Chapter One

A/N: I have too many unfinished stories right now, so I should not be starting another one but I have too many Jimmy feels so I just had to write another story.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything, just a fan of the show.

WARNINGS: Mentions of an abusive boyfriend. I think that's it for now.

What comes after this momentary bliss? Consequence of what you do to me... Myth – Beach House

"Marissa, come quickly!"

Marissa heard her stepmother Grace calling for her and sighed as she took off her apron and left the kitchen. A willowy blonde woman with green eyes dressed in a cream fitted jacket with silk lapels and a matching skirt stood at the foot of the stairs, frowning at her. "What is it, mother?" Marissa asked. "You know I'm busy with dinner preparations."

"Andrew will be here in a matter of minutes, and you haven't even changed yet!" Grace exclaimed. "Don't worry about the food; it will just about be done by the time he comes."

Marissa looked down at her white blouse which was paired with a yellow sweater and skirt set. "What's wrong with the way I look now?"

"It's boring, and it doesn't flatter your figure, darling. It's fine for your little job at the library, but not for dinner with your future husband," Grace reached up and took Marissa's glasses from her. "And what did I say about these? Throw them away; you need to get a new pair that's not so old fashioned."

"No, I won't change them," Marissa stated firmly. She did not often say no to her stepmother, let alone to anyone but the glasses were special to her. "Daddy picked these out for me, remember? When I wear them I think of him..."

"Well, your dear father left us with a lot of debt on our hands, Marissa. I am trying my best here, but if you don't do as I say we will be ruined. Andrew is perfect for you. He's smart, handsome and most importantly he stands to inherit two businesses in town. It's a miracle you were able to catch his interest in the first place. If only you were a natural beauty like me, why I'm sure we could have secured an even better prospective husband for you but Andrew will do just fine. He'll be able to take care of you and me quite comfortably, and we won't lose the house," Grace marched up the stairs, turning back to beckon impatiently at Marissa to follow her. "Come along now; let's pick out something suitable for you to wear."

Marissa reluctantly followed Grace back upstairs. Grace picked out one of her own dresses for Marissa to wear, proclaiming that it suited Marissa's pale skin tone and was much more in fashion than any of the dresses Marissa had. Although Grace was slightly taller than Marissa, they were both slim and the dress fit Marissa well. Then Grace sat Marissa down at her dresser and brushed out her long red hair, before gathering the top section up into a ponytail which she secured tightly with a white ribbon. "I think it's a bit too tight..." Marissa put a hand up the ponytail and Grace smacked her hand away.

"It's meant to be that way, so it doesn't fall out. Just leave it," Grace snapped. "And where is all the make-up I bought for you?"

Marissa reluctantly opened the drawer in her dresser. She only liked to put on a little lipstick and that was the basis of her daily make-up routine. "I don't like wearing a lot of make-up. What's wrong with being natural?"

Grace laughed. "Oh, my dear. Only ugly girls say things like that. And you are not ugly, but you are a little plain. Make-up can turn a plain girl into a pretty one, just like magic. And of course, it just enhances natural beauty like my own. Besides, it will help cover those awful freckles on the bridge of your nose," She set to work applying a light foundation base to Marissa's face before adding some peach blusher. "I think we'll go with the coral lipstick..." Grace decided, while rummaging through the make-up supply. She applied the lipstick and some mascara as well as a shade of eyeshadow that drew attention to Marissa's blue eyes. "Perfect..." Grace clapped. "You look much better now," She stared expectantly at Marissa. "Now, what do you have to say to me?"

"Thank you, mother," Marissa replied quietly, and then took a thoughtful look at her reflection. Now it was done, she actually liked it but she still would not want to do it on a daily basis. Although perhaps on special occasions, it would be nice to have it done.

Grace leant down and hugged her. "You're welcome, darling. Now, I hope you're not going to look so miserable when Andrew arrives. If you-" The chime of the doorbell interrupted Grace, and she looked alarmed. "He must be here now. Hurry, go and open the door for him. I'll watch over the food in the meantime."

Marissa sighed as she went downstairs and headed for the front door. She was uneasy about seeing Andrew again, and a little hesitant but yet she was also looking forward to see him again, despite the incident that had happened a few days ago. Andrew had hit her. Still, he had been under a lot of stress from work. He had apologized and promised he would not do it again. Marissa had to hope he was telling the truth. Marissa opened the door and took in the sight of Andrew. He was tall and broad shouldered, with hazel eyes and fair hair that was as usual gelled back with a neat side parting. Tonight he was wearing a tailored dark blue suit half hidden under his felt jacket. In the two months that she had been dating him, Marissa had never once seen him in casual clothes. "Hello, Andrew. Please come in," Marissa stepped aside so he could enter the house and then shut the door.

Andrew was holding a bouquet of lilies in his hand. He appeared to be surprised as his gaze travelled from her made up face to the dress. "Marissa, you look different today."

"Yes, it was mother's idea," Marissa bit her lip, trying to gauge his thoughts. "What do you think?"

"I don't think you need so much make-up," Andrew replied, giving her a mild look of disapproval. "And the neckline of the dress is a little too low, Marissa..."

"Oh, I see..." Marissa felt disappointed that he had nothing nice to say about her appearance but reminded herself that he liked her just the way she was and she should be grateful for that.

Andrew's expression changed to a rueful one. "I didn't mean to upset you, I'm sorry..." He sighed. "The truth is, you look beautiful. Too beautiful. I don't want other guys getting attracted to you, because you're my girl. And besides, you're perfect just the way you are," Andrew smiled softly at her as he handed her the lilies. "Here, I got these for you."

Marissa was touched by the sincerity in Andrew's tone and her disappointment faded away. "That's so nice of you, Andrew..." Marissa smiled brightly as she leant over to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you."

Andrew unbuttoned his jacket and took it off, before he held it out to her. "I should go and say hello to your mother."

"Alright, I'll see you in a little while," Marissa replied, taking his jacket which she then hung up in the coat closet. Then she found a glass vase to put the lilies in, and added some water after finding a good place for the vase. When Marissa went into the dining room, she saw that Andrew and Grace were already seated at the table. Marissa had laid out all the place settings and cutlery earlier, and Grace had placed the steaming hot chicken pie in the centre of the table, along with some side dishes and a bottle of wine. Andrew and Grace were talking in hushed tones, but when she came into the room they stopped.

"I was just telling your mother that she could be mistaken for your sister," Andrew remarked.

"Nonsense, as if that could be true..." Grace coyly replied, with a little laugh. "Marissa, don't just stand there darling. I'm sure Andrew is ready to eat now."

Marissa cut open the pie, gravy spilling out as she plated up slices for everyone. She added some creamy mashed potatoes and some vegetables to each plate and then served up the meal. The conversation mainly revolved around Andrew's work and Grace's gossip about their neighbours. Marissa was glad that Andrew liked the pie, although he was not so keen on the dessert which he criticized heavily. Grace's smile became tense, and Marissa could tell her stepmother had taken offense although she was hiding it well. It had been Grace who had made the dessert in the first place, but Andrew did not know that. Grace excused herself rather abruptly after dessert ended. Andrew engaged Marissa in small talk until he had to leave, and they parted ways with a chaste kiss.

"You liked the cake, didn't you?" Grace asked as she sat at the breakfast table, watching Marissa wash up the plates.

"Yes, it was lovely mother," Marissa rinsed off a soapy plate then dried it with a cloth. "Perhaps Andrew just doesn't like the taste of coconuts."

"Of course, it must be that. Your father always loved my coconut cake, you know," Grace stood up from the table and pressed a hand up to her forehead. "Darling, I have a frightful migraine. You don't mind cleaning up on your own tonight, do you?"

"No, mother. You go and get some rest," Marissa replied kindly. "I'll bring you up some cocoa in an hour."

Grace smiled as she came over and dropped a kiss onto Marissa's cheek. "I knew you would understand, Marissa."

The next morning Marissa woke up late and had to rush to get ready because she had an early shift at the library. The head librarian Mrs Danvers would be cross if she was not there on time. After Marissa changed into suitable work attire and twisted her hair into a hasty bun, she had to leave and did not have time for breakfast. She usually walked to the library, since it was only a few blocks away from her house. Today she decided to take her bicycle, which meant she could put her lunch sack and her purse into the basket attached to the bicycle instead of carrying it like she usually did. Fortunately, she arrived just on time so Mrs Danvers had no reasonable excuse to scold her. Marissa loved working at the library. She felt most at peace there. Her favourite books were like old friends. The morning passed quietly with Marissa sorting out returned books and a new lot of books that had come in. Mrs Danvers took an early lunch and left Marissa in charge of the front desk in her absence. There was nobody in the library at the moment, so Marissa took the chance to fix her hair which had started to unravel from the bun.

Just as she had let her hair loose however someone entered the library, so she had to leave it for the time being. Marissa knew most of the townsfolk in Jupiter, but she had never seen him before. It was not cold outside but he was wearing leather gloves that matched his jacket, under which was a white t-shirt paired with jeans. As he walked up to the front desk Marissa could see he was taller than her, but not as tall as Andrew was. He had tousled dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. He leaned on the desk, and smiled at her in a friendly way.

Marissa was so caught up in staring at him that it took a minute or so before she snapped out of her daze. She felt embarrassed and knew a pink flush was creeping onto her face. She also felt bad because she knew she should not have stared at him, no matter how attractive he was. Marissa had Andrew, and she was lucky to have him. So she smiled politely and did what she was supposed to do. "How can I help you today?"

"I was wondering if I could leave some flyers in here," He replied, taking out a rolled up sheaf of papers which he laid out on the desk. "If that's allowed..."

Marissa picked up one of the flyers and glanced at it, intrigued by what was shown on it. "Oh, this looks like an interesting show. Are you one of the performers?"

"Yeah, I am. They call me the Lobster Boy," He laughed. "But my real name is Jimmy Darling."

"Nice to meet you, Jimmy. I'm Marissa Winters," She opened a drawer in the desk and took out a small case of tacks. "I'll put one of your flyers up on the notice board, that might help attract more attention." She stood up and walked over to the notice board, flyer and tacks in her hands, before surveying the board to choose a place for the flyer.

"What about the top corner?"

Marissa turned to see Jimmy was standing right behind her. It startled her, and she stepped back. Being in such close proximity to him made her feel nervous. She had to turn back and take a deep breath before she could talk again. "Oh yes, there is a space free there..." She pressed the flyer up against the surface of the board then got some tacks ready.

"Here, I'll hold the flyer in place and you pin it," Jimmy suggested, placing his hand onto the flyer.

"Thank you," Marissa smiled as she pushed the tacks into the flyer. "There, that's done."

"I gotta go, but maybe I'll see you around sometime," Jimmy replied. "And you should come visit our show."

Just as Jimmy turned to leave, Marissa put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Wait, you didn't tell me why you're called the Lobster Boy."

Jimmy took off his gloves, revealing his unusual hands. His fingers were frozen forever in two V shapes, a thumb, index and pointer finger on one side of the V and the ring finger and little finger on the other side.

Marissa gasped in shock, and then she leaned forwards to get a closer look. She touched Jimmy's hands with her own, running her fingers over his fused together ones, feeling how they differed from her own. "Have they always been like this?"

Jimmy drew back his hands from her touch and put his gloves on again. "Yeah, I was born this way." He gave her a hard, challenging stare. "Got a problem with it?"

Marissa shook her head slowly. "No, no...I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have touched you. It was very rude of me. It's just that I haven't seen anything like that before..."

"You'll see a lot more that you haven't seen, if you come to the show," Jimmy replied teasingly, and to Marissa's relief he smiled again before he left.

She had not meant to offend him after all. It was just that she could not help her curiosity. Marissa went back to the desk and when Mrs Danvers showed up Marissa was able to take her lunch and sit at a table in the library, reading one of her own novels while she ate. Mrs Danvers was very strict on not allowing food or drink near the books, but she could not complain when it was Marissa's own books at risk of damage. Just after she finished her sandwich, she saw Andrew coming over to her table. He often dropped in at the library on her lunch break to visit her. After they greeted each other and he sat down, Marissa mentioned the show to him. "...And so I think it would be really fun. We could even go tonight," Marissa took a bite of her apple. "We haven't gone out anywhere new in a while now."

"I've heard of it before. It's nothing more than a sideshow for freaks of nature," Andrew replied scornfully. "There is no way I'm going to waste money paying to see them."

Marissa frowned at him. "Don't call them freaks. They may be different in some ways, but we're all human and we all bleed the same. If you really don't want to go, then maybe I'll just go on my own."

"You're not going anywhere unless I allow you to, Marissa," Andrew slammed his hand down onto the table, causing Mrs Danvers to glower at him and loudly shush him. He ignored her, and kept talking. "You're forbidden from going to that freakshow, and if you don't listen to me you're going to regret it." He stood up and stormed around the table then grabbed hold of Marissa's arm, pulling her to a standing position. He was red faced, glowering at her as he pulled her out of sight of Mrs Danvers and roughly pushed her back against a bookcase. "Do you understand?"

Marissa quickly nodded, averting her gaze from him and hoping he would not realize she was lying to him. "Yes, I do. I won't go, I promise," Although it worried her when Andrew got into one of his moods, she just had to go and see the show; she wanted to see Jimmy performing.

"You knocked some books off a shelf, young man," Mrs Danvers marched up to them, holding a small pile of books which she thrust at Andrew. "Now you had better put them back. And Marissa, your lunch break is over now. Get back to work," Mrs Danvers turned on her heel and went back to the desk.

Andrew handed the books to Marissa, and he seemed calmer now as he gently tucked a lock of Marissa's hair back behind her ear and kissed her softly. "I didn't mean to shout at you, sweetheart. You know I hate it when we argue. Sometimes you might not like my decisions but you know I only want what's best for you, Marissa,"

Marissa set the books onto a shelf and hugged him tightly, breathing in his scent and trying hard not to compare it to Jimmy's own scent which was more natural, no cologne but just the fresh clean scent of a soap. "I know, Andrew. I'm sorry; it was my fault too..." She was not really apologizing for what had happened today, but for what she was going to do. Sneaking off to see the show after he had told her not to. Marissa felt so guilty but she knew if she did not go she would regret it.

Thanks for reading :)