Petunia scowled as a dried leaf fell onto her head. She waved it off, scowling some more. Dudley had run off with some freakish girl he had met at Harry's wedding. It has been 6 years since that incident, but it still gave her the chills. An already ill Vernon had got a heart ache when Dudley had confronted him with that...girl. Vernon was now a permanent resident in a hospital far off, being diagnosed with chronic kidney failure.

Her train was an hour late. The train was to leave from King's Cross at eleven for Greenwich, which was now an hour late. She made her way towards the platform 10, where her train was to leave from. At least she could wait there, and also catch the latest news and gossip.

A familiar voice, which she had heard 6 years ago, froze her.

"James Sirius Potter! You do not run off on your own like that! Stay with me," said Harry.

"Sorry Dad! But see! I can go here without any help!" said the boy James.

She turned sharply. Harry was wearing a smart pair of formal shirt and trousers, looking completely normal. Clutching his arms tightly was a young boy who looked about 4 years of age. James had the same messy hair like his father, but it looked rather brown. In his arms was another young boy. He looked younger than James, but their hair was the same.

Trailing behind was a young boy who looked about 11, with neon pink hair. He was pushing a trolley, eying it warily.

"Alright, Teddy, through the barrier, buddy," said Harry.

Taking a gulp, he ran towards the barrier, and vanished. Harry, holding his two sons close, ran off towards the barrier, and vanished, too.

Petunia was having a hard time controlling her flowing emotions. The boy now was not only a married man, but also a father of two. Petunia tired to wash off the guilt she was feeling, but with no success.

Harry came back pretty soon, his sons animatedly talking to him.

"Daddy, when will Teddy be back?" asked the younger looking boy.

"At Christmas, Al," replied Harry.

"Daddy, why didn't Mom come to see Teddy off? She said that she'll be there! We were to go to Diagon Alley!" said James.

"James, you know your Mom's going to have another baby, right? She was just very tired today, we'll go to Diagon Alley next time, alright? Anyways, Kreacher is making Pot Roast today!"

Babbling shyly, the younger boy clung onto his father as a group of ladies cooed at his sight.

She caught a sight of happiness oh Harry's face as he saw his two sons talking happily to each other. It made her guilty all over again.

Those little boys, his wife, and his unborn child had given him a happiness she had never been able to.

A/N: Thanks to all who are reading my story! Also, a very hearty thanks to Boogie08 to add this story to his/her favorites! More chapters will be up soon. Exams gonna end soon, so chapters will be frequent!