Okay, so this account isn't mine but my friend's who was writing a Pjo fanfic which is currently on hold.

I like Pjo AND HP so I just kinda wanted to do a little crossover...

Enough gibberish no one cares about, lets get on with the story!

The sun was shining and birds chirped outside of a tall, crooked house. Garden gnomes hid in the bushes, trying to hide from nothing in particular.

Inside the house, a hero slept.

The boy who lived, The chosen one, The one that would not wake up.

He was a former student of Hogwarts, the school for witches and wizards. Next to the hero sat a rather tall ginger trying to make sense of what he had just heard.

"Harry," He whispered. "Harry, wake up"

The sleeping boy's eyelids snapped open and greeted the morning with a frown.

"What is it Ron?" Harry asked groggily trying to wipe the sleep out of his green eyes.

"We're going back to Hogwarts..." Even as Ron said that, the fact did not seem to sink it.

Harry blinked, confused.

At that exact moment a excited shriek rang the Burrow.

"HARRY! RON! HERMIONE!" The door of Ron's room burst open and revealed Ginny. "Did you hear what mum said!?"

"Huh?" Harry asked and felt as if he had missed out on something.

Another pair of footsteps were heard outside and a bushy haired girl showed herself.

"You lot have brains, right?" She asked but there was a smile made out of pure joy plastered to Hermione's face.

"It means we're going back to Hogwarts!"


So here they were, inside the Hogwarts express.

Ron and Harry were still trying to match the puzzle pieces together as they hesitantly sat down in their seats.

"So you are saying mum kept this away from us so we could recover from the war and decided to drop it onto us the day we were going to leave" Ron clarified.

Hermione, his girlfriend, sighed and looked at Ginny who rolled her eyes.

"Yes." They both breathed out, exasperated.

"You guys are basically going back to Hogwarts since there were some slight delays to finish your seventh and final year" Ginny explained

"How'd your mum know what books to get?" Harry asked.

"Pig brought an envelope for each of us from Professor McGonagoll, mum bought all of our supplies several weeks ago." Ginny smiled.

Pig hooted and flew happily around their heads.

"Pig you rotten little brat! Going off anywhere you want to go before you get permission!" Ron exclaimed, his owl bit his ear and flew off again.

Harry's eyes pricked with tears as he remembered his beautiful snowy owl that died during the war.

It was all his fault.

All the deaths.

All of-

A warm hand reached Harry's and he looked up to see Ginny with an understanding look.

"But because of you many lived Harry" She said as if she could read his mind.

The group's attention was momentarily distracted as a loud bang was heard outside their cart.

"Oh, I am so so sorry. Hey! Oops, sorry. Excuse me. Coming through!" A voice shouted sounding quite panicky.

Harry looked outside to see a tall man trying to make his way through a swarm of first years who obviously had no idea what was happening. Opening the door, Harry gently poked the man's arm and motioned for him to come in. The man sent him a thankful look before Harry closed the door behind him.

Ginny and Hermione stared at the man and Harry could finally make out his features.

He had messy black hair (Just like Harry's only Harry's was a bit curly) and twinkling green eyes (Also like Harry's)

The man seemed to be at least 20 or so, very young yet too old to attend Hogwarts.

"Sorry I just suddenly crashed in but I'm Professor Jackson and I will be your new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher this year"

Ron's jaw dropped open, "You seriously got the job!? Weren't you afraid because I would certainly be! It's cursed I tell you"

Professor Jackson merely laughed and gave Harry's friend a crooked grin, "Trust me, I'll manage"


The students were piling outside to get into the carriages that led them to Hogwarts while Professor Jackson merely lingered as if looking for someone.

"She should be here sometime now.." He muttered.

"Err, Professor? You could join us in our carriage" Hermione said but the Professor declined politely.

"I need to meet someone now, see you lots inside!" With that he ran off, his robe fluttering behind him.

Harry noticed that many girls were staring at Professor Jackson dreamily.

"He's a new teacher at Hogwarts now!"

"They say he's very famous but I've never heard of him, although he is VERY attractive"

"Am I too young to date him?"

This bothered Harry more than it should and Ron seemed to be in the same situation.

(Inside the castle)

It ached Harry's chest as he saw Professor McGonagoll instead of Professor Dumbledore at the middle of the table in the Great Hall.

Of course, he liked Professor McGonagoll but it all seemed like a really rude joke that Professor Dumbledore was dead.

The Great Hall was buzzing with excitement as students shared stories with their friends. Harry noticed that Malfoy was nowhere to be seen, probably hiding somewhere outside the country.

Harry and his friends sat down at the Gryffindor table and greeted familiar faces, Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown, Neville Longbottom, and some others.

"Look, Professor Jackson!" Ginny whispered and pointed at a tall figure sitting at the teacher's table. "Wait, who's that next to him?"

Harry noticed that another young woman was sitting next to Professor Jackson, she had golden curled hair and was laughing at something Professor Jackson said.

"Woah..." Neville looked stunned. "She's beautiful..."

Harry would've agreed if Ginny wasn't staring at him intensely, same went for Ron.


After the sorting Professor McGonagoll stood up and clapped her hands for attention.

The Great Hall fell silent and students turned their heads.

"I know it has been very hard for you all after the war, but we must be as strong as ever! Education will continue normally and so will exams." Professor McGonagoll paused as groans and complaints escaped from students' mouths. "We all faced hardships together and now it is time for us to recover."

She paused.

"Also, may I please introduce you two new teachers who will begin their teaching this year, Professor Jackson as the new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher" He stood up and Professor McGonagoll waited as students clapped. "And Professor Chase who will teach Transfigurations"

"Your schedules are with the prefects so I want each of you to visit them to pick them up." Professor McGonagoll finished.

"Oh no!" Hermione gasped. "I think we were supposed to receive them in the train! Ron and I forgot that we were prefects! Oh no, oh no..."

Several people were looking at Hermione and Ron hopefully as they waited to receive their schedules.

"NO! I don't have them now scram!" Ron snapped at a little girl who whimpered away.

"Sheesh, temper."

Harry turned around and saw Professor Jackson standing with an amused look. "I hope you don't treat you and your girlfriend's kid that way"

Ron and Hermione turned bright red.

"Ron and Hermione, sittin' on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G,-" Professor Jackson sang but Ginny interrupted.

"I'm sorry if I sound rude but how do you know our names?"

The crooked smile was instantly wiped off.

"Well, I'm a professor now aren't I? It's my job to learn my students' name as quickly as I can..." Professor Jackson said awkwardly. "Oh by the way, I came here because you prefects forgot to pick up the schedules, here"

The Professor handed a stack of papers to Ron, who was looking at him suspiciously.

"Well, I'm off now. Good night!"


Finally, I'm hoping I can make my chapters at least this long as I go on with the story but since I'm almost out of time I'll now have to stop here.

I'm new so don't judge and Percy POV coming up soon. If you're wondering how much time as passed for Percy since the war I'm putting it on the next chapter!

Word/Character of the day: Harry Potter

Quick Biography of Harry Potter= Also known as the Boy who Lived or The Chosen one, Harry Potter is now a hero who was saved the world from this baldy evil guy and also scaring the hell out of his friends by pretending he was dead.


Riddle of The Day

It's very colorful indeed

It has done some good deeds

For it has colored a barren paper

It also comes in the form of a marker

Children use it as a toy

To satisfy their unsatisfied joy

I know horrible but I got the idea from my currently retired friend.

What do you think the answer is?

Also, next chapter coming up tomorrow!