. Even in my Pumps he still towered over me.
"You know you smell like a fucking dog Where you with that bastard again?" He screamed in my face. I honestly don't even know how he found out about Jake. It was one of those 'I heard it through the grape vine' situations.
"To hell with who I was with. I owe you no type of explanation" I walked past him throwing the paper towels in the trash.
"You're my fucking wife. Any explanation I want you have to give it to me."
"I'm not your wife. I want a divorce" I walked past him into our bedroom.
"What" he followed me after a couple seconds of immobility. He started dressing into his usual sweats
"I want out" I pulled one of his worn shirts over my head getting into bed. He walked out slamming the front door. I breathed a sigh of relief as I drifted off to sleep.
I woke up to Emmett's face flashing on my phone
"Its 2 am what do you want Em"
"It's Edward" he said frantically
"What about him" I sucked my teeth.
"He had an accident he's in the hospital"
"Wait what how"
"I'll explain it to you on the way there. I'm downstairs." He ended the call. I raced to Emmett like a bat out of hell. I knew Edward drove fast and I knew that one day it was going to get him in trouble. I couldn't tell if it was the heavy rain, or just tears on my face.
"What happened to him?" I cried
"A car ran the intersection and T-boned him. Alice is there already waiting for him to wake up" I couldn't help but cry silently. It was my entire fault. Edward wouldn't be out on the road if I hadn't told him I wanted a divorce. I was a terrible person.
Emmett took me by the hand dragging me towards the hospital. I saw Alice in the waiting room and hugged her with all the life in me. She told me what the doctors told her. He would be in surgery and all I could do was wait.
As Edward opened the Nurses door for me I smiled at him and walked through. I signed in and took a seat next to a bunch of girls and guy who were most likely faking illness to get out of extended class.
"Let's play 20 questions" he broke the silence "What's your favorite color"
"Green" I wanted to say forest green or emerald, something that came close to his eye color because they were amazing. They were captivating and mesmerizing.
"Why do you like baseball" I asked continuing the game.
He chuckled rubbing the back of his head "it's not really something I wanted to do. My dad has this idea that I want to follow in his footsteps.
"My mother too!" I grasped his hand "She thinks cheerleading is something 'any respectable girl should do'". I looked down at our conjoined hands. His were about twice my size they were rough but not calloused, pale but none the less attractive.
"Isabella Swan" The nurse called
"Isabella Cullen" someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes and a nurse was shaking me. I looked through the adjacent window and it was broad daylight.
"You can see your husband now, he's out of surgery."
I rushed to the room he was assigned and I was the only one in their aside form Alice.
"It's a miracle Bella" she came over to hug me. I felt like pushing her away. Her 5'2 stature wasn't making anything better. The only person I felt like hugging was Edward, and he looked like he was dying. A tear rolled down my cheek hitting the floor it's all my fault.
"His right arm, and left leg is broken, and his left shoulder was dislocated" she said sitting on the chair next to the door. He looked so peaceful, and it scared me to think about him not waking up.
It was all my fault
A week Later
Shaving an unconscious man was harder than it looked. One thing Edward hated more than anything was facial hair.
"Fuck" this was the third razor cut I gave him on this side.
"Are you ever going to learn how to not cut me" I heard a croak from under me. I looked down shocked crashing my lips into his. Edward. He was awake, he was alive.
Doing my best to wrap my arms around his neck I hugged him with all the strength in my body
"Nice to know you still care about me. I remember everything, and we need to talk."
Ok so tell me what you think, should I continue? For all who are reading The Help, don't worry I haven't abandon the story, I'll post by the end of this week. Hope you enjoyed. Review!