Minako sat in her room enjoying her summer vacation when there was a knocking coming from her door. "It's me." The voice of the other side of the door belonged to Mitsuru. "I'm sorry to bother you while you're resting, but can I have a word with you?"

"Coming," Minako said as she stood up and went over to the door to open it.

"Good morning." Mitsuru greeted. "There's something I need to tell everyone... but I think it would be best if you saw it for yourself. Come to the 4th floor when you get home tonight, okay? I'll see you then." Once Mitsuru said what she needed to say, she left.

"I wonder what she wants me to see?" Minako said to herself. "Well, I guess there's only one way to find out."

Iwatodai Dorm: Late Night

Out of everyone in the group, Minako was the last one to arrive who all were just about to go to the 4th floor meeting room. Everyone was looking at each other, slightly confused to why Mitsuru called them here. Aigis was the first to speak. "Does this mean we have a new mission?" Aigis asked.

"Dunno. But, the alarm's not ringin'..." Junpei said as they opened the door and entered the room.

"Huh!?" Yukari gasped with surprise as they noticed a dog sitting next Mitsuru.

"Koro-chan!?" Fuuka said as they all rushed over to him. Koromaru happily wagged his tail while watching everyone. "Are you okay? ...Where'd you get this collar from?"

"That collar is designed to control his Persona. In other words, it's an Evoker for dogs." Mitsuru explained.

"Wait... Does that mean he'll being going into battle with us?" Yukari asked.

"It was a surprise for me as well. But according to the tests, it's quite possible." Mitsuru said. "In fact, it was the Chairman's suggestion... We'll be looking after him here in the dorm."

"Is that okay with you, Koro-chan?" Fuuka asked. Koromaru simply barked after Fuuka asked.

"He says, 'I'll return the favour.'," Aigis said.

"Man, you're one loyal dog," Yukari said as she started to pet Koromaru.

"Welcome abroad, Koromaru!" Minako said as she also started to pet him while Koromaru let out an excited bark. 'A dog can use a Persona... simply amazing.'

"Hey, make yourself at home... The More the merrier, right? Who cares if you're a dog?" Junpei said. "Alright, I'll take him for a walk. It's summer break after all!"

"Yes, it is," Mitsuru said. "Enjoy your vacation while you can; summer classes start next week. I'll see to it that you graduate."

"H-Hey... Nice one, Senpai. You almost had me there." Junpei said.

"Oh, it's no joke. We'll be taking intensives courses. I've already applied for all of us. Except for you." Mitsuru pointed towards Minako.



"What!? Why only her?!" Junpei yelled out.

"Because I've heard out of all of us. She was the one who studied the most and the hardest."

"Y-Yeah, I sort of did. So many all-nighters" Minako said.

"Okay, but why do we have to go?!"

"Because I know difficult it's been balancing school and our late night excursions. You haven't had much time to study. I apologize for that."

"I don't think Junpei would be studying anyway, even if we didn't have Shadows to fight. Not the brightest person I met." Minako said, somewhat jokingly.

"Hey!" Junpei said, feeling slightly insulted.

"Anyway," Mitsuru continued, ignoring the two. "That's why the Chairman agrees that this is a good idea... I thought I told Takeba and Yamagishi."

"Are you serious!? This is the first I've heard of it!" Junpei said.

"Um, sorry... I forgot to mention." Fuuka apologized.

"Aw, man!" Junpei started to feel depressed that part of his summer vacation was ruined due to school work.

"Hey, with your grades, you should be thanking her!" Yukari said.

"Yeah, right." Junpei let out a huge sigh. "This sucks."

"W-Well, it's only for a few weeks, so let's make the most of it..." Fuuka tried to lift Junpei's spirits up, but it clearly wasn't working.

After watching everyone talk amongst Minako noticed something in the corner of her eye. She looked down to see Koromaru sitting right next to her. She smiled before she started to pet his head who looked pretty happy about it.

Couple Days Later

Minato and everyone else prepared to leave while Fuuka went over to Minako who was just resting on the couch. "Minako-chan, what are you going to do while we're at school?" Fuuka asked,

"I don't know. With you and everyone else gone, I might be a little bored. I might spend some time with Aigis or Ken." Minako soon heard a bark next to her.

"He says, 'What about me?'" Aigis said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Koromaru. Why don't we go for a walk later, huh? Would like that?" Koromaru started to excitedly bark.

"I hope you enjoy yourself," Fuuka said as she left the dorm with everyone else.

With everyone gone Minako read some random magazine that she found. Koromaru who's currently taking a nap next to Minako. Just like she thought the magazine didn't entertain her long enough. She just sat there staring at the ceiling wondering what to do. "I wonder how Minato and the others are doing right now? I kinda want to go with them. A little extra studying wouldn't hurt." Minako said to herself.

"Where are the others?" A monotone voice that belonged to the unique member of the team, Aigis.

"They went to school for summer classes."


"You know what a school is, right?"

"Yes, it is a place where people of different ages go to learn."

"Yeah, that's right. Well, anyway, Mitsuru suggested that they go to school."

"Why haven't you gone with them?"

"I apparently studied the most out of everyone here. So Mitsuru didn't think I needed it."

"I see." With that Aigis went back to being quiet, and that left Minako a little bored.

'Now... what to do, what to do? Oh, right! It's summer break now. I need to help Minato. I'll start by thinking of ways until they're finished summer school. Hm... It might be a little bit difficult since I don't really know her that much.' Minako thought.

A Few Days Later

In the lobby area, Minako waited for everyone else to return from their final day at summer school. To occupy herself she sat down next to Koromaru talking to him. She had really bonded with the dog since summer school had started. "You enjoyed that walk didn't you?" Koromaru barked happily. "I'd be happy to take you on more walks." Koromaru excitedly barked.

Minako started to pet Koromaru's head who looked pretty happy about it. While she continued to pet Koromaru her mind wondered. She only realized after thinking about Minato's crush. 'I've been so focused on helping Minato, but... what about me?' Minako thought.

"You know, Koromaru, I've been thinking lately. I've been so busy with trying to help Minato win his crush that it got me thinking. Maybe, I should try and find someone too. There are not many people I would be willing to go out with. I'm more careful about that sorta thing now. Right now there are only two people I would consider asking out. Yukari or Fuuka. They're pretty cute, and they're both so nice. I feel like I could trust them no matter what. Though, I am a little hesitant to ask them. I don't know if they'll even like me that. Besides, Minato takes priorities over my feelings. I'll look for that after I help him." Minako said.

She looked over to Koromaru who had his head tilted to the side slightly like he didn't understand what she said. "Ah, I just realized. I wonder if even understood what I said? Doesn't matter. Thanks, Koromaru. You helped me get that off my chest. Now I can focus on helping Minato." Minako said. "Koromaru, if you understood what I said. Please, don't mention this to..."

Not long after she heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Shortly after Aigis showed and she looked at Minako and Koromaru. "Oh, Aigis." She looked like she was about to ask something until they both heard voices from outside. Soon after the doors opened to reveal Fuuka, Yukari, and Akihiko. Akihiko just continued forward towards the stairs while Fuuka and Yukari chatted with each other.

Minako walked over to them after realizing her brother wasn't among them. "Hey, welcome back." Minako greeted them. "Um, where's Minato?"

"He was just behind us. Why?" Fuuka said.

"I need to talk to him about something."

"Oh." They all failed to noticed Koromaru walk over to them. It was when he sat down next them is when they noticed him. "Koro-chan, how are you doing?" Fuuka asked.

Koromaru let out a couple of barks when Fuuka knelt next to pet him. She began to wonder what he barking about. Aigis walked over them until she stood next to Minako. "'She thinks you're cute and would like to go out with you both.' Is what he said." Aigis said.

'He understood?!' Minako started to panic a little.

"She?" Fuuka and Yukari said, both confused to who Koromaru was talking about. "Who are you talking about?" Koromaru barked once more and just like before Aigis said what he meant.

"He said, 'Minako'."

It took awhile for it to sink and even after that, it was a while before they realized what Aigis said. They all blushed from embarrassment, though, for different reasons. Minako's was just plain embarrassment. Fuuka was just that she never expected anyone to call her cute. Yukari's was just like Minako, but hers was also a mixture of shock.

"Koromaru! Why? You weren't supposed to say that." Koromaru let out a whine as he lowered his head like he done something wrong.

"Aw, I can't stay mad at you. I know you were only just trying to help."

"S-So..." Fuuka somewhat stuttered. "Is it... t-true?"

"Uh, y-yeah..."

"Oh, I didn't think you..." A door from behind them opened that interrupted them. It was Minato who opened the doors and he looked over to the group.

"Ah, Minato." Minako started to forget the situation since she didn't really want to be in it in the first place. She went over to her brother. "I've thought of a few ideas to help you. Come on! Let's go to your room... or my room... or anywhere private, doesn't matter." With that Fuuka and Yukari watched as the twins left.

AN: Originally, that talk with Koromaru wasn't supposed to happen until later, but this chapter would be pretty short if I didn't do it this way.