A/N: Once again, thanks for the reviews. I really appreciate them. This is it guys. This is IT. The climax. What you've all been waiting for…I hope. Damn, I hope I didn't raise your expectations. Okay…put your expectations back on the ground where they belong. Okay? Okay. See what I did there…if you didn't…that's just sad. Anywaaaayys, let's focus on the story. SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! Hope you enjoy!

T for: swearing, abuse, attempted rape.

Chapter 5: So Happy I Could Die

I had it all, and now it's gone. You took it from me, so I'm going to take it from you.

"I can safely say, that tonight was the best night of my life," Octavia said, snuggling into Jasper's side. The dance had been over for around an hour now, and they were all at Kane's Coffee Kingdom. Bellamy's step –dad, Marcus Kane, owned the coffee shop and he'd given the siblings permission to go there after the dance to relax.

"I don't think I've ever been this happy before," Clarke said, Bellamy's arms tightening around her.

"Aww, well that's hurtful," said a voice from the doorway. Clarke dropped the glass she was holding in her hand. She didn't need to turn to know who that was.

"HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE?" Raven screeched. Clarke couldn't move. She couldn't breathe. She wasn't ready for this. She slowly turned around, and once she did, her heart stopped.

"Long time no see beautiful," he said, smirking. Her heart stopped once more.

"Dad, come on, I need to go meet Finn," Clarke whined.

"I'm coming Clarke, just give me one second," Jake called out to her. When he was finally done, they hopped into their car and drove to the school. It was the school's annual fun fair, and Clarke hadn't seen Finn in a week. She missed him, but it was nice to finally be able to hang with her friends again. When she got there, the first thing she did was look for Finn. When she saw him, her face lit up, and she sprinted into his waiting arms.

"FINN!" she exclaimed, as he caught her and spun her around. "I missed you so much."

"Long time now see beautiful," he said, chuckling. "I missed you too."

"Oh god, I was so bored without you. It was nice to hang out with Harper, Monroe, Dax and Atom again, but I missed you," she told him.

"You hung out with Dax and Atom?" he asked her, and there was a certain edge in his voice.

"Yeah. It has been ages since I saw them. It was fun. We went to the zoo after ages. But I missed you," Clarke said, not really noticing Finn's dark look.

"Well don't worry, I don't plan on ever leaving you again," Finn said, and that should have been Clarke's second clue.

"How…why…" Clarke could form proper sentences.

"You see, when your daddy decide to arrest me. All I could think was, how is Clarke going to survive without me?" he said, removing his jacket after he locked the door of the café. Jamie, who had come in behind him, shut the blinds, and took out his gun. Finn sat on a chair, playing with gun in his hand. "But imagine the heart break I suffered when I found out that not only did you move across the nation, but also move on from me. After everything I did for you, Clarke…really."

"You mean after everything you did to her, jackass," Octavia snarled.

"Oh great, another Raven," Finn grumbled.

"Excuse me?" Murphy said. "What did you say about my girlfriend?"

"Woah, someone tamed the wild beast," he smirked. Murphy went to attack him, but Bellamy stopped him.

"No, Murphy. He has a gun. It's not safe," Bellamy ordered.

"This one is smart, let me guess, he's the lucky guy," Finn said. He stood up.

"Finn, please, why are you doing this?" Clarke asked desperately.

"Why am I doing this? Why did you have me arrested? Why did you throw away our relationship?"

"You tried to rape me!" Clarke exclaimed.

"Tsk, tsk, Clarke, I wasn't trying to hurt you. As usual over reacting about things," Finn said, and before anything else could be said they heard sirens outside.

"Finn Collins, release the kids, and come out now," said Jake.

"Oh, looky here. Daddy's here to save the day once more," Jamie sneered. "Which one of you called the cops?" Clarke raised her phone.

"Speed dial. You shouldn't have come here Finn. You had a chance to shorten your sentence, but with every mistake you make, you're going to be rotting in prison forever," Clarke said.

"You know Clarke, none of this would have happened if you had just stayed. Why did you have to go ruin everything?"

"Me. I didn't ruin everything Finn, you did. I was in love with you, but I was in love with the old Finn. The sweet, funny, gentleman Finn, not the possessive, crazy, psychopath Finn that you are now," Clarke cried out.

"I DID FOR YOU! Don't you understand we belong together?! If you just stay with me, all of this can stop," Finn told her, takin out the gun. Clarke took a step back.

"Put the gun away Finn," Clarke said. "It doesn't have to be like this."

"You're right, if you come with me and Jamie, none of your friends with get hurt," Finn said.

"Let them go Finn. Let them go, and I'll talk, I'll stay with you. Let them go," Clarke said. Bellamy grabbed her hand.

"You're not going anywhere, princess," Bellamy growled into her ear.

"I promise you Finn, I'll talk with you, and I won't do anything. Just let them go," Clarke said, in a voice calmer than she felt.

"You four, out. Now," Finn said, pointing to Monty, Miller, Octavia, and Jasper.

"Jasper, take her and protect her," Bellamy said in a voice calm enough to match Clarke's.

"No…Bell," Octavia started.

"Tav, just go with them," Raven said. Jamie shoved the other four out, and forced Raven and Murphy to stand with Bellamy and Clarke.

"Well, now it comes down to this doesn't it? Come with me, and the other three go free," Finn said, still pointing the gun ahead.

"Okay, okay. I'll go with you, but you have to let them go," Clarke said, stepping forward. Bellamy grabbed her arm.

"No. Clarke, you will not got with him," he told her, staring her right in the eyes.

"Bellamy, if I don't, he'll hurt you. I can't let that happen," Clarke said back to him.

"I'm not going to lose you. I love you Clarke, and I refuse to lose you," Bellamy said.

"I'm going Bellamy," Clarke said, and took her arm out of his hand. She stepped towards Finn.

"Clarke…don't!" Raven cried.

"Let them go, except for the boyfriend," Finn said. Jamie pushed both Raven and Murphy out of the door. Finn grabbed Clarke's arm and pulled her to him. "Finally, we're reunited."

"Don't touch her!" Bellamy exclaimed. Clarke could feel tears developing in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Bellamy," Clarke said.

"Don't…Princess, this isn't your fault," Bellamy said, his voice cracking.

"Well as heart touching as this is, it's time we go," Finn said, but before anything could happen, Clarke knocked the gun out of Finn's hand and pushed him against the table, causing him to knock his head against it. As she reached for the gun, a shot went off.

"CLARKE!" two voices rang out. She was wearing black, but the blood seeping through her dress was still obvious.

"JAMIE! You piece of shit! You shot her!" Finn yelled. Any further talk was drowned out by sirens and yelling, the police had charged into the coffee shop. Bellamy ran to Clarke's side and lifted her body and cradled it to his.

"Clarke, you're going to be okay. You're going to be fine," he said, the tears were forming in his eyes.

"Bellamy…Bell," she croaked out.

"No, shh. Just listen to my voice."

"Bell, I love you."

"I love you too Clarke."

"I'm so tired and it hurts," Clarke whispered. She could see her vision blurring.

"No, Clarke. You need to stay awake. The ambulance is almost here. You just keep your eyes open, okay?"

"It's okay Bell, you're okay, and everyone is okay. It's over, I'm just so happy."

"Yeah it's over, and you're going to be fine." Bellamy pulled her closer to him.

"So happy, so happy I could die," she croaked out before the darkness took over. The last thing she heard was Bellamy's voice, telling her to keep her eyes open.

I'm not even going to say anything. I'll just leave it like that. There is an epilogue, and honestly I could go anywhere with this.