Okay so I have several things I want to say before starting this. I got a review asking about Shino and Ovan, I guess I should have brought that into light first, but I didn't, so it's in this chapter everything that's going on. I promise everything will lay out, and I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time, but hey, guess who got the Remaster for Christmas?!

"No!" Gaspard yelled out to Haseo as he waddled away at a fast pace, but not fast enough as Haseo simply grabbed Gaspard by the back of his collar and gently pulled the beast back. The two of them were at the harbor were several other players could only watch with bewilderment.

"I need your help," Haseo put it straightforwardly in a lax voice as he moved his hand on to Gaspard's shoulder. Gaspard scrunched his face up in anger and jerked his shoulder away from Haseo hand and crossed his arms.

"I don't care, you never did anything for me!" Gaspard snapped.

'More than you know...' Haseo thought as he rolled his eyes. "Listen, Gaspard-"

"I don't care! I'm not fighting with Silabus! Get someone else to fucking do it!" Gaspard screamed out as he clenched his fist and squeezed his eyes shut.

People started to whisper hastily around them causing Haseo to roll his eyes in irritation once more, these people were starting to tick him off, no, everyone was starting to tick him off right now. Haseo ran his hand down his face as he fought the urge to yell back at Gaspard. However; a part of him paused as he rubbed his chin.

"Gaspard... Why won't you fight Silabus? If you hate him-"

"I never said I hated him!... I..." Gaspard looked away, clearly irate as he glared at the ground beneath his feet.

"You?" Haseo urged him, Gaspard's eyes narrowed as he kicked an imaginary pebble away from him.

"... We were friends once. Then Kuhn got his hands on Silabus and... Why am I telling you this!? Just forget it! and leave me alone!" Gaspard finally had enough, and in a bright blue light, he vanished as he warped away.

"Huh. So they were friends at one point and then Kuhn came into the picture... I have to get a second player," Haseo sighed as he stretched his arms above his head. How the hell was he going to do this now? Going into his friend's list, something Haseo should have checked earlier on, Haseo scrolled down. He didn't recognize a lot of the names, but he paused when he saw Shino's name on there.

"Is Shino the same?!" He questioned out loud, he then frowned and pulled back from asking her to join his party. "Or... Is it possible that she's a lost one? If everything is different, and I'm the 'terror of death' still then..." Haseo gulped and just started to scroll down his friends list some more. He stopped at Matsu's name. Should he bring Matsu along? It seemed like the best choice.

'Matsu can hold his own and seems like the best choice for this scenario. Plus I'm sure he's itching to PKK Silabus...'

... That was one of the weirdest sentences that Haseo ever thought of. Letting out a low breath he ran his fingers through his hair and lightly kicked the ground in irritation. 'Maybe I should just bring Mika along right now he's the only one willing to help me anyway.' Haseo rubbed his chin before sitting down on the ground. Looking at his friend's list he paused briefly before decided to hit on Shino's name for a party invite. He held his breath hoping and praying, but he didn't receive a reply back. He waited ten seconds, then twenty, thirty, forty, nothing.

"So... it seems she is a lost one after all... it makes since if I'm feared as the 'terror of death'," He sighed in defeat. He saw Ovan's name, but as to be expected, he was offline.

"Hase-ya!" With no warning Mika was literally at Haseo's feet as both of them were now on the ground. The poor cleric wasn't paying attention, per usual, and tripped over another sign.

"Hi, Mika," Haseo greeted him with a sigh. "Did you find anything on Atoli?"

"Oh!" Mika quickly rearranged himself so he was criss-cross in front of Haseo, it was almost like they were in grade school it seemed. "Good news! Atoli does play the game!"

The best damn news Haseo had heard all day. Perking up happily he looked at Mika with interest in his eyes. "And?" He asked.

"Bad news... Sakaki won't let me anywhere near her, he won't let anyone near her! He says she's too special to be around people like me!" He stuck his tongue out in a bitter fashion and made a face like he ate something bitter.

"S-Sakaki!? So she's part of Moontree then?" Haseo gasped out loudly, so not everyone was completely insane in this odd universe?

"Moontree? Never heard of it-"

Retracting that last statement, Haseo couldn't help but grind his teeth before putting his hands to the sides of his head. "This is just insane! Moontree doesn't exist! Silabus is a PK! Gaspard is foul-mouthed! Yata wants nothing to do with me! Shino is still a lost one! Kuhn is not only a PK, but the leader of Kestrel! Everything is just backwards!" He couldn't help but scream loudly causing a poor passerby to stop and stare at him. "What the fuck are you look at!?" He growled deeply. The girl yelped and ran away as fast as she could. Finally, Mika intervened by slapping Haseo upside his head.

"Calm down! Panicking isn't going to help anybody in this situation!... Just invite me to your party, Haseo, I can handle my own," Mika spoke slowly and clearly for Haseo. "I will help you fight Silabus."

Haseo took in a deep breath before inviting Mika into his party. "Okay, now we still have a little while until the battle..." Mika sat beside Haseo, both of them now resting their backs against a wall. "Tell me about 'The world' you're from, What is Moontree? and What is Silabus if he's not a PK?"

"..." Haseo crossed his arms as memories from his friends and his own 'world' came back to him. Silabus and Gaspard both hugging him after he got his second form. Atoli and Alkaid fighting along side him in the Holy palace tournament, Pi and Kuhn trying to train him how to use his avatar, Endrance joining his team, and of course, Shino meeting with him again. All somewhat good memories. Something he wanted to get back to. Yeah, they pissed him off at times, but now he needed that comfort from his friends, and in this world, the only comfort he was getting was from... a harvest cleric that he's PK'd and bullied in the past. "... Moontree is a guild that protects players from PKer's it's run by Zelkova..."

Before he knew it he was going in depth about Moontree, Atoli, Silabus, Gaspard, Kuhn, how important they were to him and how they were indeed his friends. Mika listened with great interest, his purple eyes wide as he watched Haseo explain the details of Canard, the guild that Kuhn made but had to leave for reasons, and how Silabus managed to somehow con him into being the guild master. Just stuff like that. Haseo figured Mika might laugh and call him crazy, but he didn't, it seemed Mika believed every single word.

"Wow..." Mika breathed out when Haseo finished. Mika then had a bit of a confused look on his face as he seemed to be thinking about something. "You say Silabus and Gaspard are close in your world?"

"Inseparable at times," Haseo could only shrug. "Why?"

"No reason, none at all," Mika gave a small hum of curiosity before changing the subject, "Back on the subject of Atoli for a moment, your world didn't have a Sakaki?"

"Oh, it did, and he sounds like the same jackass here as he was there, not letting anyone come near Atoli... I need to see her after this battle. In fact... New plan! Mika I need your help again!" Haseo jumped up quickly as the idea struck him. Mika stood up just as fast so he was face to face with Haseo. "I'll make Yata notice me! If that fork-tongued bastard doesn't want to see me then I'll do his job for him if that's the case!"

"It seems like your doing Yata's job for him," Kuhn's voice echoed around Haseo's head making Haseo narrow his red eyes in slight anger.

"Atoli, Endrance, Kuhn, Sakubo, and Pi. I need every single one of those players on my side with this one. Once we win the battle with Silabus we can talk to Kuhn, so that'll be easy, but the rest...I'll cross that bridge when I get to it," Haseo sighed out as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Why all of them? is there something about them?" Mika questioned with a slight shrug of his shoulders. Haseo actually had to stop himself from telling the truth to Mika.

'No, he can't know about the avatars.' His mind told him softly as he looked at Mika for a few seconds. "Yeah..." Was all Haseo revealed to Mika before turning his back to him.

"Oh, okay well I'll see what I can do, I mean finding four more people shouldn't be that hard. Hopefully," Mika seemed unsure of himself at that moment as he gently tugged at his own collar showing nervousness over the situation. Haseo realized just how much he's come to rely on Mika these past couple of... days? Hours? the passage of time was still very unclear to Haseo. Still, Haseo could only groan out before rubbing the bridge of his nose and sitting down at the pier and looking out at the moving digital ocean. Mika gave a sigh before sitting next to Haseo as well. Gently Mika patted Haseo's shoulder in comfort. "Found that second person yet?" Mika softly asked him. Haseo only shook his head.


"... I'll do it,"

"... I know you will-"

"Haseo!" Turning his head to the side, Haseo saw Matsu walking up to the two of them. Together both him and Mika stood up as the rogue approached the two. Matsu only gave Mika a bit of a sneer of disdain before placing his hands on his hips and turning to Haseo. "So, word around town is that you challenged Silabus to the arena?"

"Yeah, I have my reasons," Haseo put it simply for Matsu.

Matsu mocked hurt at that as he put his hand on his chest. "And you didn't invite me? C'mon I'll knock the teeth outta him!"

"That's..." Haseo had to stop himself for a second. 'I could use Matsu in this situation. I guess the question truly is... do I go with healing or straight offense?'

"What are you hesitating for, man? Me, you, and Avox! We'll-"

"It's two on two!" Mika spoke up quickly earning a flick to the forehead from Matsu.

"And? C'mon Haseo! You want to win, don't you? Just invite me and Avox, we all want to send a message to Kuhn, don't we? What better way than beating the daylights out of Silabus!"

"No." Haseo put it simply absolutely no room for argument in his voice as he crossed his arms in slight anger at Matsu's willingness to cheat like that.

"What's gotten into you? Normally you wouldn't hesitate to do this kind of thing."

"Things changed, Matsu. I'm not cheating on a two on two. I'll happily invite you along to join me in the fight, but we aren't adding a third player in this."

Matsu gave a bit of a huff in response to Haseo before finally rolling his eyes. "Fine. I guess I'll join you then, but I pick the field we level up in!" Matsu declared loudly.

"Fine, deal." Haseo simply let it go and Matsu nodded eagerly before rubbing his hands together.

"Good. I have a place I've been wanting to try out. You're perfect for the job, let's get going," Matsu told Haseo right off the bat. Haseo gave a sigh in response to Matsu before just shrugging.

"Alright, fine, Mika-"

"You want me to come?" Mika asked happily as he clasped his hands together in excitement. Haseo tsked his tongue lightly, however before Haseo could answer, Matsu did for him.

"Ah-ha, no. Trust the leveling up to the big boys, Mika why don't you... go and do something you normally do."

'Rude.' Was the only thought that entered Haseo's head when he saw Mika's deflated happiness. "I'll wait for you here, Mika when we get done, okay?"

"Yeah. Okay, bye Haseo," Mika warped away in a bit of a huff leaving Haseo with Matsu.

"Well, invite me into your party and lets get to leveling up," Matsu demanded with a bit of a huff in his voice. Haseo did as Matsu asked and invited him into his party. "Good, now the area I want to go is sigma efficient dancing moonlight." Haseo nodded and made a mental note of the area words as he could no longer bookmark them. Truthfully going to level up made him a little more at ease. It was going to take his mind off of things. Take his mind off of this crazy opposite world he was in. He needed to take his frustration off of some pixelated monsters.

Mika gave a bit of a sigh as he stood at the harbor waiting for Haseo to come back. He had some news on the character known as 'Pi' and very, very, little information on the one known as 'Endrance', but it seemed his friend was busy taking his sweet time with Matsu. "Typical." Mika could only scoff. Even if this Haseo was different from the normal PKKer Haseo, he was still Haseo and liked to blow him off it seemed. Standing there tapping his thumbs together Mika gave another bored sigh.

"Mika does this, Mika does that, Mika get me this-" Hearing Silabus's voice, Mika jumped a little as the green-clad man came sauntering over to him. Mika backed up until the invisible barrier of the game stopped him from going over the edge. "- Why do you put up with that... bully?" Silabus asked Mika before pinching Mika's cheek lightly.

"That's rich coming from a PKer!" Mika huffed before slapping Silabus's hand off of his cheek. "What do you want?"

"I have a... proposition for you."

"Oh yeah? and Just what would that be?" Mika crossed his arms as Silabus leaned in close to his ear and whispered into his ear.

"I don't know you put with Haseo. I mean, he PK's you, He betrays you every turn, and he's forcing you to do his dirty work of looking for people within the game on the forums. Why put up with that abuse?"

"Stop it!" Mika hissed as he gave Silabus a slight shove back. "You don't understand he's not the same-"

"Tut, tut, just like an abuse victim to go crawling back to the person who abused them to start with. Mika, Haseo has been lying to you. He's changed? He's not the Terror of Death anymore? Why all of a sudden? and if that were the case: Why would he go with Matsu?" Silabus cooed gently as he suddenly tugged on Mika's cheek again. "Face it, Mika, Haseo isn't a nice guy, he hasn't changed, and he's only using you. If he needed you, you'd be leveling up with him. Not Matsu. He's just trying to get you out of his hair, like he always has in the past."

Mika, once again, slapped Silabus's hand away from him as he scowled, his scowl then turned into a solid frown as he rubbed his cheek. "That's-" he paused. "I-" Another pause. Mika clenched his fists tightly. "It's not true, he told me about... his other world..."

"What?" Silabus questioned Mika with a raised eyebrow.

"Silabus... why don't you hang around Gaspard?"

"Gaspard? The beast? Why- What in the world are you talking about. Whatever Haseo has been telling you is all nothing but lies! Another world? C'mon there's no such thing, Mika. He's lying. He's a liar that's what they do. He's manipulating you, Mika. Now you see... I won't lie to you... not like he has. I truly need you," Silabus told him slowly. "I need you to help me take down Haseo. To make him pay for all the lies he told to you."

Mika stood there for few seconds, hoping that maybe Haseo would come around the corner and clear everything up, but he didn't come. Mika felt like an idiot yet he didn't want to believe Silabus either. "I don't think he was lying, Silabus..."

"Tell you what, Mika..." Silabus suddenly wrapped his arm around Mika's shoulder as he gave the harvest cleric a small smile. This time, Mika didn't push him off. "Come and explain to me everything Haseo has been telling you. I can guarantee he's been lying through his teeth about all of it, but I just want to hear what these stories consist of." Mika still felt hesitant as he fidgeted with his fingers a little. "We'll do some leveling up as well, don't worry, I'll protect you from any out of line Pkers. I promise."