Hey all!

I bet most (or all) of you thought this story was dead. I did too, but surprise! I'm back. After a two year hiatus, I've decided to continue with this story, but everything will not be the same. A lot has changed in two years: specifically, I've changed. As I reread this story, a lot of parts of it bugged me, and the farther I got into it, the more I disliked how I went about telling my story. When I was writing this story the first time, the views, reviews, and favorites overwhelmed me a bit, and I felt pressured to get chapters out quickly, instead of taking my time to think them through and edit them to my liking. As such, I wrote a lot of things that, looking back, were confusing, pointless, and in some cases just downright disturbing. I don't like it all. And I don't want to write a story I don't like. So I've decided to change it, and this time, I'll make sure each chapter is to my liking before publishing it. In the past few weeks, I've put together a loose idea of the things I want to change and the way I want this story to end up. In the next few days, weeks, and months, I'll be going through each chapter individually and making any changes I see fit. In some chapters, there will be few or no changes: I expect that I'll edit the first few chapters with no major changes to the plot line. Each time I make it through a chapter, I will re-upload it to this site, and I will try to detail the extent of my edits in my notes before the chapter (without giving away any spoilers for first-time readers, of course). I'll also keep a tally here, detailing which chapters have been edited so far and how many edits have been made in each chapter. I hope to get the first chapter re-uploaded soon, but I won't upload it until I'm sure I'm happy with it.

As always, thank you all for your support throughout this story. To everybody who has favorited and reviewed my story especially: thank you. You all are the reason I decided to pick back up with this story. It's been a crazy few years, and I almost gave up on this story and writing as a whole, but your support and enthusiasm brought me back and keep me going.

As of right now, these are the chapters that have been re-uploaded:

Chapter 1: Prologue/Introduction: Super minimal changes to make the story flow better

Chapter 2: Super minimal changes to make the story flow better

Chapter 3: Pretty minimal changes for better flow

Chapter 4: Super minimal changes to make the story flow better

Chapter 5: Only real change being an explanation for why they drive in NY

Chapter 6: Only real change being an explanation for why they drive in NY

Chapter 7: Still mostly cleaning things up. Hopefully this week/weekend I'll be able to get through most of my basic edits and finally get to the bigger changes.

Chapter 8: Pretty minimal changes for better flow

Chapter 9: Pretty minimal changes for better flow

Chapter 10: Pretty minimal changes for better flow

Chapter 11: Pretty minimal changes for better flow. I'm still working through the older chapters, but I'm getting to the bigger changes. I'm still ahead in editing of what I've posted here, so I'll be able to keep posting updates semi-regularly throughout this editing period. Once I get to writing new chapters, though, it'll take a little while, and I'll probably try to keep a schedule for updates. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, though.

Chapter 12: Minimal, though some details were changed for the timeline.

Chapter 13: Minimal

Chapter 14: Not too many changes. Good news though! I've gotten to the point of making major edits to future chapters, so it's only a matter of actually having time to post the chapters before you all get some new content. Keep an eye out for it!

Chapter 15-17: Not many changes

Chapter 18: Just a few minor changes

Chapter 19: Still just minor changes unfortunately - I'll be making it to the end of the minor changes section by the end of the week, though, I promise.