A/N: So, here I am again. Let's try this one more time, shall we? I'm posting this first, if you haven't read Cosa Nostra… you should probably do that first. But you can't until I actually upload it.

FF deleted my things and never provided a reason as to why, no matter how many emails I sent. I debated even coming back, but I decided not to be a jerk and just never return after starting a sequel.

So, it'll be a slow start as I try to get my shit back on here. Please bear with me!

She had moved to the area a year ago, thinking she could escape the repercussions of what she did in Chicago.

He stood watching as she ran across the street, her brown hair flying behind her as she pushed herself to run faster. As soon as her feet touched the vivid green grass of the park, he started to run, too.

Following the same path, his shoes were soundless as they blended in with all the other early morning joggers.

He jogged down a different path, one that would intersect with hers as she rounded the far curve. Leaning against the tree that rests next to the track, he waited. Just then, the quick vibration in his pocket took his mind briefly away from the brunette.

Glancing at the phone the words reminded him of why he was there.

Make sure they know it was us.

He looked back up, glancing around for the woman that brought him to the east coast, but she was nowhere in sight. Checking his watch he realized that she should have already crossed his path. Cursing under his breath, he set off on the path, running in the direction she would have gone. As he neared the edge of the park he still couldn't find her, his eyes searched the crowds of faceless people.


He grabbed his phone and dialed an all-familiar number.

"Is it done?"

"No, I lost her."

"How did that happen?"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

"Three days. Then I'm coming myself."

"Understood, sir."

The line disconnected.

He stepped into the crowd of professionals hurrying towards their perspective jobs.

He knew where they lived, but it was almost impossible to infiltrate the structure. She had armed guards at the front and back of the building as well as posted on her floor.

He sat on a bench that faced their apartment. From this particular point, he could see the windows of their living room. For now, it was easy to watch them from afar; there was nothing conspicuous about a man sitting on a public bench. However, if they ever moved into one of the countless houses they were constantly looking at, it would prove more difficult.

Of course, she would be dead before they could move into their picture perfect home.

He leaned back against the bench, glancing up towards their reinforced windows, designed to stop just about any bullet manufactured in the U.S. As he watched, he noticed the curtains ruffle once, and then again. Suddenly, large brown eyes became visible— searching the sidewalk below, excitedly. The mass of brown curls were clearly from a child who had just awoken. Pudgy palms pressed against the glass; fingers spread wide as their mouth moved quickly. The woman appeared and glanced down, her eyes flicking over him two or three times. She pulled the child away from the window and closed the curtains.

He could feel the grimace set in on his face.

Ever since news of the newest Cullen heir broke, every underground family was after the child.

Unfortunately, for all of the other families, his would be the one to kill the bitch and grab the kid.

A/N: I'm currently trying to locate the third chapter that I had written for this story to no prevail. I'm posting the first two chapters so that y'all can add it to your alerts list.