The Black Spirit

A Darker than Black fan-fiction

Written by FireCacodemon

Disclaimer: Darker than Black is owned by Tensai Okamura

This is an AU. Hei and Li are twins in this and share a very close brother bond but will not be incest, no matter how close they are. Misaki's a new recruit to the police force instead of already being there. Hell's Gate and Heaven's Gate don't exist, meaning there are no contractors or dolls, or Syndicate or anything like that.

Chapter One

"Thank you sir," a strong, confident voice spoke as the taxi car door opened as young female excited the car. The tall female wore a dark blue suit with polished black shoes stood up and looked at Tokyo city, adjusting her glasses up her nose, her chocolate coloured eyes was stunned at how bright Tokyo was compared to her old home city. The taxi driver excited the car and smiled at her, she had been great company on the journey and it was going to be a shame that her destination came so soon. Taking out his key, he unlocked the boot of his taxi and went to retrieve her luggage. A large black suitcase was lifted out the back of the taxi and lowered down to the ground. She thanked him again before the taxi driver nodded and returned back to the taxi and drove away, leaving the passenger behind. She looked over at the city once more before she pulled out a map with directions and started to walk. It wasn't easy to find all the street names and other important bits of information due to the population level and the bright lights around the city just felt like it was disorienting. She continued to walk, eventually finding the Tokyo police station. The whole station was buzzing and alive with cases and events which she had never heard of.

"Excuse me miss, can I help you?" She turned her attention towards the sound of the voice. A tall male wearing a business suit walked towards her, his short black hair was kept neat and tidy and another obvious feature was his thick eyebrows. His aura was pretty strong which was suitable for working in the police. She could easily notice that he was used to pulling the trigger of a gun just by looking at his black eyes.

"That would be appreciated. I'm Misaki Kirihara," she offered her hand towards the taller male. He smiled and shook Misaki's hand, the handshake was firm.

"You're the new recruit then. I'm Yusuke Saito; I'm part of section four of the police department."

"Pleasure to meet you Saito," Misaki smiled.

"I can see why your father recommended you so strongly, Kirihara." Misaki turned around at the new voice which entered the police station. She recognised the newcomer as the chief of the police station, her new boss if she was accepted into the station. With her father recommending her to him as a valuable player on her previous team, joining here wasn't going to be such an issue for her.

"My father has spoken highly of you. It'll be a pleasure working under you."

"I'm sure he has, we've already arranged your living arrangements. Here's the address that you'll be staying in." Misaki nodded as the chief pulled out a piece of paper with directions to the apartment building she'll be staying in as well. Misaki safely pocketed the map and directions to her new apartment. "We'll pay the rent in full for the time being until your first pay day, after that we'll go half and half until your third pay before you'll be paying it on your own." She knew that was probably going to happen for the first few payments while she got herself sorted out.

The Black Spirit – Chapter One

"You look lost," Misaki heard a voice from behind her. Turning around, her eyes met a pair of midnight eyes. The owner of the midnight eyes turned out to be a young adult of the male sex; his hair was short and black, just reaching past his jaw-line at the back of his head. Misaki picked up the Chinese accent in his voice; she couldn't help but admire the accent just from the three words that the young male used. Her eyes drifted downwards while examining the new person standing in front of her. The male was nicely built, neither too muscular nor too wimpy looking, he was just perfect for her. He wore a simple white shirt with rolled up sleeves which reached just past the elbows. The shirt had five buttons; the top button was undone and was exposing his collar bones. It was hard to resist going up to him and touching those collar bones which seemed to invite those to touch them, to get close to the male. She noted about the left breast pocket due to the pen sticking out, the small blue pen looked worn out and the ink was going to be coming to an end soon. Her eyes drifted further down to complete the examination of the male in front of her. Her eyes fell on the pale blue jeans, she half expected them to be torn in some form but that was partially due to a stereotype that she had seen often on young males. His trainers were mainly black with white laces and the fabric covering the shoes were white instead of black.

"I'm a little lost," Misaki finally replied to the male's question. He looked at her slightly confused but smiled at the young female in front of him. It was always nice seeing another friendly face on the streets. Misaki could easily tell that this male wasn't a treat, his body language and appearance went against what she was thinking. Misaki felt her whole body tense when he moved his hand forward, offering for a shake.

"I'm Li, Li Shengshun."

"Misaki Kirihara," she reached her hand out to shake Li's hand. "Can you please escort me to here?" Misaki asked Li as she handed over the piece of paper that the chief of police handed to her. Li took the paper and started to read the paper.

"Yeah, I was just heading there myself." He handed back the piece of paper to her. She placed it back into her pocket while Li waited. Once she had composed herself once more, he started to lead her towards her destination.

"So, how long have you been living in Tokyo?"

"After tonight, I would have lived in Tokyo for a month," Li replied to Misaki. She made the mental note on that information. She might as well learn about the people around the city and Li was kind enough to escort her to where she needed to go, to where she was going to live while in Tokyo.

"So you're still learning about Tokyo yourself?" Misaki couldn't help but ask her companion, Li simply nodded.

"I've been attending school; I do a part time job to pay for the class and rent. My brother's might be waiting for me to return back home."

"You have a brother? That's nice to know."

"Yeah, his name is Hei," Li spoke in a brotherly tone of voice. There didn't need to be a question on how much affection Li held for his brother.

"Is he older or younger than you?"

"Hei's the older brother, we're identical twins."

"Twins...Which twin did your parents favour more?" Misaki couldn't help but ask Li the question. She had met twins in the past and their parents always sounded like they gave more attention to one twin which often always causes the other twin to grow up following bad behaviour because they were shadowed by their other twin. From observing Li's behaviour, it didn't seem like that was the case.

"Our parents treated us the same and we supported each other if the other was struggling. So the family worked together really well while we were growing up."

"Sounds like you had a happy childhood."

"Sure sounds that way, doesn't it?" Li gave out a small chuckle. Misaki smiled herself; Li came from an interesting background. The two of them walked the remainder of the journey while chatting to each other, sharing small snips from their lives, what schools they went to along with their best classes, moments, friends and any afterschool activities they took part in, any medals for school sports. Misaki learnt a lot about Li. Mostly about all the mischief that Li and his twin, Hei got up to during school. It proved that Li wasn't just the perfect student that Li presented himself to be. Even he had a rebellious streak to him when with Hei. Li wasn't too rebellious that he was kicked out of school or that the teachers dreaded to teach him. Normally when he was with Hei did the rebellious side of him come out to say 'Hi' to everyone around him or Hei, she could admire that. Not every teacher was perfect so there were going to be a few times when Li's behaviour would drop, even if Hei wasn't around to see it. She liked people behaving and following the rules (with her father being a police man) but she couldn't expect one-hundred percent behaviour all the time. Misaki remember snapping at one of her teachers because she was in a foul mood with her father always working. Even back then, she knew it was important but she still couldn't help herself. Of course, when her parents found out that she snapped at the teacher, they weren't very happy with her and she was given a warning. With Li, it was different. She hoped that Hei wouldn't be the protective type of twin brother. She's met a few twins like that before, when the other twin was protective over them.

"Well, here's the landlord's house, I'll catch you later Misaki," Li waved at Misaki as she turned to head up the metallic steps towards the two apartments on the second floor. She watched Li for a bit longer while he walked towards the apartment door furthest away from the stairs. He reached the door marked with the numbers 2-0-1.

The Black Spirit – Chapter One

Li took out his apartment key and unlocked the door, gently pushing the door, he slipped inside. He knew that Hei wouldn't be home until a little later. Li didn't mind, it gave him a little time to himself, school was hard enough to keep up with alongside his extra curriculum activities that he signed up for. Hei kept telling him that he should have just drop the extra curriculum activities and just focused on the lessons at hand. Li smiled when he remembered the graduation ceremony that was help when he and Hei were still in full time education. The memories there were filled a mixture of different emotions. High school was also the first time him and Hei fought. The small sibling battle lasted up to 3 days before both of them put aside what they were fighting over (which was over who was the better fighter, him or Hei) and made up. Both of them were happier than they have been from the past 3 days. Li and Hei were never too far apart while they were growing up but when they graduated school, Li had asked Hei if it would be acceptable to go to university. Hei only smiled and nodded at him, telling him that it was okay as long as he took a part time job. Hei himself, took on a full time job so that Li could go to university and expand his knowledge further while Hei himself, worked happily on his job and supporting his little brother. Hei was only just born before Li. Li closed the door behind him and smiled at the apartment he shared with his brother.

The apartment was nearly empty; a small table was tucked away into the corner of the room just near the window. Four small cushions were tucked under the small wooden table. The four cushions were all designed to be the same; their colour was light purple with a small butterfly engraved into one of the corners. The cushions were filled with plush which always returned back to the original shape that it was given. The floor was wooden in the apartment but Li and Hei had put down a soft carpet down in the apartment to make it more enjoyable to walk on, the landlord, Misuzu Oyama gave them permission to lay down the carpet due to Hei and Li being very good tenants. Something the other tenants in the building weren't according to her. Li and Hei had met them occasionally, but they weren't people who would get on with them easily. Li noticed a note which was left on the table and walked towards it. Bending down, he picked up the note and opened it up. Chinese characters were written on the paper so that others couldn't read what they were talking about. Even around people they didn't trust, they switched back to Chinese so that others weren't aware on what they were talking about or joking about. It was something him and Hei did and they weren't going to change. If others wanted to know, they'll have to learn Chinese to stand a chance of understanding what they were saying.

"Hey there little bro, I've been given the late shift tonight so I'm not going to be home until later. You don't have to concern yourself about making a meal for me or even staying up at late as I might be when I come home. Enjoy your evening." Li smiled at the note and folded it back up and put it into his pocket. Looks like he could get an early night if he so wished to. Hei was always as silent as possible when he came home from work and tried not to wake Li up when he returned home.

"Thanks for the note in advance," Li smiled as he walked towards the kitchen. He was half wondering how Misaki was doing with his landlord and hoping that the neighbours weren't going to bother her like they did with him and Hei when they first arrived at the apartment building. There wasn't much he could do if they were annoying her. They were probably just being friendly to a new face...just might not be in the way that Misaki was expecting. While walking her here, he noticed how she started to relax and he was glad that she was able to relax in a new area like Tokyo. He shrugged it off and focused on the next task. Preparing a meal large enough for him to have while still leaving enough food for Hei when he returned from work, if there was something that the two of them could do...and that was eating. They both grew up with the simple rule of: Food was food, you get picky with your food, and you won't last long out in the world on your own. The simple lesson taught by their father. Li didn't hate the lesson and neither did Hei. This taught them how to love all foods (even if you hate the taste) no matter what they were. As long as they were in date, there wasn't anything wrong with it.

He heard the metal stairs clang as someone was coming up. Li's mind only went to one person. That would be Misaki. Sadly, the resident in apartment 2-0-2 passed away a couple of days ago by just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was unfortunate but that's how some lives finish in Tokyo. Li and Hei were friends with Shinoda Chiaki who helped introduce them to the city of Tokyo after they first arrived. She also acted as their mentor while learning the Japanese language; Chiaki had learnt Chinese so they were able to communicate there. If it wasn't for Chiaki, they wouldn't have managed to make it this far. He picked out Oyama's voice while she explained about the rules and other important information to Misaki, seems Misaki was going to be living next to him and Hei. It was confirmed when there was a knock on his door. Li smiled to himself and left the kitchen before he had even started to make dinner and headed towards the front door, opening the door, he saw his landlord smiling at him.

"Hey there Li," she smiled at Li.

"Hello," he replied back. He saw Misaki and gave a small wave.

"I trust you know this young lady?" Li nodded and Oyama continued. "Well, she'll be living next to you in apartment 2-0-2. Make her feel welcome into the neighbourhood and just be you."

"Oh, Hei's working late tonight, he'll be home late."

"Oh that's quite alright, you wouldn't mind handling his mail then?"

"No, I wouldn't mind. I'll be coming down to pick up the mail after I've had dinner."

"Then you'll be heading out for work, right?"

"Not tonight. Tonight I'm staying in to do some home studying. I've been requested to come in tomorrow night."

"You must be a really popular bartender if they keep asking you to come back," Oyama laughed slightly.

"You're a bartender?" Misaki asked Li, he nodded. Probably something else he failed to talk to her about. Something he didn't believe was important enough for Misaki to know, she was part of the police so bartending didn't seem like an appropriate part of the conversation.

"That's the part time job I'm currently taking is bartending."

"You're suited for the job."


"We'll let you get back to cooking, take care Li," Oyama smiled and waved to him. Li waved back as she left with Misaki, shutting the door he smiled. Well, things were started to get interesting around this part of town. Li chuckled to himself and headed into the kitchen, he needed to get started if he was going to do any studying tonight.

The Black Spirit - Chapter One

A jingle of keys was heard outside the apartment door as Hei returned home. Gently opening the front door, a figure walked inside. Hei slipped inside the apartment and reached over for a small pair of sunglasses. The sunglasses were especially designed for Hei so that he could see when he came home late he wouldn't disturb his sleeping twin brother. Hei noticed that Li was sleeping with a text book laying open on him. Reading in bed was starting to become a bother for Hei only because he had to take the book off Li, place the bookmark in the spot, close the book and then place it somewhere Li would think to look so early in the morning. Neither Hei nor Li liked any creases in books so sleeping with a book was only asking for trouble with the both of them.

"My dearest brother, you need to learn not to read before bed," Hei smiled, taking the book out of the arms of his sleeping brother and went to look for his bookmark. He needed something to keep Li's place before he put the book away. Grabbing the bookmark left on the table he slipped it into the book and closed up the book. Placing the book on the desk, he looked back at the sleeping form of his brother before he headed into the kitchen. Grabbing a juicy red apple, Hei sunk his teeth into the apple, breaking through the skin of the apple and extracting the apple juice given out. The crunch of the apple was swiftly followed by the sucking of the juice out from the apple, Hei continued devouring the apple.

Hei returned to the living room and gently nudged Li over with his foot. Li rolled over to make room for Hei to slip into the bed. He took his neatly folded pyjamas and slipped into the bathroom to get changed. Once changed, he walked back into the living room, took off the night vision sunglasses and put them to the side. He knew where about Li had the bed down and managed to find the bed once more (nearly tripping over Li in the process) and settled down under the cover of the futon. Hei smiled and shuffled close towards his sleeping younger brother, closing his eyes, he drifted off into a pleasant sleep.