
Drink, drink to old Ga'Hoole-

Boola boola boola boole!

Come along, mates, and give a tipple-

how that wine makes gizzards ripple!

Kira nearly laughed out loud at the scene before her. This was her first time at the Ga'Hoolian celebration known as the Harvest Festival, and it was customary to start the evening with Madame Plonk singing the "Harvest Hymn". However, Bubo, the tree's blacksmith, had bursted in with this song, and the mood went from solemn to merry in thirteen seconds flat. Madame Plonk herself seemed to enjoy the change of mood, and Kira's friend Val was dancing merrily with Bubo.

Ever since Kira and her friends had arrived at the great tree, life had been absolutely splendid. Thousands of owls eagerly attended Kira's seminar, and even after she became a member of the search-and-rescue chaw, many were still asking her questions about that day. Her friends fared quite well, too; Leo had recently been tapped for the navigation chaw, Val had been picked for metals, and Athena had been tapped for healing. Kira remembered that day quite well; Val had been thrilled and had hung her iron tree up in the hollow, Leo had been absolutely dumbfounded, and Athena had panicked, claiming she knew next to nothing about healing. Fortunately, Kira had been able to help her on the parts where she had gotten stuck, and before long, Athena became a natural. She was still, however, the biggest flirt Kira had ever met, and at the moment, she saw the chirpy little Saw-Whet fluffing her feathers in front of a Saw-Whet named Martin. Martin, Kira had learned, was in the weather interpretation chaw, and the weather interpretation chaw was taught by a Whiskered Screech named Ezylryb… who was currently missing.

Kira was pondering Ezylryb's disappearance when a new song began playing. Barran flew towards where Madame Plonk had previously been. "Owls of Ga'Hoole," she began, "as you know, the brave owl Kira arrived at the tree after proving her intelligence and her bravery during what has come to be called The Great Downing." A cheer went up from the crowd, and Kira looked away modestly. "You may also know that Kira has brought three friends with her, and the four of them have asked to perform a special song sung at many celebrations in Silverveil. And so, I would like you to please welcome Kira, Valentina, Leonardo, and Athena!" A massive cheer went up from the audience, and the song that had started playing began to pick up rhythm as Kira and her friends started dancing and singing.

(Scatting) Hey, hey, hey! (Leo: Come on, get up!)

(Scatting) Hey, hey, hey! (Leo: Yeah!)

(Scatting) Hey, hey, hey!

(Scatting) Hey, hey, hey!

Oh-oh-oh… oh-oh-oh

We're together, no matter where we may go (Leo: ooh…)

Ah-ah-ah… Ah-ah-ah

Through whatever, together, we can go far

Leo: It's the emerald we treasure, coming from the forest to you

Kira: Beating like it's heart beats,

Val: Playing rhythms we've grown to

Leo: It's the emerald we treasure

Kira & Val: Coming from the place where we live (Leo: Place where we live, ooh-ooh…). The home of freedom and

Kira, Val & Leo: Happiness

Athena: Time flies forever,

The forest's like a breeze

It's a wonder, now ready your feathers

In case someone wants you to dance!

Athena looked to her partner, a Burrowing Owl known as Aya, only to find her sleeping. Annoyed, Athena nudged Aya with her talons. "Come on, Aya!" she hooted, gesturing to a group of Burrowing Owls dancing away. "You're missing the whole festival!"

"Alright, alright!" Aya replied, slightly grumpy. "Saw-Whets…"

Leva na batida, bate o tambor

Leva na batida, dá um show

Leva na batida, whoa, whoa

Leva na batida, leva pro gol...

Kira had been doing a lively dance with a young Fish Owl in her chaw when she noticed a small gathering of mist on a branch outside of the Great Hollow. Uttering an apology to her partner, she flew outside towards the gathering of mist and watched as it took on the now familiar shape of her half brother. This is about that unfinished business, isn't it? She asked wordlessly

Yes. Garth's scroom replied. Business that is finished thanks to you. I never had the courage to oppose my father the way you did, so you stood up for both of us. And for that, I will be forever grateful.

Kira felt a strange calm flow through her. You're not coming back, are you? She asked him, although her voice had no sorrow in it.

No, Kira. Garth replied. The time has at last come for me to go to glaumora. Do not weep for me though, for while we are separated on Earth, I shall always watch over you.

And in my heart you shall remain. Kira replied, and watched calmly as the scroom of her brother faded away. To glaumora at last. Kira thought to herself as she joined back into the festivities, dancing now with Leo, Val, and Athena. Even so, something in her gizzard seemed to give a little twinge. The threat of Purge and Brutus may have vanished, but Kira sensed a larger storm on the horizon. For now, however, she would dance, sing, and celebrate with her friends, because at long last, her brother has found peace.

And so has she.

A/N: Waaaaahhhhh! The story's over! Seriously guys, thank you so much for your support for this story. Now that this story is finished, I will definitely go back to writing about Kludd and Nyra, since they do a lot in books 4-6. However, this will not be the last you see of Kira, I promise! Oh, and the song used in this chapter is "Batucada Familia" from Rio 2, with some lyrics changed for context, of course. As always, show some love and review!

Disclaimer: I do not own Guardians of Ga'Hoole or "Batucada Familia"; full credit goes to their respective writers