Hiro couldn't believe that Honey had talked him into this. Actually he could. She was very convincing when she wanted to be. He blew a strand of his too long hair out of his face and slumped down into the plushy seat of the San Fansokyo theatre. He had been here once before with Tadashi and Aunt Cass. It was for a robotics lecture about 8 years ago. That had been a worth while reason to visit the stuffy hall, but this however...

The loud voices around him turned into murmurs as the lights went down.

"It's starting Hiro!" Honey squealed beside him. He offered her a smile but inwardly groaned. He couldn't be the only one dreading this could he? His eyes wandered down the row to look at the rest of his friends. Wasabi looked excited as well. Typical. Fred is someone who's down for anything so he moved his gaze over to Gogo. She had her usual 'I don't really care' look on her face but after a few moments of staring she turned to him, popped her gum, and motioned for him to focus on the stage. Hiro flopped back and narrowed his eyes at the heavy curtain in front of him. Suddenly the orchestra started playing, a growing crescendo, until the curtains dramatically pulled away and revealed about 30 girls all dressed in tutus with pink shoes and hair pieces. Hiro was honestly amazed by the ascetics of the display but that still didn't mean that he would enjoy it.

He was right. About 20 minutes in he fell asleep. The music was like a lullaby and his seat was really comfy. When he woke up the lights were on and everyone was clapping.

"W-what? Is it over?" He said hopefully.

"No Hiro. It's intermission. Did you have a nice nap?"

He cringed. Honey stood up to leave and Wasabi followed behind her.

"You snore dude." He said making Hiro blush red from embarrassment. By the end of intermission Hiro had downed two sodas and was determined not to fall asleep. When the curtains opened this time there was not 30 girls, but only one. Her dark hair was slicked back into a bun pulling no attention away from the vibrant red costume she was wearing and the ribbon covered tambourine she had in her hand. The music began and Hiro couldn't take his eyes off of the way that she moved. He didn't know why but he couldn't stop watching her, even when she finished and he was pretty sure that her dimply smile was directed straight at him. His eyes followed her until she was in the wings and for the remaining half of the ballet he looked for her in every dance. It wasn't hard really. She was one of the shorter dancers and her skin was the somewhere between the color of those seashells Aunt Cass has in a jar and the dark amber on his desk. Preoccupied with his little game of spot the dancer, the 2nd half of the show ended faster than he thought. Once it was over Honey dragged them all backstage where they were let in instantly. They were Big Hero 6 after all. The people were buzzing; dancers half dressed in sweats and costumes, props being moved left and right. Props like the huge one that he had to jump out of the way to not get hit by.

"Wow that was..woah!"

The back of his hoodie was snagged and moments later a giant tree was placed where he had been standing.

"Be careful dude." said the voice of his savior. He turned around and his eyes widened. It was the girl who he had been watching during the show. She must move fast because she was already out of her ballet gear and into a pair of sweats and a tanktop. Her hair that had been neatly pulled back was now a lose and wild mess of curls.

"Oh uh, thanks."

"No problem." She said with a dimply smile. She started to move away when Hiro blurted out.

"You were really good!"

She stopped and grinned larger.

"Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it."

He smiled back and he was gonna ask her how old she was when Fred came up beside him.

"There you are. We've been looking all over for..." His eyes drifted over to the ballerina and they widened. "Woah woah woah. Is what I think is goin on here actually going on here? Or am I just thinking it?"

Wasabi, Gogo, and Honey, walked up and the girl gasped.

"Oh my gosh. You guys are Big Hero 6!"

"I'm the flesh." Fred said motioning to himself. "I'm Fred. As you probably already know and this is Honey Lemon, GoGo, Wasabi, and Hiro. Baymax is charging back at su casa."

"I'm Airi. Nice to meet you." A jingling tone came from her pocket and she pulled out her phone. "Oh, that's my dad. Sorry, but I have to go. Nice meeting you."

"You too." The chorused.

The girl ran towards the back entrance of the theatre and left. "Ok, I don't know about you guys but I'm starving." GoGo said.

"You read my mind."

"I could eat."

Hiro took one last look at the door before he went to follow his friends. One step and he almost slipped on a folder. He picked it up and inspected it. It was black and had a signature that he couldn't make out in the corner. He opened it wide and saw that it contained college pamphlets in it. One if them was SFIT. After shifting around a couple papers he saw a letter and looked at the address. Airi Tamiko, and the address was down the street from his house.