Hey guys! Oh merlin, I am so sorry. It seems years since I did the last chapter. Been pretty busy though. Anyway reviews:

J20BILLIE5: Thanks for your support! I really appreciate it.

Lilly flower forever: Thanks! Wasn't really sure of that chapter but I'm glad you liked it!

Disclaimer: No I do not own The marauders. I own too much chocolate and an out of control obsession with Parle Productions.

All four of the boys were led into a massive, very professional yet relaxing room. Apparently they were the only customers. Remus noticed a gramophone in the corner playing peaceful music. Well, it was very relaxing. Amy led them over too a row of white spinny chairs, looking a bit like the ones you get in offices that muggles worked in. Unfortunately Remus was the unlucky person who had to sit next to Sirius, who right now had a manic grin on his face as he span around on the chair laughing. Remus exchanged glances with James who was laughing at Sirius, who had got carried away with his spinning and had fallen off.

Another girl, with black hair this time, came in and offered them a range of drinks. Peter simply had tea, James chose butterbeer, Remus chose hot chocolate (his justification, "What it's chocolate!") and Sirius considered getting firewhiskey before Remus and James persuaded him not to (with several threats) in the end chose elderflower juice. He actually found it quite nice and somehow still got hyper on it. The drinks were brought out, the black haired girl slipping Remus a bar of Honeydukes best chocolate and winking. Remus profusely blushed bright red and James started sniggering at him. This was going to be a long day.

Two more girls came out so that they all had a server each. Sirius was being served by Amy (who was giggling at every word Sirius was saying). Remus was being served by the black haired girl who turned out to be called Jenn who were having a conversation about how badly the ministry of magic were doing. James was holding a heated conversation about Quidditch teams with a freckled brunette named Kelly. Peter was nervously talking to a dyed redhead called Charlotte.

After a couple of minutes things turned business and each marauder discussed what kind of haircut they wanted. Sirius spent about ten minutes describing his "special surprise haircut" his smile getting bigger with every word. Remus heard the words "hair dye", "purple" and "rainbow" whispered. He was getting siriusly nervous about Sirius's haircut. And yes siriusly is a word. It means you're serious either about something Sirius is going to do or you're having a serious conversation with him. Either way it was a word Remus used a little too often.

So there you go guys! I know it's short and certainly rushed but please review! It only takes ten seconds. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and review for more chapters! Please vote on my poll and check out my marauders pass notes if you haven't already.

P.S Why am I eating dry coco pops as a snack? Anyway I'm gonna go watch Demyx time. Bye!