A New Normal

Disclaimer: Characters and premise are the property of Kazue Kato. I'm just borrowing them for a little non-profit fun.

Prelude: The Oracle at Delphi

"All that is left is to seal the deal," Mephisto announced. The lights went out again and when the torches flickered back to life the rescuers and escapees were back in the massive chamber that housed Gaia's center, the Naval of the World. Mephisto produced a penknife with a flourish and handed it to Shiemi. "I don't have a contract so a handshake will have to suffice."

Shiemi bit her lip then drew the knife across the breathe of her palm. A thin line of blood welled up from the cut. "I, Moriyama Shiemi, agree to be Gaia's agent in Assiah, to guard the wellbeing of her children with every resource available to me. To lend Gaia my eyes, my hands, my feet and my ears from the hour of three in the afternoon to the hour of six so that she might walk among her children and offer them aid." She pressed her bloody hand to the glowing Omphalos. "I agree to this for two decades that the youngest of the children may have a sanctuary in which to grow to adulthood."

"I, Gaia, accept Moriyama Shiemi as my agent and give her access to my power to wield in the defense of my children," Gaia replied. "I limit my possession of her body to the hours of three in the afternoon to the hour of six and I limit my possession to her eyes, her hands, her feet and her ears. Neither her heart nor her mind is mine to join with at any time. At the end of two decades this arrangement will end, although a new arrangement may be negotiated at that time." There was a flash, when Shiemi withdrew, a deep red hand print was left on the white stone and the cut on her hand was healed, but the scar left behind was the green of new leaves.

"So this means we don't have to worry about you merging with Gaia anymore?" Shima asked.

Shiemi smiled and nodded as she walked back to the others. "I'll stay me, except for the three hours when Gaia borrows my body, then I'll be here."

"And I wanted to be the one to save the day for Shiemi-chan," he said with a rueful chuckle as he scratched the back of his head.

Shiemi smiled at him, "It's the thought that counts."

Mephisto turned to Gaia. "Allow me to offer you a welcoming present," He said reaching out toward the Omphalos but stopping short. "Remember Delphi as it was when it was the center of the world rather than a keepsake of a past Assiah."

"What are you up to Samuel?" Gaia asked, but she sounded curious rather than accusing.

Mephisto laid both hands on the glowing stone, his eyes fell shut. "Remember, my lady."

On the surface above the cavern the ruins of Delphi sprawled across a terraced slope south of Mount Parnassus. Mephisto's power spread across the land in a massive pulse. An echo of Delphi at it's height shimmered, translucently, overlaying the modern day ruins.

With each pulse of power the echo gained substance and solidity until it was the ruins that appeared as a ghostly image of what was to come then faded away altogether. In it's wake Delphi stood reborn, glittering marble columns, broad paved streets, empty and waiting for it's new inhabitants, it's new era.

The band of refugees climbed up the stone stairs and exited into a perfectly round structure, it's roof supported by twenty-two graceful columns. The sun was setting over a lush, steep-sided valley. In the distance, far below, they could see the the Gulf of Corinth, it's waters reflecting the dying light back to the sky.

"Well, looks like shelter won't be an issue," Neuhaus remarked pragmatically while Shiemi stared in wonder, across a small valley to the city proper, restored to its ancient glory. "We need to see what sort of access we've got to water," Neuhaus continued. "I imagine this place isn't on the power grid... or the sewer system. We'll need to figure out how we're going to feed everyone."

Shiemi smiled. "I think I'll be able to help with that," she said thinking that it would actually be very nice to have somewhere to direct Gaia's power.

While the others started walking toward the restored city that was to become their new home Shima hung back. He loitered at the top of the stairs until Mephisto joined him. "Sir Pheles?" he asked softly once everyone else was out of earshot. "May we speak?"

"Hmmm, very polite approach," Mephesto observed. "You must be in deep trouble."

"Only because I'm changing my mind," Shima replied. "Remember that."

When Shima and Mephisto joined the rest of the party in the restored city of ancient Delphi Shima was surprised to see that there were a number of new people mingling with the refugees, handing out blankets and food. In the mixture of saffron, black and white robed figures Shima picked out Theravada and Myodha Buddhists, Hindu priests and Jain monks. "I guess Nishiki got the word out after all,' he muttered to himself.

A slim young man with short dark hair separated himself from the crowd when he saw Shima walking up the road and ran over, his white and red stole flapping behind him. Before Shima could react he was hauled into rough hug that quickly mutated into having his hair mussed mercilessly.

"Juu-ni! Cut it out!" Shima protested, futilely trying to shove his older brother away. He felt raw from his confession to Mephisto and the last thing he wanted to deal with was his family.

Disregarding Shima's struggles, Juuzo kept a secure hold on his younger brother but he switched to holding him at an arm's length, the better to look him over. "You look okay," Juuzo said. For a moment his expression was one of pure relief then he put on a stern face. "What were you thinking pulling shit like this?"

"Geeze, I left Bon in good hands," Shima whined, his normal easy-going manner felt like a straightjacket, but it was all he had so he tried to make it fit. He scowled as he remembered what Nishiki had told him. "I heard you guys were being mean to Rin-kun... and over a job I don't even want!"

"What did you expect?" Juuzo exclaimed. "You disappear and Bon shows up with some other guy taking your place as if you going missing didn't matter at all. Hell no we weren't going to let that pass." Juuzo shifted to a scolding tone. "Renzo, protecting the High Priest and his successor is a huge honor for our family. It's not busywork for you to shove off on just anyone. Do you have any idea how often the Hojo try to argue that it should be their responsibility?"

"Speaking of the Hojo, what are you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be planning your wedding or something?" Shima deflected desperately.

Juuzo's expression softened into something bittersweet. "I've always had a thing for Mamushi. She's so driven, so sure of herself. I always wanted to impress her. Now I guess I'll never know if she said yes because she likes me too or because she didn't have anywhere else to go when I asked," he said. "Anyway, after Nishiki told us what you'd been up to, well, Mamushi and I discussed it. We both want lots of kids. So we decided why not start off by adopting? If we weren't engaged, I think Mamushi would probably be making plans to move here permanently to help you guys out."

Then Juuzo scowled. "Don't distract me! You abandoned your responsibilities! For all we knew you could have been dead! What would Take think of you?"

Shima had heard that all his life: 'What would Take think?' 'Take is the pride of the Shima family.' 'You must live in a way that would make Take proud.' He knew he should have been inured to it, but at that moment Juuzo's words, the inseparable mixture of affection and disapproval that always characterized Shima's interactions with his family, felt like acid being poured over his soul. Years of anger and resentment bubbled up and spilled out in an uncontrollable rush. Shima stomped viciously on Juuzo's instep and twisted free of his older brother's grasp. "Don't you mean you wish I was dead?" he demanded furiously. "That's what you always mean isn't it? That I should have died instead of Take."

Juuzo stared at his younger brother stocked and horrified. "Ren, you don't really think that," he stammered.

"How the fuck could I think anything else!" Shima shouted, his raised voice drew the attention of the nearby crowd. "Every day, every damn day of my life, you all constantly tell me how much better Take was than me. So why don't you finally just admit you wish I'd been the one to die that day not him! That you hate me because it was my fault Take died." Shima smirked bitterly, "You know all the times you told me to think about what Take would do? I never told you, but I couldn't remember him for at all for the longest time. Guess what? I finally remembered, that day at least. Why didn't you ever tell me that Bon was already safe, that Take only died because he came back for me? It would have explained a whole lot. But I guess that would tarnish his perfect image, having everyone know that Take died saving someone as worthless as me."

Mephisto discreetly pretended that he couldn't hear Shima's outburst, as did the majority of the crowd milling about. But Shiemi and Mamushi watched with concern and sympathy as Juuzo struggled and failed to find the words to make things right.

"Just shut up," Shima's voice cracked. "You're a decade too late to sell me on anything. I'm done pretending to be blind and stupid. The only thing I ever could have done to impress you or Dad was die and I'm not interested." He stepped back and threw his staff at Juuzo's feet. "Tell Dad he can have that back, 'cause I want nothing to do with being a Shima man or Myodha. Screw the lot of you!"

Shima turned and stormed away. After a few moments, Juuzo knelt and picked up the staff. He stared at it helplessly. Shiemi frowned at him, "Go after him!" she ordered. "Tell him he's wrong."

"I don't know how to make him believe me," Juuzo admitted. He shook his head looking stunned. "I never had a clue Ren was thinking any of that." Mamushi broke away from the crowd and went to her fiance.

Shiemi huffed in frustration, she turned her back on them and went after Shima herself. It took her nearly an hour of searching through the many small shrines lining the streets of Delphi before she caught a glimpse of pink through one of the windows. Shiemi slipped inside the building, Shima was sitting on the ground, his head tilted back against the wall as he stared blankly at the ceiling. "Shima-kun? Are you going to be okay?" Shiemi asked tentatively.

Shima glanced at her tiredly. "Why don't you call me Renzo?" he suggested. "Seeing as how I just kicked myself out of my family."