DISCLAIMER: As much as I wish I did, I do not own Emma or Killian, nor any of the other Once characters. Just a simple fan whose obsession drove her to write fanfiction.

Emma stood in her bedroom, pacing and trying to calm her nerves. This was the moment that she and Killian were waiting for for nearly five months.

The moment when Emma got to tell Killian she was pregnant.

Killian had originally brought the idea up, and Emma smiled at the memory of him shifting in his chair at dinner, ignoring her eyes because he was afraid to ask. She remembered the way his deep blue eyes shined when she said she wanted to have a baby with him, too, and since that night, they had been trying.

Emma had dreamt of this moment for months, imagining the pure joy she'd see in his face when she got to tell him that they were going to have a baby. She could almost see the crinkles by his eyes and his goofy grin that were only reserved for when he forgot to keep his pirate-façade up.

Emma's head shot towards the door when Killian entered their apartment, just one room over. She took a deep breath, her eyes staring at the door and willing him to come into their room. She was about ready to walk out there herself when she saw the knob moving, and slowly, Killian came into view.

"Oh! Hello, Love. I didn't know you were home." Killian said, walking over and kissing her cheek before going to the bed and sitting down, beginning an attempt to take off his boots. "Why aren't you at the station?"

"I took an early day," she replied, kneeling on the floor in front of him and helping him untie his shoes. "I actually have some good news…" Her hands were shaking while she slid his boot off, and she hoped with every being that she wasn't giving away anything.

"Did you finally catch that awful Doctor?" he asked, lying back on the bed and allowing her to take over, closing his eyes and placing his hands on his face, blocking out the light from the room. Emma could tell he was tired from a long day by how easily she was able to help him without protests.

Emma continued on with the other shoe. "No. Dad and I have absolutely no clue where Faciliar went." Emma let out a big huff, suddenly remembering their most recent failed attempt at capturing the magician.

"Don't worry. I have faith you'll catch him," he yawned as she gently yanked his other foot out. "What's the good news?"

Emma froze, suddenly aware that this was going to be the moment she changed his life. She didn't know what to say or do, and even though there was no doubt that he wanted this baby just as much as she, there was a hint of panic at the back of her mind.

Emma's silence must have given her away because suddenly, he lifted his body up and looked at her, holding himself up by his elbows. "Hey… Is everything okay?" Killian patted the bed next to him with his stump, offering her the spot next to him.

Emma bit her bottom lip as she stood and lied down beside him. "Everything is wonderful," she breathed, looking straight into his eyes. "We're going to have a baby."

Killian's concerned stare turned serious before complete ecstasy overcame his face. He jumped up, pulling her up with him and squeezing her in the tightest hug she's ever had. He started peppering her face and neck with kisses before kneeling down until he was eye level with her stomach. "You're telling me that my child is in there?" He looked up at Emma with tears in her eyes and she nodded. He lifted up her shirt slightly to kiss her flat stomach before standing back up. "Emma, you've made me the happiest man."

Emma placed a chaste kiss on his lips. "We're going to have a baby," she said again. There was something about saying those six words that made her heart swell.

Killian brought her head back to his to give her a final kiss. "Thank you for this wonderful gift, Swan."

Emma smiled, knowing this moment couldn't have gone any better.