Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters; they belong to Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.

Chapter 2

Actual Thanksgiving has arrived in Storybrooke. It is three AM, yet Will Scarlet is completely awake, acting as if it is normal for him to be up this early, which we all know it isn't. He is busily checking on his turkey while starting on his baked goods for lunch. He does his best not to wake Anastasia in the process, but then he drops a sauce pan in the floor, spilling all of his jam for the center of the tarts.

"Well, that's just bloody fantastic," Will sarcastically groans as he wipes the jam up with a wet paper towel.

Ana comes into the apartment's kitchen, wanting to check on her husband after hearing the crash.

"Are you okay, Will? I heard a crash," Anastasia questions.

"I'm fine, luv. I just dropped the jam on the floor. Can you pass me the raspberries out of the fridge?" Will responds as he finishes wiping up the ruined raspberry jam.

The Red Queen tosses Knave the package of raspberries before getting herself a glass of chocolate milk out of the fridge. Will continues making all of his delicious desserts before checking on his turkey, which is his pride and joy every Thanksgiving. It took him a few years during the 28 year curse to perfect his turkey-making skills, but he finally got it down to a science, in a sense. While he's checking on his turkey, Ana comes over to the bowl of whipped cream that Will made himself and sticks her finger in the fluffy, white dessert cream.

"Back away from the bowl, Ana," Will chuckles with his back turned towards her.

"How did you know I was eating something?" Anastasia smiles as she takes her finger out of the bowl.

"I've known you long enough to know that you can't resist any of my desserts. You're almost as bad as I am about chocolate," Will grins while placing a kiss on Anastasia's forehead.

"We all know how bad you are about chocolate, Will. I need to stop before I get as bad as you," the queen jokes as she places a dot of whipped cream on Will's nose.

Meanwhile, in England, Cyrus and Alice are waking up; because where they live it is 8 in the morning.

"Good morning, my love," Cyrus says as Alice awakes.

"Morning," Alice returns as she leans into Cyrus' arms.

The former genie wraps his arms around his wife before kissing her lips softly. Alice giggles slightly before getting out of the bed to pick out a dress to wear to Will and Ana's for Thanksgiving. Cyrus heads over to his side of the closet and gets out a dress shirt and pants that he deems appropriate for Thanksgiving.

"I wonder if Will is going to let us watch the moving-picture box today," Cyrus suddenly says as he pulls his shirt over his head.

"I'm sure he will. Maybe he'll let us pick the movie today!" Alice cheers.

"You know Will as well as I do, Alice. He hates most of the choices we make on what to watch," Cyrus chuckles.

"Yes, well, I guess he didn't appreciate watching a show about kittens as they grow up. He's always liked action movies, I think," Alice responds with a grin.

"And those movies about men in tights. Don't forget those," Cyrus laughs.

"I never understood why Will likes movies about people called "Batman" and "Superman." He knows they don't exist," Alice smiles at her husband.

"Maybe he thinks they'll appear in Henry's storybook one day," Cyrus guesses.

"Well, I'm ready to go, Cyrus. Are you?" she tells the former genie.

"I'm ready when you are, my love," Cyrus answers.

With that, the young couple heads for where the White Rabbit promised he would meet them.

"I'm not wearing that, Ana," Will argues as his wife starts to hand him a dress shirt, pants, and a tie.

"Why not, Will? You'll look handsome in it," Ana persuades.

"You don't have to dress up for Thanksgiving, Ana. Besides, I never wear a tie. I didn't even wear one to our wedding," Will reminds as he puts on his leather jacket.

Knave is now wearing his usual grey sweater, black jeans, and leather jacket, not caring that Ana is glaring daggers at him.

"Fine, Will. Don't dress up for a holiday that only comes once a year. It doesn't bother me one bit," Anastasia sighs.

"Don't lie, Ana. I know it bothers you, but it's what I like to wear. Anyway, I need to go take the turkey out of the oven now," Will says as a smile crosses over his lips.

Cyrus and Alice soon arrive at the apartment. Anastasia opens the door, revealing her light purple dress and matching earrings.

"I'm glad you could make it, Alice and Cyrus. Please, come in," Anastasia greets as she gives both of her friends a hug.

"I'm glad we could come, Ana," Alice returns with a smile.

She is wearing a light blue dress with a bow on the back, while Cyrus has on a white dress shirt and black dress pants.

"Where's Will? I can usually hear him from a mile away," Cyrus jokes as he enters the apartment.

"I think he's putting the finishing touches on his turkey. That's his favorite part of Thanksgiving, I think," Anastasia smiles at the genie.

"Ana, the parade's on!" Will calls from the kitchen.

The Red Queen, Alice, and Cyrus head into the living room to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

"What on Earth is that?" Cyrus questions as the balloon of Snoopy and Woodstock floats across the screen.

"I don't have the faintest idea. Will, what is that?" Anastasia calls to her husband.

"That's Snoopy and Woodstock, luv. They're characters of a comic called Peanuts. They're very popular with the children of this realm. I actually find them entertaining, meself. I'll have to show you some of their TV specials after lunch," Will answers as he plops down on the couch beside his wife.

"Who is that, Will?" Alice asks her friend.

"That's Hello Kitty, Alice. Little girls of this realm love her. I can't stand her," Will returns with a smirk.

"Is there a Goodbye Kitty then, Will?" Cyrus inquires with a confused look on his face.

"That's not how it works, Cyrus. You know what, this was a bad idea. I shouldn't have told you lot that the parade was on. Now I'm stuck explaining every detail to you three," Knave groans as he realizes what he's gotten himself into.

Two hours and many questions later, the parade is over, much to Will's relief.

"All right, now it's time for lunch. Cyrus, I got something especially for you, mate," Will deviously smirks as he takes the top off of the can of cranberry sauce.

"What is that, Will?" Cyrus asks as Will passes him a bowl filled with the red jelly-like substance.

"It's cranberry sauce, mate. Why don't you try the whole bowl?" Will grins at the genie.

"Is it that good?" the genie questions.

"It certainly is something else, mate. Go ahead, try it," Will says as he pushes the bowl towards him.

Cyrus sticks a spoon into the bowl and gets some cranberry sauce on the spoon. The genie hesitantly raises the cranberry sauce to his mouth before taking a big bite of the red jelly.

"This isn't half bad, actually," Cyrus says before making a grimace.

"What's wrong, Cyrus?" Alice questions.

Cyrus chokes for a minute before spitting the disgusting cranberry sauce onto a napkin.

"That stuff tastes awful! Why did you give me that, Will?" Cyrus chokes as he grabs a glass of water to try and get the horrible taste out of his mouth.

Will doesn't respond for a minute, instead, the Knave just laughs so hard that his face begins to turn red. A tear escapes his eye as he laughs even harder.

"That was pretty funny. I gave you that cranberry sauce where you could have to suffer through eating it like I did many years ago. That was bloody fantastic!" Will chuckles as he produces a camera, which caught everything on tape.

"Fantastic for you, maybe," Cyrus grumbles while putting more space between himself and the Knave.

Soon enough, the four of them are diving into all of the delicious food Will prepared. The turkey is fantastic, because Will did a wonderful job at smoking it in the oven. The meat is nice and tender, and everyone has seconds, some even thirds, of Will's amazing turkey. Knave's baked goods are also popular with everyone, and they eat an array of his desserts before going into the living room.

"Knave, can we watch the moving-picture box now?" Alice asks with a sincere smile.

"Of course, Alice. I'll even let you and Cyrus pick the movies today," Will responds as he turns on Netflix.

This is going to turn out bad for everyone, especially Will and Anastasia.

"Bloody h***! Don't tell me that's supposed to be Lizard!" Will complains as a green lizard gets on the screen in Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland.

"I think it is, Will. But, why is Lizard a man in this?" Anastasia questions as the movie progresses.

"I don't bloody know! And where am I throughout all of this? I have a very prominent role in Wonderland, thank you very much," Knave angrily remarks as he continues watching the lies about Wonderland that Disney has made little children believe.

"The Hatter's not that crazy, either. He certainly didn't say anything about un-birthdays," Ana remarks as Disney's version of the Mad Hatter appears.

"Jefferson is going to flip out when I tell him about this," Will sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"I certainly wasn't like that, either! I didn't eat and drink everything in Wonderland that had instructions like that on them," Alice remarks as she puts her head against Cyrus' chest.

"Ana and I weren't in this film either, Will. I guess the only person they liked in this was Alice," Cyrus comments as the end credits roll.

"They didn't even like me, really. They made me act like an idiot," Alice says in a disgruntled tone.

"Can I pick the next movie, Will?" Cyrus asks, hoping he can ease the tension in the room with a better movie.

"Knock yourself out, mate," Will replies in a monotone voice.

Cyrus settles on the animated version of Anastasia, much to the Red Queen and Knave's disappointment. This movie is probably going to get the story of them wrong, too. The movie starts off with introducing Anastasia as the daughter of the last Russian Czar.

"That is not true! My father was not the Russian Czar! I grew up in the Enchanted Forest," Anastasia loudly says as the story continues.

"Don't tell me that scrawny boy is supposed to be me," Will begs as the main male character of the movie appears on the screen.

"I think it is, darling," Ana slightly chuckles as Will's mouth hangs open.

"He doesn't even have my name! I have never known anyone named Dmitri! Have you, Ana?" Knave asks his wife, hatred for Disney and other animated movies starting to build up in him.

"No, Will, I haven't. Let's just stop watching this, shall we?" the Red Queen responds.

"No, I've already watched this much of it now. I'm going to finish watching it if it kills me!" Will remarks as he turns his attention back to the TV.

Let's just say that portraying Anastasia as an orphan didn't sit too well with Will. He was the orphan, not Ana. Then came the part when Dmitri tricked Ana into thinking that he cared about her. Will would never do that to his beautiful Anastasia. He would never trick her, not in a million years. When the movie was over, Will and Anastasia both agree that the ending was the best part. The rest of the movie was utterly disappointing and unnecessary, and it didn't even tell the story correctly. The four friends finally settled on watching Aladdin, only because Will had already watched it and knew the story was mostly correct. He doubted Cyrus would mind the part where Aladdin gives Genie his freedom, since at least the rest of the story was pretty much true.

"That movie was better than the others," Cyrus tells the others when Aladdin is over.

"Agreed," Will instantly says.

"Well, I think we should be going. Father may wonder where we've been all day," Alice reveals to her friends and husband.

"I had a great time with you today, mates. I hope you enjoyed yourselves," Will responds as he gives Alice a goodbye hug.

"We did. Everything was lovely, Will. Thank you for having us," Cyrus thanks as he grabs his coat.

"Can we do this again sometime?" Ana and Alice ask at the same time.

"Sure. We'll get together every year for Thanksgiving, and we can do something similar to this for Christmas. I think you lot will enjoy it as much as I do," Will smiles.

With that, Alice and Cyrus find the White Rabbit and go home, back to England.

When the two of them leave, Will falls backwards down on the bed with a sigh, closing his eyes.

"Did you have a good first Thanksgiving, Ana?" he asks her as she comes into the bedroom.

"I did, thanks to you. Those movies were very strange though, darling," Anastasia smiles as she sits down beside him on the bed.

"Don't even get me started about those bloody things! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, though. That means I completed my quest," Will grins at her as he sits up.

"What quest might that be?" Anastasia asks her husband.

"I wanted you to have the perfect Thanksgiving to show you how much I love you," Knave returns, kissing her cheek in the process.

"I love you too, Will," she replies before kissing his lips.

Author's Note: Well, I hope you enjoyed Chapter 2 of First Thanksgiving. Please leave a review with what you liked in this chapter, or with what you liked in the previous chapter. Thanks to all my lovely readers, and I hope you liked this two-shot!