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Chapter 1: Hello Again, Aunt Petunia

Petunia Dursley was not stupid. She knew something was amiss when she spotted a bunch of teenagers strolling towards her house, one of the boy looking extremely familiar. Tall, tousled haired, wearing a simple white T-shirt and a pair of denim jeans. His hair was the same; black, shiny and messy. He was taller,though a bit more skinnier than she last saw him. The only thing which was the same were his bright green eyes, always giving the impression of X-raying you through his round glasses.

He was not alone this time. Accompanying him were three other teenagers; two girls and one boy. He had his arm around one of the girl's waist. No sooner did she see him, than she did a double take. Her red hair, so very like her sister's was cascading down her back. She was snuggled up to Harry, laughing at something he had said. The other boy was a red-head, too, with his hands locked with another brunette girl.

Hardly had she noticed when they had approached her house. The doorbell shrieked. She found her voice.


She opened the door, and there they were. Harry was wearing an impassive expression, while the other three had expressions close to loathing. She winced.

"Hello again, Aunt Petunia," said Harry.

"Come inside quickly, before the neighbors notice, fast!"she squeaked.

Harry, his face still neutral, motioned for the others to come. The other three looked rather affronted.

She still could not help but stare at the redhead girl. Harry noticed, coughing quite pointedly. She looked away at once, ushering them inside the living room.

"My girlfriend, Ginny Weasley, my best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger." said Harry, as they edged towards the living room.

She noticed the way how Ginny, Ron and Hermione's eyes narrowed at the sight of the cupboard under the stairs. She winced again, surprisingly, so did Harry.

They settled themselves. An awkward silence followed.

"So...er...how are you? Where is Uncle Vernon and Dudley?" asked Harry.

"I'm fine. Vernon is out for work, Dudley is out meeting his friends,"she replied stiffly.

"Nice place you've got here," commented Ginny, looking curiously at the television set. She turned and whispered to Harry, but she caught each and every word the spoke.

"What's that?" said Ginny, looking at the television.

"That's a television. A sort of Muggle screen where you can watch things and pictures, I'll tell you later, Gin," Harry replied

"Um...er..we just came here to collect my things which I left. Where they might be?" asked Harry again.

Four people just to collect some things?

Hermione, as she recalled, answered her unspoken question.

"We-that is Ron, Ginny and me- are here to meet you. We've known him since years, Ginny and harry have been dating since two years, but we haven't met his family. So, we decided to come along."

"Your things are kept in your room,"she said,"I'll get you some snacks,"

She exited and entered the kitchen, as she placed some chocolate cookies to heat up in the microwave.

A/N: I do not know what Europeans eat for snacks, sorry!

She could hear movements and whispers as the bunch exited towards the room. However, she could not help but eavesdrop Harry and Ginny's conversation as they stayed behind. Their voice could be heard from near the cupboard under the stairs.

"This is why you came here, didn't you Gin? To see the cupboard?" said Harry.

"Er...yeah,"said Ginny.

There was silence for sometime, then she heard a click, as if a lock opened, but she clearly had not given them the key.

There was silence again, until she heard suppressed sobs of a girl. Her eyes grew wide; she was roused from her own world when she heard the beep of the microwave. She hastily removed the cookies, to hear more.

The sobs were now muffled, as if by a cloth. She had a vague suspicion that Harry and Ginny were embracing.

She strained her ears to listen.

"Harry...that's so unfair...you did not deserve...this...you did not..."she sobbed further.

"I know, Gin. I know. I know I did not deserve to have such a childhood. These people are mean, who made the wrong choices. Don't be under the impression that I've forgiven my Aunt. What she did to Mum...that was mean. Don't let these people get you, Gin. These filthy, vile Dursleys are not worth your tears, understand? Stop crying now, Ron and Hermione might be coming soon," said Harry.

No voices were heard anymore, but this silence was filled with agonizing screams of her little Lily, shouting at her,

See, Tuney! What have done to my son? How could you? I thought you changed, but didn't! You're the same! I hate you!

As they all left with a small "Thank you," and without eating the cookies, a solitary tear left her eyes as she prepared the supper.

Just the onions, she thought, not noticing the fact that she was chopping celery.

A/N: How was it? Please review! I'll post more chapters as soon as possible! Leave reading comments! Also, for other requests, PM me.