Title: I did not sleep with that wizard!

Pairing: Drarry

Rating: M

Summary: Harry has a vision of Sirius being tortured and begs Dobby to take him to Sirius. As they Apparate out of the Fifth Year Gryffindor Dormitory he faints. Showing things come to light about the Saviour. Involves Good Malfoys, good Sirius and Good Severus. More to be revealled...

Notes: Another random story idea…maybe not so random inspired by the conceiving of Merlin…


As the clock turned to midnight on June 5th of the sixteenth year since the birth of Draconis Lucius Malfoy, his body did go through internal changes…

They would have been external but there were glamour-like suppression charms to prevent the changes from being obvious…

Draco had been conscious of Harry Potter since ever and had felt a strange connection when he met the impossibly tiny boy in Madam Malkins even though he didn't know his name until later.

That night in his dreams he began to reach out to the boy…

The boy his magic recognised as his mate…


Draco watched night after night in his dreams as Harry poured over book after book studying frantically for every possible situation he could conceive that could help him face the upcoming Third Task.

He stayed in the shadows of the dream library; silently floating books that he thought might be helpful. Adding his memories of the contents to the dream.

Draco wasn't sure how much he was helping but his mate had to survive the Task…


Harry was back in the Infirmary at Hogwarts the night after the Third Task, his arm bandaged and he stared blindly at the goblet of dreamless sleep potion Pomfrey had given him.

Sirius hadn't even been allowed to really ask after him and had been practically thrown out by Dumbledore.

How could this happen? Why had yet another Defence Professor tried to hurt him and how after the trouble with Quirrell had a Voldemort supporter managed to infiltrate Hogwarts?

Merlin, he hated being dragged around and picked on just because he happened to be the thrice-damned Boy Who Lived.

Why had Dumbledore allowed the fake Moody to drag him off before he had any treatment? He was hysterical, bleeding and clutching the dead boy of Cedric refusing to be dragged off.

He put his palms over his eyes, "I hate this!"

"Are you alright?"

Harry stiffened at the voice, Malfoy? What the hell was he doing here? He fumbled for his glasses and wand.

His glasses were pressed into his hand.


Harry put them on, his ears hadn't deceived him it was Malfoy. He glared, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be off celebrating your precious Dark Lord's return?"

Draco Malfoy snorted at him, "Why should I? Personally, I've not to reason to. Sure I'm not entirely fond of Muggleborns but I've got enough trouble in Slytherin without him."

Harry's jaw dropped, "What are you talking about? Your father was there at his rebirth!"

Draco shrugged, "I don't care, I don't feel much like support him." He reached over to cover Harry's bandage with his outstretched fingers, "He hurt you…no one should be allowed to do that…"

Harry blinked, "Why?"

"Because you're important to me and I don't want to see you hurt. Hurting you has made it impossible for me to support him." Draco said pompously.

Harry frowned, "Why would I be important to you? You've treated me like dirt all year!"

"Because I was furious that you were in the Tournament damn it!" Draco hissed. "I didn't want to see you hurt! I was afraid you'd be burnt to a crisp by the Horntail or drowned in the Black Lake. My heart stopped when the walls of the Maze came down and you were gone. Salazar's Cauldron Harry I thought I would go insane with worry. Then you came back and you were bleeding and you were holding onto a dead body. I wanted to go after the Dark Lord myself when I heard you say that he killed Cedric and hurt you."

"I don't believe you." Harry retorted dumbly.

"Would I have come here if I wasn't serious?" Draco smirked, "After what happened do you think anyone would willingly let me near you?"

Then Draco Malfoy of all people leaned over and kissed him.


Harry was dreaming about the night in the Graveyard again.

As he saw Cedric cut down by the killing curse he screamed, "NO! Not Cedric! He shouldn't have to die! It's my fault if I hadn't tried to be so damn noble he'd still be alive."

Then arms wrapped around him and he felt safe, the graveyard melted away to show the Quidditch Pitch instead.

Harry looked around wildly and he saw he was still on a Nimbus 2001.

"Why are you torturing yourself like this? You should have to relive that…come on Harry, let's have so fun. I'm just going to hold onto you. Why don't you give my broom a spin." Came Draco's gentle voice from behind him.

So they spent the rest of their dreaming hours flying; first on Draco's broom, then on his and finally they were on their own brooms chasing a dream conjured snitch.


Draco was pulled into Harry's dream to find him screaming in rage.

"Harry?" he asked quietly. "What's the matter?"

Harry shoved a crumpled bit of parchment into his face, "Read that!"

Draco carefully smoothed the letter and read it.

His heart stopped.

Harry, his Harry was expelled? In that case, when would he see him again?

Harry then tossed a second one at him, "Now they're saying that I'm not expelled just suspended. It's not like my bloody Muggle cousin is ignorant of magic, we live together and he knows I go to magic school. Really like I was just going to stand there and let fucking Dementors suck both our souls out."

Draco's scowl deepened, "The Ministry can't officially suspend or expel anyone, that's up to the Headmaster and the Board of Governors. Wait, what? Dementors? What the hell would Dementors be doing where you live in Surrey?"

Harry stiffened, "I know you're just a dream but how do you know where I live?"

"Dobby, who did you think sent him? He was my elf, I overheard father talking to himself about having to put some plans in action that would attack the Muggleborns. I didn't know anything specifically and father never was really conscious about it or answering my questions, he played ignorant." Draco scowled.

"Dobby was protecting me on your orders? But you kept calling Hermione Mudblood and saying that all those like her were going to be gone soon." Harry said collapsing on a tiny bed in a room that Draco just now realised was full of broken junk.

Draco snorted, "Please you know with a father like mine who was thought to be a Death Eater, I had to keep up appearances. I've got nothing against Granger really except that she has the audacity to score higher then myself."

Draco ended up calming Harry down and helping him with their summer Potions and History homework instead.

Just because some morons tried to have him tossed out of Hogwarts was no excuse not to do his homework.


Harry was still made at his 'friends' for not bothering to really owl him.

So he was in the backyard of Number Twelve blasting the hell out of the mess of the back lawn in his dreams.

"So has anything changed?" came Draco's worried voice from behind him.

"No!" harry said surly, "I'm supposed to be a good boy and stay out of trouble and let Dumbledore handle it! If he was as good as he thinks he is then I wouldn't be in this situation! Honestly, how do they think Cedric died if Voldemort didn't kill him? He died from the Killing Curse even an idiot could tell right? They don't really think I did that do they? If they did I would have been arrested right?"

Draco sighed as Harry cast the blasting curse at a large tree, "I know that the Daily Prophet hasn't helped matters, I get angry every time I read it. Sometimes it even burns up if it makes you feel any better.

"You've toasted that gossip rag because of me?" Harry turned pink.

Draco smirked, "Of course. They're defaming the character of someone important to me."

Draco knew Harry was his mate but he didn't dare mention it quite yet, Harry hadn't quite recovered from his kiss after the disastrous end of the Third Task of the Triwizard Tournament.

Draco conjured a blanket after vanishing the burnt remains of person-high grass and weeds.

Harry protested weakly when Draco pulled him down to lay on his back on the blanket.

They spent what was left of the night pointing out constellations to one another…


Harry had gotten off and had told a smug Draco who hugged him tightly the night after his suspension from Hogwarts was tossed out.

Now it was the first night back at Hogwarts and Harry was fuming in the Prefects bath.

Draco walked in, "I'm surprised to see you here."

Harry scowled, "Why? Because that bitch Umbridge is here and likely has picture of me she uses as a dart board because I'm insisting Voldemort is back?"

Draco stripped and slid into the bath, "I know she's up to no good. My father told me to get close to her so I can figure out what she's up to. He actually told me he was a spy during the war, Salazar's wand was I surprised. I'm supposed to write everything she does so he can have a record of it."

Harry opened his eyes sputtering, "Lucius Malfoy a spy?"

Draco snorted, "I know, sounds odd doesn't it? So how are you going to handle Umbridge? We both know she's got it in for you."

Harry snorted, "What Defence professor hasn't? Both Quirrell and fake Moody wanted me dead while Lockhart tried to Obliviate me. The only Defence professor who didn't try to kill me was Lupin, that was because he was my father's friend."

"He may have dressed like a house elf but he wasn't a terrible teacher." Draco admitted reluctantly.

Harry gaped at him, "You really think he was a good teacher?"

"Quirrell was scared of his own shadow, Lockhart only cared about his talking about his own exploits, Lupin taught a hell of a lot in one year- the most we ever did learn in that subject and while Moody was really an escaped Death Eater he may have known a lot about the subject but his methods left much to be desired. I don't think any of us will forget his lessons on Unforgivables." Draco shivered.

They then started to talk about their expectations for the ensuing year and how they both planned to be thorns in Umbridge's side.


The night of Harry's first detention with Umbridge he dreamed he was in the prefect's bath clutching his bleeding hand when Draco walked in.

Draco immediately fell to his knees beside Harry, "Salazar's Cauldron what happened?"

Harry scowled, "Fucking Umbridge!"

Draco gently pried Harry's hand from covering his that was bleeding, he gasped, "Did she do this?"

"She had me write I will not tell lies with this weird quill, it started like an itch and then I was bleeding. I didn't want to write lines but damn it she said I wasn't going to be let go until I did." Harry grumbled.

Draco traced the words with his finger but without touching the scars, "Merlin Harry I'm so sorry…" he conjured bandages and summoned a bottle of dittany, "It's going to scar and it will only get clear the longer she makes you use that damn blood quill. That type is a class IV torture device it's fucking illegal to use especially on a minor damn it! I want to curse her black and blue for hurting you."

"I'm nothing special Draco, really. You can't get in trouble on my account."

Draco fumed as he tended the wound, "I can still be furious with the wench."

Harry seemed to relax and was more comfortable with him because of his tenderness, it made Draco's heart sing, he only wished it wasn't for the reason that his mate had been cursed.


Draco was furious!

He didn't mean for Harry to get toss off the Quidditch team! This was terrible, he hated Weasel for how he'd treated Harry last year and he could see a coolness developing between Harry and Ronald Weasel.

Sure they only really talked in these dreams but he felt close to Harry, important even.

Okay so letting Pansy- well half-way encouraging her to write 'Weasley is our King' might have been a bit much but so what?

He was fuming to himself when he was shoved against the wall.

"What the hell was that about today?" Harry growled.

Draco sighed, "I hate Weasel alright? He treats you like dirt; hell all he ever does is brag about himself. He gets to be keeper and Harry he's bloody awful. Really if you hadn't caught the Snitch we'd have won."

Harry snorted, "You'll never catch the snitch if you're up against me."

"So? Just flying against you helps me improve. Just because I know I'll lose in the end doesn't mean I can't try. Sure I was having a go at Weasel but damn I didn't mean to get you or those beaters involved. Johnson's right I was a sore loser, Weasel's confidence was already shaken I was hoping to get him to attack me just to get him off the team to do you a favour." Draco nervously ran his hand through his hair.

"Well thanks to that loathsome Umbridge you'll never have to lose to me again. She's banned me and the twins from playing Quidditch ever again thanks to you." Harry growled.

Draco swallowed, "Banned? You can't play Quidditch? Salazar's Cauldron I swear Harry I didn't mean for that to happen. Damn it!"

"I don't know why I'm even speaking to you!" Harry said shoving him into the wall before removing his hands, "I'm so furious I could strangle you!"

"Look I am sorry you're off the team but I'm not sorry for baiting Weasel. He's a horrible person, granted I'm not the best either but damn it I don't treat friends the way he does! I get irritated with how rude Pansy can be to Blaise and he's my best friend. Theo's been a different person since his mother died; he's a coward and its bloody irritating. The boy jumps at just about anything and to think his father wants to have him Bond to Millie is just laughable. You could have knocked me down with a feather when I heard that Blaise was going with Millie, I thought he'd lost his mind…"

"I'm still mad at you." Harry scowled.

"Since it was my fault I'll have to accept that, I miscalculated. Really I am sorry you're banned from Quidditch, it wasn't my intention. But at least you won't get hurt playing." Draco said weakly.

"As if I give a damn about that." Harry snorted.

"Come on Harry tell me how to make it up to you…" Draco wheedled.

Harry blushed, "If you hadn't gotten me kicked off the team I was going to ask you to kiss me…"

Draco turned pink, "Would you let me?"

Harry smirked, "Try it and see…"


It was sometime before Draco earned Dream Harry's trust enough to learn about the D.A.

It was then when a smug Draco started teaching Harry a few defence spells or counters for favoured spells of Death Eaters, especially those that his mad Aunt Bella liked that he learned from Uncle Severus.

But the more time he spent with Harry in their shared dreams the closer he felt to Harry, not that he was lucky enough that they were sharing the dreams.

They were more aware of one another and Draco's status as a member of the Inquisitorial Squad was merely perfunctory to get close to Umbridge, half the time he only pretended to bother them. Aside from the obvious and inevitable bullying of Weasel that is…

He really wasn't sorry about the Weasley is our King thing only that it had gotten Harry in trouble.

Draco was growing closer to Harry and half the time their duelling practices were interrupted by snogging sessions…

Harry was getting more comfortable with him and they'd progressed to petting but Harry had yet to let him actually touch him skin to skin.

Draco knew because Harry was his, that he would let him eventually.

Draco just had to be patient…


You could have knocked Draco down with a feather when the sex dreams about Harry started.

Damn and the kisses too just about blew his mind.

Room of Requirement sex, prefect bath sex, dormitory sex- a bit too public but fun with the added benefit of freaking out weasel of course plus there was the obligatory after Quidditch practice/match sex and they said that teenage boys think with their pricks…

He didn't even notice the few times that he had wet dreams and didn't even wake up to a messy bed and sticky clothing…

Nor for that matter did Harry, not that either had a clue they were sharing dreams…

The very idea was practically preposterous…

What do you think? Outstanding? Exceeds expectations? Acceptable? Poor? Dreadful? Troll?