Thank you for sticking through this and for all of the wonderful comments and reviews! I've learned a lot through this process-the big one being why I never write WIPs. ;)


The local police descended on the crime scene, securing Thompson and dragging him away. He refused to speak—not that it was easy with a busted jaw. Caulfield took it upon himself to release Audrey from her restraints and guided her to a waiting EMT. Cho and Rigsby both walked the officers through the incident, recounting Partridge's words, offering up what they believed to be his motivation—a long standing thirst for vengeance against Patrick Jane. With the mention of Blake Association, all of law enforcement grew somber, and Caulfield wondered aloud just how an associate had been under their nose—in their homes—for years. The medical examiner concluded that Brett Partridge was indeed dead, and lifted the black bag containing his body up onto the waiting gurney.

In the middle of all of this stood Patrick Jane, his arms wrapped around Teresa Lisbon as her body trembled against him, the adrenaline wearing off. The EMT had briefly patched the cuts on her neck and palm with antiseptic and a bandage. The wound on her throat looked worse that it was. For a former medical examiner, Partridge was a bit rusty when wielding a sharp instrument, and Jane was rather thankful. He pressed his fingers along her spine, ghosted his palms up to her shoulders and felt her shuddering sigh.

Lisbon tilted her face up to look at him, her eyes a glossy green.

"Well, my love," Jane spoke first, his voice filled with a breeziness he didn't feel, "I'd say you've had quite the evening."

A watery laugh, nearly hysterical, bubbled up from her throat and he brushed the sweat-matted hair away from her face.

"What say we pack it up and go home, hmm? Leave the paperwork to the professionals." She nodded and tucked herself against his side.


Two weeks later and life in Pescadero was mostly back to normal. The sheriff had returned from his long vacation, much to Deputy Caulfield's relief. After refusing to divulge where the FBI could find other Blake Associates (because there was no question of if), Thompson was transferred to a supermax. Audrey was beginning to recover from her trauma at the hands of Brett Partridge, and having no real home to go back to, had rented a room at the local inn. She had even been seen at the diner with Officer Miller and Jane suspected she'd soon consider the little oceanside town her home.

Rigsby and Van Pelt had returned up the road to San Francisco with promises of playdates and brunch, while Cho had gone back to Texas with a firm handshake. For a brief moment, Jane missed having his old friends close at hand. They had waged a war together and come out the other side—repeatedly. It was impossible to fully explain the comradery and love he felt for these people, but he had done his best to show his appreciation by sending his friends home with healthy servings of his finest teas.

Now, it was Tuesday and Jane was waiting on his fresh shipment of teas and porcelain tea pots. The new glass window gleamed. It was so pristine it almost looked as if it wasn't there at all. In the immediate days after the incident, Jane had thought about closing the shop entirely. They didn't need the income—in fact, the shop rarely broke even. He kept it open as something to do, something fill his time. But with the return of Partridge and the worry that other members of Blake Association were lurking out in the darkness, waiting to strike, Jane wanted little more than to pack his family up an disappear. He was great at disappearing. Lisbon, however, refused to run. Ever his voice of reason, she had reminded him that they had agreed to give Nora a home, with roots, surrounded by people who cared about her. That she was going to have a better childhood than either of them. And that meant they were staying put. They were setting an example for their daughter—they weren't running from their problems, from hypothetical threats.

As was typical, she made a very sound argument. She'd also sealed it with a kiss and the promise of more, knowing Jane was less likely to disagree under such circumstances.

So instead of dashing off into the night, Jane had repaired the damage to his shop. He had ordered new tea pots, selected new teas. He was particularly looking forward to a white tea flavored with orange blossoms.

The bell above the door jingled and Jane looked up to see Lisbon with an awake Nora in her arms.

"Good morning, can I help you lovely ladies?" He grinned, making his way out from behind the counter.

"Save it for your Tuesday blue-haired crowd." Jane took Nora from her arms and the baby clutched at the buttons on his vest. "You've been closed for weeks now, you'll need all that charm you can muster. I'm sure they've missed their regular tea supply."

"Mrs. MacAuley did send over a large plate of cookies. Double chocolate chip."

"I'm sure she did." Lisbon laughed, fully enjoying Jane's playful attempt to make her jealous.

"She adds pudding to the batter."

"Oh does she?"

"Hmm." Jane tucked Nora closer to his body.

With an appraising eye, Lisbon looked around the shop. "Everything looks great, in tip-top shape."

He pretended not to notice the way she lingered on the spot on the floor where Partridge had first knocked her down, where Jane had found a trail of blood and loose tea leaves.

Before he was swept up by any maudlin thoughts, the bell above the door chimed again and the ladies of the Tuesday crowd strolled in. They took turns making a fuss over Nora and stating that the family had all been in their prayers. Finally, they meandered further into the store, a new tea set adorned in cardinals catching someone's eye.

"You know, if you stick around, Mrs. MacAuley is less likely to sneak a firm grope of my behind in front of my wife," Jane whispered, his lips close to her ear.

Lisbon raised a brow and took Nora back from her husband. "I'm not one to take simple pleasures away from senior citizens."

Throwing back his head, he let out a surprised bark of laughter before pressing his lips to her cheek. He gave her a playful pat on the ass, in turn. Lisbon only grinned and leaned around him, shifting Nora on her hip.

"In fact, I think your adoring fans await."

He sighed but there was a gleam in his eye. "I'll see you at home, then. Love you."

"Love you. Always." She turned her face up for a quick peck and he winked before turning back into the tea shop.

"Ladies, I have a new white tea I think you'll appreciate—"